(Format fixed hence the title! Goin' 2 update some photos on teh chaps now! :3)
Chapter 6
Chp. 6 I Write Sins No Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco/Wedding Bells
We all charged our powers together to form a portal to head to the bitchplace. We held hands and stood in a circle as if to make contact with a spirit that could be malignant or benign. The vampires engaged Vampire Mode and Youkai Kami Wolfheart also dominated the scene with his fearsome magical howl in Werewolf Mode. My family drew an alchemy circle and a pentagram in dark red blood shed from our finger tips. Our unique blood while like human's in appearance is different in properties since we have powers and the like. We had Youkai hold loudly to cry for the moon and its many mystical gifts like white and black magic. This Call of the Wild speaks directly and deeply to the core and heart of the star asking for guidance. Kira almost immediately felt left out on all the action! He looked down extremely sadly. He was obviously jealous and he wanted to help too since he is such a sweet and overall nice guy. "..." My boyfriend was dead silent not like the movie Dead Silent though because that movie actually had some screaming in it. We stopped the circle for a little while to recharge and stuff since we were using a lot of energy. True power only comes from hard work and sometimes money but both corrupt people. Mostly just money because you know how hoity-toity rich snobs are like Annette my rival and her cohorts who are also bad and visit The Country Club too. My parents and I walked over to Kira but stayed behind me to give us some space I looked up at him as I saw tears run down his cheeks. I saw how they were pale naturally from also from the sickness that is fear. The yellowish peachiness of his skin was there but faded. Faded in glory or the opposite. I stood super close to come up and hold him be his shoulder to cry on like he had always been for me especially Day 1 since it was Love At First Sight! It was tense and we looked deep into each other's eyes. He sighed deeply and strongly as if he were pulling two large crates full of anvils on his shoulders. He relaxed his body and slowly his levity would return. The occasional tear sorrowfully gliding down his face. It was like the saddest most dramatic painting you could ever see. The atmosphere was really similar to the cover of Evanescence's album "Fallen". Everything was blue. Literally and emotionally. We were in a sea of woe and ire. I stroke his cheek gracefully and soft like a baby's blanky. It was just as soft, warm, and comforting. I felt how smooth his skin was and occassional stroked some of his aquarium shaded streams that hung over his eyes. He always styled his hair like that to cover the pain but now was a breaking point and we all need to cry at some point! Yeah and then I caught his final drop of clear torture. His tear like a saphire on my diamond lustering white hands. It was like Yuki did that to Tohru in FruitsBasket when she was alone on New Year's. I finally spoke to make him feel all better. "You're helping just being here you know....." "So? I may have saved your life but you still almost died!" He said getting mad and shouting. "And you saved me-" I said quietly and quickly before he cut me off. "Well that was a coincidence....what if I can't like so many times before? Hugs and moral support can only do so much, Raven! I am getting really sick and tired of being useless!" "You're not useless...." I said back at him looking at him the most serious I had ever been so my family stepped in. My mother Ariel draped a gorgeous slender hand on his shoulder "Actually you have a power that most people in the world don't seem to have." She was calm and smiling to mellow him out. My father followed."Kira, if you have the courage to date my daughter one with such expectations you are powerful than you seem to think." Himura crossed his arms looking down mildly frustrated but still sincere. "I trusted you with my princess and you shall earn it or consequences shall never be the same." My dad was threatening but he clearly had faith in Kira since my dad trusts almost nobody. Not even me! "So what is my power anyways?" Kira raised an eyebrow while asking. "It is in one's soul. You have the power of heart. You were designed to defend you friends and family. No regular person would do all these things. You have determination. That says more than enough!" The Vampire Queen argued and The King also agreed. Kira hesitated but nodded. "Right." We talk him into the circle and continue. Kira thought really hard and through that the gate was opened. It did not just need practical magic. It needed the magic of caring. All our feelings made the trinity work and we teleport to Japan.
