(Might update this a lil bit but aside from that this is teh very last Chapter of the main story and I hope you enjoy!!! ^0^)
Chapter 7
Chp. 7: The Final Count Down/End of All Hope-Nightwish
"From our ugliness will grow the soul of the world." - Andrei Platonov
Important Sprites here:

It was The Dawn of a New Era. Kira and I were made King and Queen in our castle in Japan ruler of all of our breed of bloodsuckers. It was years since the wedding and highschool long after we settled and Kira got accustomered to his power. Our daughter Chiyo Crystal Shinobi was so close to 17. We seemed to have Heaven on Earth. But then...TRAGEDY STRUCK! And I took the hit. I took the fall. I took the strikes. I took it all. I died. I didn't make it. So let me explain what happened.
Many many a year ago I was a goth and an otaku a rock star a vampire a princess and some other stuff and one of the only few non-humans in school I was all alone mostly(aside from my best 5 or so friends). I was a nerd. A geek. I was foreign. I wasn't human. I was different. I wasn't ashamed to be who I really am even if it makes me weird. No one eve understands me even now. I was worth nobody's time. I was strange in a perfect world. I was singled out. Not mainstream and completely alone and alienated and isolated. I was alternative. Everyone was pop and rap and I was heavy metal and rock. I was Amy Lee and not Justin Bieber or Ke$ha or whatever. I wasn't even a person or human in any way despite how I appeared. It was all a lie. I was not a normal kid or teenager at all. I had the burden of restoring the clan while also keeping my powers a secret. It isolated me from all else. I had nothing. No one liked me. My parents didn't even understand me nor the rest of my family. No one ever got it or me. I don't even understand me sometimes. Ever since Day 1 they all hated me and you know what? I hate myself. I hate me too. Everyone hated me it seems. No matter the time period setting 1 thing was always the same. I was special. I was a curse and a miracle birthed as a volcano went off and ravens called giving me my name and my fire. I was the chosen one. But school was where it was the worst. Especially the vengeful and vindictive Queen Bee and Official Regina George and Barbie of our school and Mayor's daughter Annette Jonesley! She would tease me with her dumb blonde sporty sidekick Cameran and sometimes her quarterback boyfriend Kevin. She was even Head of the Cheer Squad and Cameran was on every sports team imaginable and a member of the year book club! Her hair was big and full of secrets. She was a gossip guru. She copied Annette in a cultish stalker kind of way too. No identity of her own. The 3 were ruthless. It wasn't enough. It was never enough. She never ever EVER forgot! She could never except that I was always better than her as a human being all together. She found out I was happy. She had to crush it. She needed to. She wanted to feed off my life like the little succubus she was. She wanted to end me. Murder and kill me and bury me right from the start. I'm mostly immortal as a vampire so she had to have training and years of planning witch she did! She trained with none other than Van Hellsing himself! Not only that but she tried to ruin my musical career as well around the same time. At the time that was the only fights we had.
But then she started looking for a guru to exact her vengeance. We ALL knew him by name and she had the dough. Her father was mayor of the town we lived in and she was the heiress. She got spoiled rotten and used her gold to talk to him. "Come into my office." He said in the dark. Shadows cast over his face like a ghoul. She walks in dramatically and stuck up nose in the air like something smelled. "Have a seat." He says moving a hand. "I don't have time to follow orders." Annette said meanly turning her nose up like the snob she was. Even to Van Helsing! I think the word is audacity? "Is that so?" He asked tinting his fingers like Mr. Burns being evil. 2 big black dudes come up behind Annette holding a gigantic suitcase. They open in and it's full of money! "I'm listening." Van Helsing said with a smirk. "I need to get revenge on a certain...vampire girl." "And you need my help?" He asked. As lightning flashed in the thunderstorm and rain against his window. The flash showed his face. He had brown autumn leaf eyes, black circle glasses, brown slicked back hair, a suit, a trench coat, the infamous hat, and a scar across his face and on his chest. There was a flicker of fire in his eyes that was inhuman. He was dressed Steampunk and in brown leather he never even changed for centuries. "Usually I only take people w/ 100% potential but in your "case" is more than enough for me to bargain." He was 100s of years old supposedly but he didn't look his age somehow. He stuffed the money in his pocket where he may have been brewing some Immortality/Vampire Serum. Sound familiar? He basically has tried to live forever to get revenge. Like a certain somebody...(The Duke) Then they got her bodyguards to leave as they schemed. They had a plan. An evil one.
