Hey guys! How goes it!
Well for me
I took a recent fall down into the abyss of "no-no's"
As in
I broke quite a few promises in the past few days
First, I broke the big one
I uh.... well... let's just say I needed bandages for my arm
Ask me no Questions, I'll tell You no Lies.
I also bought a "weapon" of sorts. It's an "everything" pocket knife as I like to call them. (Pliers, knife, filer, screw driver, bottle opener, things IDK, but no scissors XP)
So two promises
Two of the biggest promises I was actually obligated to keep for once. And I broke them, not that I hadn't broken the one before... but too break both in such a small amount of time? Sheesh I'm asking for some sort of punishment, right?
Ah what else... I'm going to prom this year with a date (hope my sweetie doesn't get too mad at me...) And it's going to be fun. I hope
He's kind of a sap
And I think he's pretty sure that apparently we're going to get married? I don't even know, I mean yesterday we hung out and he was talking about me being a working mother and him being a stay at home dad.
I mean wtf. I get that he's a senior and all, he's not too terribly far off from that kind of situation. But with me? Ah... ********]. I mean, even if he doesn't go to college right away (he said that while looking at me hopefully, ugh) I'm probably going to Colorado first (anyone I know living there? I wouldn't mind saying hi :3) and I'm not "staying" with him once I leave off to college
If he wants to hold my hand and continue a delusion that we're apparently "together" than fine by me, I couldn't give two ******** about it.
But this little situation isn't lasting past his senior year, and if for some awful reason it does (major eye-roll right here) it certainly isn't lasting past mine.
Go ahead.
Call me cruel. Because I am being extremely cruel by doing this, I know. Don't worry. I'm not that foolish. And I will eventually get around to asking him exactly what he expects to come from this arrangement of ours. And should it be as crazy as I'm thinking well... bye-bye arrangement, hello crazy people.
I feel like if I'm not careful I'll get the butt-end of this entire situation
Not that I mind. Well.. I do... a lot. But I also understand that anything that results from this is entirely my fault and I'm willing to take the consequences.
I also know I'm being extremely unfair to a lot of people. I mean
A. Lot.
Not that I've ever really cared about what people think of me.
Let's see... what else...
I got a boy in trouble. Every day in my third hour class he would bother me. He always said "Hey, hey faith girl. Hey!" or something rude. He also tried getting me to go to prom with his friend, who didn't even know I existed until then and who also wanted to go with this other chick. Every time I told the original guy to stop he'd turn to his friend and say "Hey, control your date" or he'd say "hey calm down" or tell me he was scared of me. (it only took one threat for him to realize my pencil case could function as a projectile weapon...) he also insinuated I was a whore. He said "Hey you dated that one guy and that other guy at the same time right?"
etc. he was just extremely rude
I even slapped him in the back of the head. Not hard! I mean if I had let myself go he would've had a knot on his head, I'm weak until I need to defend myself >.>
So that happened
But anyways, I went up to the teacher after he'd been particularly rude one day and told the teacher what was happening. He hasn't bothered me since then so far. I mean I've only been in class with him one time after that happened.
Annoyances terminated :3
what else...
hmm... I'm sure I'll think of more later ^^
But for now?
I'm out of... oh... wait..!
I saw Captain America 2
I loved it so much heart
OMG I hit backspace by mistake and went back a page and I was so worried I'd lost all that I had just typed XD that would've sucked, I've been trying to get my thoughts in order for this for like the last half hour (yes it can take me that long, my rambling is even worse if I don't think anything over)
But anyways
Captain America 2? 9/10 and it's only that because I hate giving perfect scores wink
Bye all!
I shall post soon, possibly, maybe... idk
**2015 EDIT**
Oh I have a lot to say about this post.
Firstly, I am now a proud owner of a very beautiful hunters knife. She really is a beauty of her own, and I'm proud to have her. She was a "don't think about" purchase that I definitely don't regret. And don't worry, she's only broken skin once and that was because I didn't realize how sharp she actually was.
As for the next part.
The delusional boy I mentioned this?
Oh yes he was very delusional.
I don't think I ever mentioned that I did in fact tell him I would never love him, right to his face, and I will proudly say I kept a serious face. He had jokingly told me that he would fall in love with me if I kept talking to him, and I replied seriously.
He knew I was being serious.
I warned him, time and time again, that I wouldn't and couldn't love him.
He knew what he was getting himself into and he thought he could change me, and I pity him for that. Really I do, and I regret letting that situation go on for as long as it did.
I've never had someone completely disregard my warnings like that before and just throw caution to the wind.
A few days after prom he told me he loved me.
And a week or two after that he said that "When I look at you, I feel something special, and I know that you feel the same way, even if you won't admit it."
Oh yeah. Totally, that boy deluded himself thoroughly.
And when I did finally break it off he spent an entire week trying to get me to take it back, to take him back.
And a month or so after that, he messaged me saying he still loved me, and that he would never stop loving me.
I warned him.
I never wanted to hurt him as much as I did.
But I warned him.
And there's a price to pay for ignoring my warnings.
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