We ended up at a shrine. "Welcome home." My parents said together their tones like Yin and Yang. Ariel's voice being artistic, nonchalant, and free. While my father was stiffer than a slat of wood. "But this doesn't look like a castle....." Kira said scratching his head. Everyone laughed at him. "What? I don't get it!" He asked. "Come on, guys! Tell me!" He was starting to annoyed and confused more and more as the giggling continued. We walked up the stairs to get a closer view. Many many sakura trees were in bloom covering the stone stairs in itsy-bitsy pastel pink petals. A wind gusted through bringing the aroma all around us like a gas chamber made of perfume and soap. I took a deep breath and muttered to myself "Home......" I sniffled and cried a tiny bit from the happiness so everyone comforted me mostly my mom giving me a bear hug while Kiku pet and patted my shoulder. Kira hugged me too all sweet and kissed my forehead. It helped but I was still so emotional and so happy and it was overwhelming. Then Youkai snuck up on me and tickled my stomach with his tail and poked my shoulders until I burst out laughing at the crazy cool randomness that takes form of a dorky wolf. Nice job!
The stairs were hard and dark like concrete with tiniest hint of navy and ash to it. It mostly just looked like a lighter slate or black color. We walked up all two sets of stairs and then we went to the top step. There were all the trees there in bloom and shedding standing around peacefully like one of those cows.(You know what I mean, right?) The shrine was extremely tall. It almost dwarfed Mount Fuji and most of Japan itself! It was black, red, and gold which were The Darkness and Atarashi Clan's Royal Colors. We long passed the shinto wood entrance too. My mother gently knocked on the large behemoth doors. My mother got cross and sighed and flipped her dreamy curly hair "It will be "fresh meat" if you do not open The Queen in you, ignorant b*****d!" "Right away, madame!" The butler said opening the door for us since he knew she was the only one who would say that. Needless to say we royals got in quick but there was hesitation and some resistance about a human and a lycan coming along. "Vampires in. Pups and kids out!" The strict butler protested. 'Guests in our home are guests." My father said teleporting behind him quietly speaking to his ear like The Devil does with temptation. The butler just nodded frantically, sweated, and probably nearly pooped his pants. Youkai snickered as he and Kira followed us. King Himura Atarashi pulled a switch the lights went on one by one. The shrine was a disguise. Inside it was much much bigger! "Like our living room?" My mother asked Kira casually. "Living room?" Youkai was still laughing awkwardly but held his tongue. "There's a reason why vampires have been a secret for centuries." My dad nodded and smiled a tiny bit. "We can have a tour later. But for now we will go to one of the older rooms and investigate The Family Curse." The whole gang down an elevator and up to the floor with the ballroom and tapestries like from the museum but finished. Kiku and I were wide-eyed, gulping, and staring. Trickles of sweat from stress on our faces. The REAL painting of The Royal/Darkness Clan and the two sisters that started it all! "C...can we check their rooms?" Kiku asked nervously knowing full well that were to venture. "Yes but only for the sister you represent. These rooms could be haunted with malicious spirits left behind from battle.You will also likely be triggered. We can serve as back up on the stairs but that is all we can do. This battle may have destroyed us all once but the origin comes from you." The King said flat out how it was going to be. It was a risk we knew we had to take like Luigi's Mansion.
I got a flashlight and went in Princess Ember Anastasia's room and Kiku went into Helena the 1st/Helena Moonlight's. The room I got in was yucky and dusty from old age. Everything in there was dead and covered in cobwebs, spiders, and vintage crap. I searched around as much as possible but found nothing. Then I noticed a weird blackish reddish wrinkled paper. I propped open the closet door and picked it up. I read it. It was Ember's diary and it was very detailed and ever so familiar. It summarized it all and spoke louder than a banshee's scream underneath that conveniently there was painting on an old yellowed scroll. Both described how these ancient princesses from the monarch of like a 1000 years or so I think. The original queen of my family was a blessed magical magician.