Van Helsing had many questions about me and stuff to get more information as to what kind of vampire he'll be dealing with. She told him everything...seriously EVERYTHING! The time she gave me a wedgie in front of my crush, called me names like "fatty" and "Elvira" and "loser", how she tried to cheat off my test, what I would wear, all the times she's made me cry or nearly off myself, when I won and she didn't, etc. (I'll add to this more later) Which gave him even more fire and reason. "So she's the queen now? Dammit! They must have been hiding better than I thought!" He got angry and sweated. "And does that mean she's...?" Annette was confused and just stared at him like he was crazy. He gasped like a maniac. "She's the niece of Dracula." This pissed him off but also made him sad. He paused in more shock mouth open like for a popsicle. "I thought she was kidding...or lying..." Annette responded even more confused. The thinking hurt her weak little bimbo brain. She crossed her eyes and did duck lips like a confused fish since that's all she's good at. "This...this must end NOW!" He said getting out a harpoon. He loaded his pistol. Annette gasped. "I'm sorry but..." He started a little quiet. "But what?!" She snapped. "We have to train you a LOT harder!" He said getting his things. Annette gasped. "Nooo!" "You want revenge right?" He spotted he a glare. She folded he ams and pouted. "Right." She was never more pissed. She paused on it a little. "Then let's get it." He implied as he pied open his shed full of weapons and tools. It swung open loud as Hell it literally had EVERY weapon you could think off! Knives, forks, spears, guns, steaks, rocks, shields, katanas, swords, needles, poison, torches, nails, bombs, grenades, pitchforks, silver, crosses, razors, bullets, whips, chains, spell-books, cages, torture devices, you name it and he had it! He even sported 2 HUGE guard trained dogs. Annette gasped and cried and screamed at the sight of them. "Revenge is ugly, not pretty sweetheart." He sweat as he knew all too well. As this would define the mission from then on.
They knew each other for a while and months as he taught her basic combat, shooting, martial arts, and hunting. The made a weird friendship rather than father and daughter it was more idiot and sugar daddy. Not even Beauty and The Beast! They were both cold inside and out and only that with no good to be found. She used him for money, her drugs, and other crap like he BF and her dad and cult following gave her. She didn't even like him as an acquaintance. She just shut up and let him do the talking and all the hard parts. He was holding the gun so she could see how to make a shot. H e closed an eye like those shooters when they wink and stuff. She held hers. "Why do you do this?" "Because it's the right thing to do." He said. "I have my reasons..." She blinked like a gold fish. She asked raising her Sharpie eyebrows "What's your deal with Dracula anyways?" "He killed my beloved wife." He muttered as he loaded his shotgun. As if he got that all the time. "Omg. I'm sooo sorry!" Annette said not knowing what to say. "She had long blonde hair, light blue eyes, always wore short skirts, always looking for trouble..." He whispered. "Dracula and I had our battle. I had to kill him because I'm a Vampire Hunter. It didn't work out. We were at war in the midst of blood thirst he tracked down my home killed my wife and scarred me when I tried to save her. It was too late." He pulled a crappy cracked bloodstained photo of her out.
This is it:

He did his best not to cry. He just wanted revenge and did not even think. He DID shoot first. He started but he wanted to also finish it. "If it helps..." Annette said. "I don't have a wife either!" She said stupidly not even ever thinking about anyone but herself. He hugged her all sadly and patted practically touching her butt.
