Jonah and his six brothers are in trouble. They've recently moved into their beloved Grandmother's Manor, with the passing of their Grandfather their Mother sends them there to make sure that the elderly woman isn't harmed by the local hoodlums. While there the seven brothers run into three rival gangs which use their Grandmother's Yard as their main battleground. The three eldest manage to get the two leaders inside for peace talks as the younger four find out that there is more issues within the house than originally thought. A quartet of "ghosts" are causing mischief all throughout the house and nearby town. As the elder three deal with the gangs, the younger four deal with the "ghosts" bothering their Grandmother.
The Brothers: a set of twins, a single, a single, a single and a set of twins.

The Gang Leaders: a demon, a warlock and a half-faye.
 Kaizer Magmus: Leader of the most intimidating of the three gangs- The Infernal Sons. A demon of War, Wrath and Lust who hates the warlock for being a control freak and the half-faye for being a weakling. His reaction to the three elder grandsons interfering is one of hostility as he wants to kill the other two with almost all his backbone. Kaizer finds himself falling for the more relaxed one of the three elder grandsons.
 Alnilam Elder: Leader of the most controlling of the three gangs- The Maestro's of Shadow. A warlock of shadow, mist and illusion who hates the demon for being cruel and the half-faye for being too nice. His reaction to the three elder grandsons interfering is one of indifference as he wants to just get things over with. Alnilam finds himself falling for the more headstrong of the the three elder grandsons.
 Ione Myst: Leader of the most passive of the three gangs- The Etheral Marauders. A Halfing of Night Faye and Human who hates the demon and the warlock for being narrow minded idiots. His reaction to the three elder grandsons interfering is one of acceptance as he wants the other two to see a more gentler side of things. Ione finds himself falling for the gentler of the three elder grandsons.
The "Ghosts": a elf, a fallen, a sea monster and a vampire.

SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Sat Nov 23, 2013 @ 03:46am · 0 Comments |