Queen Alamathea prayed in hopes that her new daughter would be the perfect heir. She gave twins instead but bestowed different stuff on each girl. The eldest was born of song and water. Serene like flowing pools and musical experimental and free flowing. Her name was Helena Moonlight Darkness(Remember this it makes sense later and crap so yeah! Bye!) The other was born of fire and passion one that would break a dragon's heart and the other hearts of many. As they aged so did their ways. Helena became a prostitute in these underground harems. She danced like a gypsy or a belly dancer and dressed like it too. Ember had other plans. She became a pirate for profit as well as the struggle. She also drove into alchoholism and used her good looks to get men to fall down at her feet like she was a goddess. She was a ruthless blood thirsty warrior. She was all fire and all about getting what she wanted! She had her way and she liked it that way. Both were unjust and taking it WAY TOO FAR! And then they found love....... Twas in the same order as their mystical b***h. The guys they went with met them both at their worst. Helena met her dream boy Artemis Howler Wolfheart a thief with a heart of gold. He grew tired of his rich life as the Werewolf Princess and heir to the throne and wanted to just be normal and try the common touch but also help people! He was basically Robin Hood. He was soon going to be King of All Werewolves had he survived so things were shaky. He met her when she was drunk at a bar and kept hitting on him she fell so he took care of her until she was better. It was the first kind thing any man has ever done to her. Through this she learned men aren't all perverts. It softened her her heart. Her icy heart melted into boiling water for him and his kisses tasted better than candy.They kept it a secret well but the beans were spilled when it came to Ember Anastasia. Anastasia had a long time crush on their human guard Alistar Alexander Evans. He was stoic and stern but took good care of her even as she became a big girl. He was supportive in every way. At worst their conflicts were arguments since they're both so stern and angry especially Anastasia. She was a snippy little vixen. He was dating Angela Flora an innocent priestess who only wore modest garbs. She had freckles and all the other telltale signs of naiveness. She even dressed like a little angel and had gold and white robes up to her neck. She was arranged to marry him and he obviously didn't like that seeing as his eyes wandered. He wanted excitement not milk and honey and safety. He wanted whisky and flames. Ember seduced him away and their plan was to immediately get married and built up up alot since they saved each others lives for a long time.This information got leaked because Helena the First relapsed and got super duper drunk she was always a gossip and loved to dish out dirt even when it was her own and that was when the war of all the species on the Earth. Humans, Werewolves, Demons, Angels, animals yadda yadda! Blah blah blah. Alistar lost an eye and put a patch on it. Before we knew it the whole wide world was/is destroyed! Life as we all knew it had ended. Part of it was the chaos another part of it was how Angela vowed revenge and Hell hath no fury like a woman sconed! She went from angel to demon and we ALL died! Everything got blank and white then black and then Ember was in space. Her regular outfit transformed into an all black leather suit that looked like The Matrix and Underworld's Selene's outfit with ordinary black-colored fingerless gloves. She ended up on a strange planet thing that looked like Mars. She went down to her knees as if she was gonna pray or beg or something! Whatever. Doesn't matter. Anyways, she broke down finally. Pools of guilt slid down her face and all the way down to her clothes and the ground and stuff like that. Then Kami-sama(Our Lord and Savior God)'s voice could be heard all around her in the air but also in some kind of far away. He was invisible and was looking down at her from the clouds in Heaven. He said since she had the world's most broken heart that if she sacrifices herself everything in the universe would be back in place but that also meant sleeping for almost forever. It sounded like a coma of death or Sleeping Beauty...to me at least...
This transcends and explains a lot of things like Kiku and I having the episodes and our Vampire Mode split personalities as well as our relationships and even the way we dress! It was so weird, dude! This story eased our worries for the time being. We did get triggered and had gory flashbacks and almost cried but we were too strong too. We felt guilty over the spilled blood and sex. We felt the heartbreak and genocide of millions which would kill most of the non-human species now. This is why humans rule the Earth and why we have had to hide underground. We needed to survive and this was key especially now after the battle. That's when I realized who Angela Flora was. She was Annette's past life. She cursed the family when her heart was broken and her innocence was crushed. That's why she hates me so much. She told the secrets and she wanted revenge and even now it still wasn't enough. I felt guilty for hurting her though especially so deeply. It explained why she was jealous of me and Kira despite all the guys in school liking her. Their attention, her money, and her boyfriend were never enough she wanted much, much more. Even to the bitter end....in more than just this one time from now even until the future. I scratched my chin inquisitively with Kiku and the gang. "What do we do now?" Kira blurted out asking after looking down and rubbing his arm kind of guilty looking. "Hope." My uncle Dracula said kindly putting a hand on his shoulder as a tear ran down his face. His face remained serious and angered with almost no faltering aside from that one tear. It spoke as loud as that one key word we ALL needed at the time. This could also apply to every person on the planet too but I am not getting started on that psychology crap outside of school! We ventured around the castle just exploring and traipsing and wandering about to pass the time and wind down. It was silent aside from the Oohs and Ahs coming from Kira and Youkai but mostly just Kira though for obvious reasons! We saw many a tapestry and suits of armor. The castle was matched in shimmering ancient dessert sand gold, strong couragious crimson, and of course the darkest black you could ever see. We could not tour the whole place because that would be like a museum trip that would last hundreds of years since we are so rich. The castle was exactly like you imagine. A combination of Vlad Dracula's the likes of which seen in movies and junk! But it had this oriental Japanese thing going on too. There were fire breathing dragon details and other things. It was kind of sort of a smash of classic Victorian gothic and a paperwall home in Tokyo, Japan(obviously like duh). It was warm and charming but intimidatting like how you imagine a killer. We delved into the sights seen in the best country of the planet afterwards and returned to all our houses.