Van Helsing is lonely, desperate, and creepy. As if it weren't clear already: He lost his wife to vampire(s) and blames my uncle and became a master of his craft since and he's using Annette not only because it'll get her closer to me and his goal(Uncle Dracula) but close to a blonde he used to pine for. He trained for years even before martial arts and hunting and all! He had to be the bestest best of the best's best! They bonded over revenge and the connections lined up goodly. They did evils like partners in crime. All because they were so buttmad over dead drama. Especially Van Hellsing his wife died like forever ago! He's being unreasonable yeah Dracula killed people but so did Jack The Ripper and you've never met him how can you decide if he's evil or not? Especially when I know he's not. Every time to time in my past when I'd cross paths with him he would try to convince me to be on The Dark Side the way Darth Vader would. He would sweet talk me like a con artist while unsubtly drinking a Black Market Immortality/Vampire Serum. It looked like Van Helsing was getting drunk and high from drinking Chemistry 101. I hardly talked to him but I remember 1 of the very 1st times he tried to form a Contract about. "Think of it, Princess! Revenge over an innocent life lost thousands of years ago..." Van smirked evilly. "No!" I said all mad. "You bitter old piece of crap! LISTEN UP!" I yelled and he got scared. "She's dead. She's been dead for years. We CAN'T resurrect her without making a deal with The Devil himself! (Or zombies) Get over it. It was in The Past. Stop being so damned butthurt! Yeah Dracks killed people but so did Jack The Ripper and you've never met him how can you decide if he's evil or not?! Hm?" I ranted and questioned and he went silent because my point was so good. He got an anime sweatdrop and facepalmed at himself. He was so upset and surprised that I was The Chosen One and better than him basically. How could he even know it was him? Besides, he and his wife tried to kill him and he already regrets it and apologized for it. Getting revenge on revenge is ridiculous! "Besides, my uncle changed for the better. Now he's a sweet man that even bakes my fave cakes even when it's not my birthday...he loves, gives hugs, listens, laughs, loves, and lives. What do you do? Hatch up schemes when you don't get your way?! Kami-sama you're soooo immature are you like 4 or something? Get a life!" He just disappeared and ran away after covering his ears. He could not bear with the truth that he was evil and going too far! He couldn't live with being so wrong in his life. He deserved the bullying. He got served. My uncle and friends gave me a high 5 and I was like "Yeah, you better run, B***h! Hahaha!" I laughed and yelled as he ran away like a cowardly little baby p***y. Aside from that though he avoided us and hid in the darkness of the shadows. What a wimp!
Here is where we began...sort of.
Annette turned 30 or something since she was like human and aged very badly and too much for her age from doing drugs and partying and sleeping around and wearing too much make-up tripping on her stilettos stripping on the Jersey Shore whereas I was immortal and ageless. She fried and painted herself like an Easter Egg. Pastels, icecream colors, and almost silver and yellow hair pieces. Anyways the training more than paid off especially since Van Helsing got nicer because she had a crush on her because she looked like his wife. She just used it to get things like with her meathead BF Kevin or her daddy or her fanclub in school started by that 1 nosepicker.
We were preparing for my daughter's birthday. I dressed to relax for the first time in a while but kept my crown on for fun. Chiyo was out in highschool and we wanted to surprise her. Her hair flowed in the breeze wherever she went. She was studying things. She was such a prodigy much like Chiyo from Azumanga Daioh! Her brain was essentially a supercomputer. She was never shy. Far from it. She was bold when she wanted to be but most of the time she just shut up. She looked down while reading and looked a lot like Raven from Teen Titans pacifically with her combat gear and intensity but we'll get into that later! While I waited I took a walk a little ways from home into town. It was calm. Was. THEN ANNETTE POPPED OUT!!!
She flew out a bush catching me off guard. I held up my fists and built up a magical aura on me. "What are you doing here?" I asked in shock at her. I looked her up and down. She wasn't just a hot mess. She was a HOTMESSZILLA!!!! Like Ke$ha and Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton all fell in a radioactive factory together invented by a hung over Snooki. She looked like Barbie but not in a pretty way but in an ugly and alien fake plastic way. If she was a real doll she'd be a knock-off. She was a ganguro(Japanese for Cali Girl) ita(Japanese for bad/fake lolita) at best. Her nose was like Voldemort because of the obvious nosejobs. Her big fat nose was now NONE OF IT! Her hair was fried bleached to the point of being pure platinum. It looked old and white. She got huge fake looking implants, long fake white nails, ugly orange tan skin goo, fake whitened teeth, bad botox, ratty swampy yellow extensions, and worse make-up! Her eyeshadow was a glittery white stripper blue with smudgey thick overdone Britney Spears eyeliner, long fake doll lashes, extra white shimmer and glitter, light pink blush, a drawn on mole, and slightly icy purple pink lipstick. It was gross. So gross I nearly threw and puked up! "I'm here to fight!!!" She announced jumping for me like a wildcat! "Really? Seriously?" I asked mad as I dodged her jumping back and flying up in the air then landing. "And I didn't come here to loose." Annette added with a smile. Throwing lots of ninja stars at me and I dodged them but got a few little cuts. I winced and screamed at her "Are you seriously just mad at me because I was the REAL princess and you weren't?!" I was never more angry. I got into Vampire Mode and dodged faster as she threw stuff at me. I teleported to her then she grabbed me and slammed me against the ground then a wall. The impact made me bleed all over especially as she stabbed my stomach with a sword with Holy Water. I fell out of Vampire Mode. I couldn't move. She picked me up by the neck as I coughed blood. I looked into her eyes sadly dying. I was choked and could not beg for mercy. Silent in my last fading moments and then 6 feet Under. It was bloodier than Dexter. She impaled my heart with a sharp cross sword and murdered me. She stabbed at least 100 times. I died choking on my blood and in a puddle of it. It was a bloody massacre.
