Age: 24
Eyes: multicolored, right eye blue and left eye white (an eye patch covers it usually)
Height: 5" 3'
Physique: A bit short but not vertically challenge, she has some muscles
Hair: She has long, midnight black with red highlights. The highlights are not prominent on the base but a bit more accented on her bangs. She has a few bangs, particularly one that swoops down and covers her left eye.That bang is more red.
EXs: [X][x][X]
Apparel: This is set in an earlier setting so she wears kimonos. She comes from the Phoenix clan so she prefers to wear kimonos with fire like symbols and colors. She also wears the traditional Japanese Geta (black straps). She is modest in what she wears.
EXs: Kimono-[X][x][X] Geta-[X]
Weapons: She is a shugenja so spell casting is her forte. She also carries with her a katana and a wakizashi. She keeps her weapons hidden under hear kimono usually.
EXs: Shugenja [X] Katana-[x]
Personality: Due to her discolored eye she never made any friends and became very anti-social. Now as an adult she is socially inept. She is reserved and wears a blank face.
Element: Fire is her everything. She lives and breaths fire and embraces its warm embers.
Poses: 1). Ready to attack with fire (use any idea from here).
2). Regular pose
3). Holding katana/wakizashi
4). Anything really

(This is from a role play game called Legend of the Five Rings or L5R)
Bio: She was born in the Crab lands which is known as a brutish, rugged culture. The Crab are warriors through and through and are strikingly similar to the Spartans. They take it upon themselves to defend the wall which keeps those who are Tainted (zombie-like creatures but worse) at bay and prevent anyone in the land from being Tainted as well. Satomi was born to two very unlikely parents. Isawa Ayame was born a Phoenix but due to an arranged marriage between them and the Crab, was forced to marry a socially inept Hida Domu. Ayame always ended up getting into some type of mischief constantly. Hida Domu was born a Crab and very warrior-like.
She has 3 older brothers and found little time for beauty due to all their rough housing. Satomi was born with a discolored eye (left) and people always avoided her believing she harbored evil spirits and that she would pass the spirits on to them. She ended up growing out her bangs to try and hide her eye. When she was about 18, a man named Hida Osaku (Crab born) found his way into her life. They became incredibly close and her truly loved her for her. He didn't care about what evil spirits she was or was not harboring. They spend about a year and a half together before he finally proposed in their favorite gazebo. She said yes immediately. Osaku told her the next day they would tell her parents because he had guard duty that night. She hurried back the next day only to find his mangled body being examined by the police. She wept for months before Satomi's mother gave her Osaku's flute and the song he was writing for her. Since then she has been honing her fire magic and her swordsmanship to defend the Crab lands.
Thank you for the art!
kyra-yin: [X]
Elenielle: [x]