Then some time later...
Kira and I were 18 so it was obvious what was coming next....the wedding. (Not anything else though you creep a**! Sex should only be about love and having children not screwing like rabbits on drugs thank you very much!) The day he proposed to me was picture perfect and unforgettable... We were taking another one of our long graveyard walks in the night like the nocturnal creatures we were in more ways than one mostly me then but yeah... Anyways, we walked down. The moon as the only light aside from our figures and eyes. It was black and white and vintage-y almost from the blur of the dark. It was like a filter or digital layer or something. All that could be heard were the crickets chirps and the calls of the other animals of the night. The grass looked gray and dead much like a corpse or moldy hay or my grandma's ashtray. It matched the deepness of his hollow mysterious gray eyes and clothes. It was a match made in Heaven! He suddenly stopped. I almost dropped my black white-laced lolita parasol and tripped over on my platform heel combat boots. My sheer fishnet top wet from the puddle I fell in. It was so big and was practically a pond! I sobbed and cried a little cutely and quietly whimpering like a puppy would for bacon. I cooed and squeaked all sad. My thick black eyeliner running down like tears of the Mary statue thing when it cried blood or even like dripping tar or paint. He took my umbrella and held it over me to shield me from the showers as he took my hand pulling me up. I was disoriented and it all went so fast. I kept slipping and sliding. It wasn't fun to say the least! He kept pulling me up to the best of his ability. Eventually he had to wrap both his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest listening to his kokoro(heart)'s symphony beating. Doki, doki. I looked up and into his eyes wrapping my arms around him too to help. We looked into each others eyes for a few minutes but it felt like hours because of the tension. My clumsy self fail-flopped again and my hands were on his chest. I started blushing. The pink shade my cheeks took was so super similar to the sakura I mentioned earlier. He blushed against his whitish yellow skin. It was apple red. Our hearts beated louder than drums in a parade! We both gasped and starred and stuff trying to find words to say. The look in both our eyes said "Kiss me" and "I love you" and "Forever". Kira Shinobi's lip trembled mildly as he sweetly smiled. It was a half smile but sincere. We were both incredibly nervous. He took a box from his black tuxedo/suit jacket pocket. It was a little black silk and leather box. It was an oily yet elegant like velvet and iridescent raven grow death black like his leather tie that we wore just for me. It made him resemble Gerard Way mixed with L from DeathNote. "Raven...I...I...." He paused a few times since he is super shy and reserved but he took a deep breath and put that aside. "Princess Raven Mary Darkness Atarashi....will you marry me?" The words fell out and were poetic sounding. I had been waiting my entire life and existance for what was Here and Now in that moment. I wish that I could have this moment for life. Even to this very day. He opened box after dropping the umbrella against a grave softly which reveal an all black ring band with a bloody ruby skull for the jewel. "Kira...I....OF COURSE I'LL MARRY YOU!!!!" I hardly hesitated. I shouted with happiness. I jumped on him hugging his neck and he hugged me back too. It was a dream come true. We kissed passionately in the rain like in The Notebook. People showed up in a crowd and started to cheer and clap for us. It was a dream come true. It was the happiest moment of my life!!!