The cops came to investigate. "There's no DNA on these wounds." One cop said. And the other was like "She probably did this to herself." Chiyo ran to the scene of the crime angrily screaming. "Where is my mother?!" "I'm sorry but we can't let you through." He replied. She punched him in the gut running over to me and picking me up. She looked over my body. She found some clues like gold dust from Christ's holy cross, holy water, and the angle from which I was stabbed to death. She also found some bad cream Barbie Mac lipstick. It was obvious from the getgo. She knew there was no way this happened by accident. There was just no way! The motives being an obvious truth. She saw through the foul play and knew those cops were idiots...or paid(or seduced). With the power of her genius mind she calculated the time travel just like Doctor Who! She essentially created her own Batcave. She had all the resources, tools, and power she needs. She read up on it and was able to get a working portal with a combination of science and math and Wicca black magic. Chiyo knew the past, present, and future. She was more than prepared with her ninja training. She knew everything and she could do anything. Chiyo Crystal Shinobi was a prodigal powerhouse and living breathing SuperWoman! The ideal hero aside from well...me! But it runs in the family, right? Even her dad do!
She was ready. She tested it a few times going to certain Time Periods. In one of them she accidentally saw my mom in The Victorian Era causing her to faint at her outfit so Chiyo erased the damage. She took notes. She knew there could only be one...culprit that is. But the issue was a matter of evidence so she started from the beginning of my tales at 16 and posed as a student going to my school. She even tried to join my band. She came off kind of full of herself and snobby but she was rightfully so. She could sing rock and opera just like Tarja but dance like a gypsy and she was so pretty. We became friends and she joined in. We found out eventually at lunch one day. "Raven you DO know you have a kid in your future, right?" Chiyo questions me. "Um..." I start blushing. "You are my mother and Kira is the father." She declared bluntly and flat like a robot. Kira was drinking his authentic Japanese tea as she said that and choked and spit all over and we laughed...eventually. It took a while. Kira and I were too embarrassed to do or say much.
Then whenever Annette bullied me Chiyo would stop it and often beat her to a pulp or give a cold glare. It was like a thunder shock to her and was what kept me alive in my highschool years. I loved seeing that spoiled brat pee her pants by Chiyo's clothes, looks, strength etc. Chiyo's pet snake Irontail made her flip her s**t too and we all planned against her like a task force of Power Rangers. I remember this one time... "I am a year older than all of you so you shall don me as "senpai" including YOU b***h girl!" She said like a robot quickly turning her eyes to Annette. She glared at her with a shadow clashed over her face.
She would boss us around as we were all like 16 and she was 17. It was pretty surreal. She is my daughter after all. Plus she was taller and even got to wear the juniors seinor school uniform. She was even more tsundere than me. I almost wanted to call her sama or dono or even nii-chan since she would pretty much be like my older sibling. HELL she even looked the part! That's why they took her seriously! She does the thing! But even so as she fit in and we loved and got used to her this wasn't her time. This wasn't her only mission. Her leave was dramatic at a sunset as she walked into a plane as tears streamed down all of our cheeks. She waved and even though she still looked like Daria we could tell she meant it. We waved back. Kiku waving with a delicate white cloth. It was not just her mission but the reality of the Time Circle. She needed to get back in time. Back to the future with a flux capacitor thing! It was the final countdown. Every second drove her to the roof. Simply she had to return to The Future a lot though and energy and time in it was running out and we still needed to prove the case before it got closed. Every mystery must be solved! Good must conquer all of evil!
