<a href="http://s219.photobucket.com/user/curs3r3/media/PileofGoldDungeonHordesJoke1_zps339d37a0.gif.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc50/curs3r3/PileofGoldDungeonHordesJoke1_zps339d37a0.gif" border="0" alt=" photo PileofGoldDungeonHordesJoke1_zps339d37a0.gif"/></a>
Review 3. Oct 12, 2013
Dungeon Hordes Comic Review for Web-comics Wednesday, Super-comic Saturday, and Mega-comic Monday Reviews
Welcome to Web-Comic Wednesday, Super-Comic Saturday, and Mega-comic Monday Reviews! Review blogs are incredibly popular, and comics are a near infinite source free illustrated fiction books to review. Each comic we review is the winner of the “FH7 Web-comic Weekly Winner Award”, and the author can feel free to post “Award Winning” on their comic. My Technorati rating this week is 40778 (up from its lowest popularity rating of 4087 cool at Frozen History Seven Publishing out of about 3 million entertainment review blogs. It is listed here: technorati.com It is getting to be a big deal in book promotional blogs even if it is still at hobby status.
Name of Comic: Dungeon Hordes
Grade: So far so good **** four out of five stars.
Location of Comic: http://dungeonhordes.com/ and http://www.dungeonhordes.deviantart.com/
Username of Creator: Jonathan Murdock
How I Found It: DeviantArt
Major Themes: Fantasy and Gaming
Days of Update: Daily
Will it Continue: Outlook Very Good
Reviews: This week’s Super-comic Saturday Review is the online comic Dungeon Hordes. One of the more fun hobbies on the net is posting comics. Even a stick figure saying nothing will count as a posting. This week marks my realization of just how much better DeviantArt has gotten for comic posting. I first started using it in 2008, and wow it is so much better now it is amazing! Dungeon Hordes was one of the “white rabbit” comics that I followed down the rabbit hole online this week to see just how much more amazing the features have gotten in the break I took using DeviantArt. Part of my good impression of the comic comes from it being well posted on DeviantArt’s new forums.
Dungeon Hordes is a very funny gaming comic. It pokes fun at the many Hobbit book style standards of the table top and online video game world. Wizard, Warriors, Rangers, and Rouges have been known to take themselves way too seriously in games. Letting off a bit of steam when gaming by laughing is half the fun, and gaming comics show that off well. In the latest comic storyline in Dungeon Hordes, fighters bash lawyers and dive into piles of gold. He is self described here: “Jonathan Murdock Artist | Hobbyist | Traditional Art Hi my name is Jonathan and I'm the creator/writer/drawer dude of Dungeon Hordes! My art training comes from boredom at school and doodling on the side of work assignments and my folders. After that I started making mini comics for my Friends And now I draw Dungeon Hordes!” - http://www.dungeonhordes.deviantart.com/ Pretty much all gamers are now becoming part time cartoonists, and the web is accommodating them well on sites like DeviantArt.
DeviantArt is indeed the new Art-Myspace. It shows the latest uploads from around the world in the log in screen. It has a wild assortment of scanned and computer made images. Now you can even upload written works with poems, short sayings, and very short stories in writing that become a little animated scrolling gif images. Music artists can even include their music cover art. It is branching many art genres.
DeviantArt has now improved socially in other ways for a near Art-Myspace style feel. Art is now able to be posted in “groups” so it is far more likely to be seen beyond the log in screen. Now you can see journals on the main page, and even see when people have mentioned your user name online. These groups help sort artists by style from My Little Pony, Nature Art, and now even comics can be found more easily. Dungeon Hordes posts to such comics groups as Comics Underground, Strips o Rama, and Cartoons and Comics. I noticed many other comics doing this as well, and it gave me some great ideas for my own comic promotions. I wished I had know how much better it was at showcasing art! I would have started posting there more often. I give this comic, and it’s DeviantArt page a good review.
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