Since the marriage was official. Official work needed to be done. This was finally it.....The Blood Trials. Normally when Vampire Royalty does this it is a sign of courage and passion as well as resourcefullness. This has never once been attempted by any other species and was designed for the undead like us. It was nearly impossible even for those with our abilities to do these tasks. It was survival of the fittest. More deaths came from it than victories and the victories were just good luck! It was worse than the Hunger Games! Needless to say: I was worried! We started out in the Royal Courtroom deep underground in one of the deepest floors from our vast kingdom! It was near the dungeons, torture chambers, and the trials which are basically both! There was heat in the air. All of us anxious to the point of a sweat as well as shifty eyes. I gulped. The court was similar to our chapel in a way which is probably symbolic of of the events. It takes commitment to live in these quests much like true love! Love always comes with pain and suffering but it is always worth it! No matter what! We looked around and Kira gulped too. My dad Himura walked up to him and saluted him. Kira saluted back quickly sweating a lot with fear. "Uh...so what exactly do I need for these trials?" My fiance asked to know. "Luck, my son. And you are going to need it!" My father snapped back with no hesitation since The Blood Trials are extremely important in The Rules and traditions etc. Himura handed him an iron shield. It was not very sturdy and it was very banged up like a car stepped on by Godzilla or like a beaten up frying pan. It was a dark gray and dusty. There was only a handle and some remnants of bolts. It was shaped in a circle. Kira grabbed the handle. "What now?" Kira asked struggling to pick up the heavy guard at first. "That is all." Ariel said walking up flatly and stiffly but more inviting and calm than a businessman like The King was. "Huh?" was his last words before a trap door opened right below his feet. "AAAAHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed loudly as he fell from the great distance. I covered my eyes and heard some crackles and crunches. I turned away almost crying and screaming. Before a tear could hit my hand my mother put a hand on my shoulder. She handed me a special fancy crystal ball. It looked like a red demon eye inside of a smoky amethyst sphere. I could see Kira in it. "He'll be fine, Raven. Just believe." I took the ball in both my hands and watched really closely. The signal faded from time to time. "Raven you NEED to believe with all your heart and mind otherwise the spell I casted won't work...." She insisted getting worried and anxious too. "I'm trying okay, mom?! KAMI-SAMA(CHRIST/GOD)!" I said back loud like and trying not to cry but I had doubt. My doubts. I really did. And it takes courage to doubt. Courage isn't not being afraid it's being afraid and going "WHATEVER I'M DOING IT ANYWAYS!"
I stare at it obsessively to see Kira fell on a pile of dust, cobwebs, and bones of all the men who lost their lives to this deadly challenge. He got up coughing struggling to get up and almost falling. The ground was not stable. It was made entirely of the corpses and what's worse was that they were moving and coming back to life! One of the skeleton's arms darted out reaching for Kira's shield and poked his butt.The whole body came up. It was a whole skeleton with a viking helmet on. He had a dagger but needed the shield to win The Trials so that's why he wanted it from Kira. Kira pauses with fear as the guy goes up behind him. His pupils started shrinking and he started to get really shocked and scared looking. The skeleton charged for him. He was stuck. He didn't know what to do and just stood there. "Kira! Fight him! I believe in you!" I pleaded as a single raindrop of a tear fell down and off my face and onto the crystal ball.He looked around and he heard my voice echo. He looked up and around quickly and in all directions. "Raven!" He shouted back. "I'm coming back for ya!" Then a skeleton popped out! Just as the dead warrior raised his blade trying to slice Kira ducked down and strongly covered himself with the shield. The hard impact made the skeleton shake. He slammed the bag of bones with the shield knocking it to pieces.He looked down at his shield all proud and smiling. "Hey. I kinda like this. It's working." "Working you say? Kukukuku...." said another skeleton coming up from behind him and far away. He had a knight helmet and long gray blonde hair and a gigantic sword. Kira turned around swiftly and took another attack with the shield. The skeleton pressed onto it trying to break it and it almost did! I could hear the dent and scars form on the metals. "Hahahaha....young one...." The evil creepy skeleton muttered. "You playin' this game for a pretty young girl?" He said totally like a creepy old a*****e. Then he shoved him down roughly and meanly. Kira landed on his back. He was covered in bruises and scars and was bleeding quite a bit. His arm was clearly getting sprained and grazed by the sword. The rigid bones covered his skin in cuts. He was coughing up blood. He tried to sit up multiple times but ended up falling down to the ground every single time! "Come on, Kira....get up....I believe in you...." I softly chanted to the ball. He heard me again which surprised me. He struggled his way up nearly beaten dead but still alive like a zombie or a phoenix from ashes or like a salesman who just won't quit! Kira smirked and laughed a little wiggling up and picking up the shield."She's....she's more than pretty...." Kira said looking down smiling and acceptantly. "She's smart, kind, strong, resourceful, passionate, funny, and just overall perfect person. That's why I'm fighting. I'm not fighting you. I'm fighting for her. I don't give a crap if I don't win I'd do ANYTHING for her!" Kira made a speech which stopped the skeleton for a little while. "Heheheh...." He laughed like The Joker from the Dark Knight. "Don't make me laugh, little boy! If you lose she's mine!" He taunted which was the last straw. His mouth was open biggish cause like he laughed a lot so Kira slammed the shield there and cut his face open like a frisby fused with a razorblade. All the skeletons fell down and died. Kira dusted himself off and said such a badass thing. "I guess I got the last laugh! HA!" I cheered and clapped in glee. It was like watching a horror movie and when you said "DON'T GO IN THE CLOSET!" they actually listen so it was a victory...for now and yes he was bad to the bone.(Yes. That was cheesy. U mad?)