MEANWHILE IN THE FUTURE... The murder still being investigated that day. Annette puts my crown on humming to herself while wearing her hot pink princess dress. She twirled doing some ballette. "Finally! I'm a real princess not some cheap poser....right?" Annette yelled at Cameran who fell asleep. "RIGHT?!" She screamed and raged like wildfire. "Um...yeah right!" Cameran agreed out of fear as they play this weird dress up game. Van Helsing gets his harpoon gun to shoot at my beloved Uncle Dracula crying over my grave. He was aiming.
Chiyo got all the needed files and charts and took them to The Police Station and they read it over. An old bald guy got out his reading glasses slowly. Everyone groaned especially Chiyo tapping her foot and stomping gritting her fangs. TIME WAS RUNNING OUT! Very literally in fact! "Cmon, cmon..." My family said and thought and so did the villains...until Annette realized that stealing my tiara doesn't make her royalty and thought over what she did. She killed her worst enemy...but it was still a person. Murdered in cold blood I had been lingering trapped in a cold case. "OH s**t! OH HOLY CRAP s**t!!!" She cursed and flailed around hoping Van Helsing could help her. "Easy, easy...steady, steady..." Van Hellsing said pointing it just right then...suddenly...HIS CELLPHONE RANG OFF! Annette texted and called him and Dracula nearly heard it!
Chiyo was dressed and ready to kill so were the cops. She was all black like the color of death like a 10000 year old corpse. Her hair was straight and a little shorter than usual and pushed on the side like a Disney princess or Katniss would. But she looked more like a Monster High doll. Chiyo had on sheer lacy frilly black flower printed lolita gloves, a tight black choker collar with a silver cross dangling on it as a charm on her slender swan neck, an all black silk lolita gown down to her knees with poofy lace sleeves and neck, and jet black gothic platform heels.
The cops arrive at Annette's mansion and arrest her and shot her on sight since she was Public Enemy #1 for sniping royalty and then my uncle sees Hellsing and stops them and all in the same moment Chiyo goes back in time with her last bit of access to The Time Machine and kills Annette to prevent all this from happening! Time froze and stopped. The change was too brutal and large and serious...but it had to be done! She stabs Annette with a butcher knife she just tested on her own wrist to make sure it was uber sharp and she worked on it a long time! She did the final blow freezing time yet again dramatically. The stabbing was nice and direct like an arrow. It went in fast and slow motion! The attack and the scene was the most badass thing you could ever imagine! More so since it happened right in Dowling Iowa Catholic School! Time went extremely fast then back to normal speed as Chiyo went back to present and the day replayed itself. Everything had finally been in order. Everything got fixed! She solved the mystery and saved the world! The only thing that could bring her back would be really crazy...but how crazy you might ask? Well, that's another story...but it's still for today but like get snacks or whatever (I has Pringles! :3)
In another state of calm we thought we had it all since Annette was murdered in The Future/Our Present.
We had a picnic on our trip to The Grand Canyon. We had Bento boxes with onigiri and sushi. But then Kira experienced a psyshic vision. It was like The Shining. It was a unique chain of events since he is human. He pointed us to the horizon and we all looked there and squinted and then we saw a speck on it! It was...ANNETTE!

"How could this be? And why?" We thought then she zipped over to me crashing as she dives me into the pit. "RUN, EVERYONE! I GOT THIS!" I said. All our friends and family left Chiyo rolled up her sleeves and wanted to fight too but Kira carried her away. "Rgh. I'm 17. You're ruining my life, dad!" Chiyo hissed at him. "At least you have one." He said in alarm smiling with a cringe and sweatdrop on his head like in anime.
