Females, males, almost any ages
Almost nude (For n***s please visit my DA and leave a message there)
Semi Mech (a few mechanical parts is ok)
Ears and Tails ok
Gender bending

Black body dye (unless you have a lot of white or light colored items on to offset the amount of black)
Full Mecha
Full Anthro

Fill out the order form correctly with your offer for the art you ordering.
Each style will have a form to fill out.
1/2 is monitary offer, 1/2 substance.
I will "quote" your post and offer with an "Accepted" or "Declined"
If accepted please start trade right away. You have a week to start your trade once accepted before your order is deleted.
I start the art once the trade is started.
You may request to see the WIP or sketch before I finalize the art.
Once I am done I will finish my end of the trade and P.M the art once you finalize the trade on your end.
Aand there is much rejoycing (insert cheer)

No ordering while slots are full.
If there is no nomber empty, that means slots are full.
I do NOT reserve slots.
I will give some people a heads up that slots will or are open.
Do NOT PM your order to me.
Customers have 3 days to start the trade when order is accepted. 4th day if no trade is started, I cancel your order.

~Full Body Pin-Up~

~Full Body Chibi~

gaia_star Pinup-(detailed, traditional art, sexy poses, basic-intricate background) Bribe min @ 10 mil.
;star:Chibi-(detailed, traditional art, basic-intricate background) Bribe min @ 500k
gaia_star Pinup Couple Art: Min offer 20 mil, Only in waist up. Does not come in full body.
gaia_star Chibi Couple Art: Min offer 1 mil.
gaia_star RLC:For RLC's
gaia_gaiagold Payments prefered in pure gold or RL, but will accept items.

User Name~
Avi gender~
Eye color~
Tektek or ref~
Body Type~ {Body build like Voluptuous, thin ect..}
Bribe Offer~
User Name~
Avi gender~
Eye color~
Tektek or ref~
Body Type~ {Body build like Voluptuous, thin ect..}
Bribe Offer~