He waded through and walked on the bones gently trying not to break the floor. It worked until the very end of the room. All the skeletons fell into this dark cliff abyss. Kira held onto the solid floor and nearly fell to his doom! "Oh no!" I screamed dramatically. I was uber terrified! "Hold on, baby!" I begged to him. "Right....urgh...." He said climbing up the wall with all of his strength from the inside of his heart and elsewhere like other places too and stuff. He gets up and he's on a regular cement or stone temple room. It was plain-looking. But it's like a certain robot series we all know and love. It was more than meets the eye! Kira stepped on a crack in the floor and darts shot out at him. "Oh s**t! Oh s**t!" He said freaking out and ducking. It was similar to Indiana Jones but more random I think. He stood up and slowly tiptoed foreward. He was almost near the door but at the very entrance to the next level had a platform and could only be reached by stepping on it. He stepped on it as quickly as possible and tried to make the door fly open. The door started to close and the walls did too. Either way would mean him getting crushed! "Omg......" I gasped with my hand over my mouth. I was never so scared in my whole virgin suicidal gothdess(Get it?) vampire life! He slipped out just in time so I wiped the nervous sweat on my brow off. "Phew!" I sighed trying to bring my heart rate down. The next room was pretty bland too. On the floor there was an X carved into it. Kira took the smallest step forward and it activated the traps! There were these HUGE razorblades on fire crossing over in ALL directions! No kidding! They went in patterns with the X on the floor with all blades moving synchronized and faster than the speed of light! It was like BloodRayne the movie version though since I am not much of a gamer. He did a move that was like he was a ninja or something. He lived up to his last name "Shinobi" as a ninja assassin warrior samurai. Kira set up his body in a position to leap over them faster than a cheetah! He threw the shield into the center at the most perfect point at the last second. He ran back a little ways. He gulped and sweat down his head. He was biting his lip but he couldn't wait much longer because the blades were closing in on the shield denting it and crap. He ran back again and just jumped and for it backflipping and taking the shield as he did. He had major ninja skills none of us had ever expected! Me and my parents were full of emotions so we all said in unison "Whoa!" because that was a really cool thing. It was the power of true love. He stepped on another trap that was button on the platform by in the door. The blades retract and just slid back into the things and vanished like an eery robotic ghost. He got scarred so he fiddled with the knob on the door and realized it had a lock needing a key. He looked up. It was super duper high. It looked even bigger than The Empire State Building. "Uh oh...." Kira said pausing and gritting his teeth all scared and mad and anxious with all this heavy pressure especially as he heard a noise. It distinctly sounded like running water fresh from the tap. He looked around everywhere freaking out because the blade sparts were hosing the chamber up with water. It was designed to kill by drowning. Kira kept hopping up trying to get the key but it was no use! The whole place flooded as he jerked around and grabbed the key. Yanking it while still in peril. He held his breath. It was pure torture for him and for us. I feel like this actually happened in The Saw series but correct me if I'm wrong! "Don't die, Kira....don't die....pleeeease don't die....DON'T YOU EVER DIE ON ME!!!" I beggingly moaned all sad then yelling out in rage afterwards. "I won't Raven...I promi-" He started to say but the water got sucked into his mouth and he sank. It was sadder than the Titanic. Then suddenly.....the water began to empty since it was extremely full! Kira eased himself up like he broke his leg or a handicapped old person. He was in pain but he made it even at a snail's pace.