We flew and teleported around everywhere and Annette and I landed in a cemetary. The one I was buried in. It was surreal and scary and I almost cried a whole lot like waterfalls. I was sweating and trying to project a forcefield through my chakra and ninjutsu. My hands glowed purple like amethyst orbs lighting up brighter than fireworks on 4th of July. It was a white light glow. A thin purple dome was wavy and formed around me. She's shooting me like Frieza and I didn't think this would ever be over! I thought she'd hit me and we'd blow up but she walked over me to me and oh man was it ever weird! Annette looked like Frankenstein. She was stitched together, her hair was electrocuted and frizzy and had gray and black and white streaks still blonde and in a ballerina bun, her eyebrows were done with black Sharpies, deep blue eyeshadow with highlight, grey blue eyeliner, white underliner, pink puffy lipstick, pale blush, orange bronzer and spray on tan, and her skin was like corpse-y like a light blue but still pretty tan and brown on most of her. She was wearing that pink dress though it was torn it somewhat resembled Princess Bubblegum's. Hot darkish pink like that with purple collar and pale pink, long sleeves, long light purple gloves, a darker hot pink long trail skirt, an underskirt layer and purple belt, and a chunky gold bling necklace. Stitches and scars and burns and stuff were like on her. Her eyes were baggier than the grocery store. "What?! Nani? Why?" I asked in anger confused and scared and mixed up. "That's a long story..." She smirked at me all evil. Cameran walked up from behind her wearing a weird lab coat. "What's going on?" I say taking a few steps back. The pieces of the puzzle kept falling apart when we assumed they were put back earlier. "I was brought back from the dead." Annette told me. I was so shocked and gasped and so did my family watching from afar. It was my battle to fight but this is B.S.! I simply could not believe it. It was just not right. "No...no....NOOOOOO!" I screamed crazy and got a headache and fell on my knees. "I can't believe this it's just not possible..." "Oh believe me it is." Annette said walking closer extending a hand pretending to be nice like when the teachers are around. I slapped her hand instantly and hard. "Get your dead hands off me you damn dirty freak zombie bimbo b*tch!!!" I nearly had an panic attack. "You see, Raven..." Cameran started smartly and strangely. "When you go to college you get more knowledge. I had to be held back most of my life and I went through college 4 times now I'm a genius not the dumb blonde floozy you always took me for." She said expositionally and smirking and running a hand through her caramel hair and ponytail. Her head even seemed bigger like there was more brain in it. "I bet you didn't expect that, huh?" Annette said putting her hands on her hips. They laughed evilly together and high5ed. I inched back falling on a tombstone. Sweating and afraid and confused. I turned around and saw it said "YOU'RE NEXT!" in blood. "You sick freaks!" I shout screaming and crying. "You're mad I tell you! MAD!" I sobbed so hard that I began to cry tears of blood and they were fading to black. "We have to do something!" Kiku and Chiyo shout together in unision. My dad and Kira sees. He puts an arm in front of them. "This beatle is good against evil. Good will win. I know it. I know it in my heart and feel it in my gut." Kira said channeling my father's energy. He told them wisely with hope. A tear runs down his face and he salutes. Every man did and slowly everyone on earth did too as they prayed. We needed strength and hope and his speach was the Heath Potion for that! I start to limp up trying to pull myself together from my freak out stumbling like I forgot how to walk my only support was the grave...my grave. I got a plan though. I moved like I was going to attack her head on so when she did I dodged it and her hand got hurt on the thing. "Ow! You totally like broke my nail, you hag! Grr!" She charged for me and I ran away. She kept trying to grab me and choke me but I could only run so far even though I was blacking out in Vampire Mode I was still blacking out like yeah. I didn't have the strength to conjure anything amazing but I remembered the movie. Frankenstein hated fire! I took a lighter and lit the grass after missing a few times and used what little magic I had left to make a big circle fire around everything sinking in. I used the power of my fury to light it up. Annette walked up to me like "Any last words, you little brat?" "Blow me." I said smirking with my clothes torn and injuries on me. It hurt a lot. But I endured and pulled though it. "Blow me?" She asked. Her face all dumb. "What direction is the sky?" I reply with a smile. "...Up?" "You're damned straight." I said like a super cool tough guy in an action movie would. "That's my girl!" Youkai shouts at me while eating popcorn the whole time. The magical fire and other fire took over her blood and she blew up right in front of me in a mass of ignited flames. I did not even need Demon Mode this time! "I'm melting I'm melting what a world!!!" She said before she got blown into dust. I dust myself off. The deed was done. The beast was slain.
And all our dreams came true.
Some time around then before after whatever we found out the hatred in Kiku and Youkai's parents were evil magical dragonflies put in their skin from an evil oni demon but we removed them when evil was vanquished. No more fights. The order has been restored.
And after the battle We decided to head home and call it a day. We all finally got closure on that evil witch. The day was saved forever this time. No war, no poverty, famine, world hunger, drugs, violence, sadness, depression, bigotry, meanness, hurt, and no badness or evil even in spirit! She caused it all and we ended it. I ended it. No more suffering forever and that's final. I even said so and this is my journey so whatever. That's all. The End!
We all lived happily ever after.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sun Sep 08, 2013 @ 07:21pm · 2 Comments |