He limped to the door and unlocked it. He opened Pandora's Box in a way. It looked like a huge Satanic dark red and golden room full of firelit candles melting on the many shelves. It looked like a chapel like the one in that Silent Hill movie but scarier. The room was strangely empty and had a big carpet. The ground shook and oh man did it shook! It was like holy damn! It was such a weird dilemma! Pure drama! Insane. It was ******** nuts....the ceiling broke so did all the candle things then blood started spraying from the walls trying to flood this room too! It was the blood of all of our enemies the werewolves the royals the humans and everyone in the war. It was cursed blood! "This is just like one of my horror movies...." Kira talked. Then the bloody avalanche flew over him in One Fell Swoop!
I shrieked the crystal ball wobbled about in my hands. It looked like broken beer bottles. I shooted even more at that fact. Then I looked down and could see the stuff in a sliver. I clutched in my hands near my heart not even caring if it would poke me to death! He made it out alive again though!
He was in a black dungeon. The only light shining through lava and coals. That is when it struck me...he was in the Dragon's Cave! I started having an asthma attack breathing heavily and crying a lot more. I wheezed and choked panting as if I did The Mile Run for school again! But then I stopped because he needed me now more than ever. I peeked through The Looking Glass that was in my palms. It almost looked like Kira was searching for me as he looked around like he could solve a mystery! He quivered making my eyes poop open! Fiery misty smogs practically sprayed his neck. The dragon was right there looking down at him!
 (Kind of looked/looks like this)
Kira did his best to remained calm and still as he felt the breaths of the beast touched him. He was stiff like board made of steel. The feeling in the air was hot and eery. We waited and waited and waited for that shoe to drop. I could almost smell that monster's acid breath! It was almost like Jurassic Park but it's a dragon not a dinosaur so it chased him anyways!I blinked and before I knew it my boyfriend was fleeing! He ran away as the all black night terror came after him! The smallest flickers of light revealing the vinyl dark cherry wings, eyes, and scales. It was darker than a shadow and shined like a feather made of coal and magical gem rubies. Every so often embers would twinkle on it especially as he tried to kill him! He would shoot out gigantic hyper beams that Kira just barely guarded himself from the shield was almost melted and was scratched up! Kira did his best running around and dodging despite his wounds. He had cuts and bruises(my comp keeps correcting it to "buts and cruises" for some reason....). Blood ran down in ribbons from the scars on his body, shoulders, legs, arms, and face. He had to wince one eye like he needed an eyepatch! I suddenly got a flashback to my past life! I felt possessed like in The Grudge! In it Ember the princess I reincarnated from is watching her lover lose his eye to the war and get an eyepatch and then die in the midst of battle. I was not going to let that happened again and neither was she! My soul from her and myself shouted together She called through yelling back a single "No!" Then I got back after shaking my head. "KICK HIS MOTHERF*CKING a**, KIRA!" Then as my hero was cornered he looked over his shoulder hearing us. The dragon's eyes met with his. "Any last words?" The dragon asked smugly smiling a row of fangs through his sharp pointy mouth. "Just this..." Kira started almost dead but smiling. The dragon paused to think and Kira punched him in the nose and declared "I'M TOO OLD FOR DRAGON TALES!!!!" The monster fell back nearly blinded and Kira shuffled around and found a sword. He impaled it right in the heart with it! The carcass fell over and disappeared into a little fire sprite and a scroll that Kira automatically got in his hand and then his jean pocket.
The Blood Trials had officially ended.The whole family cheered. Kira opened the next door at the end of the cave's tunnel. When he entered he saw my dad. "You finished the quest? So you're the first human to defeat The Vampire Clan's Blood Trials?" King Himura said raising his eyebrow with his arms folded. Kira stayed quiet hanging his head and staring at his feet all nervous. "And it is you who shall marry my precious daughter?" He asked leaning in a bit intimidating as a cobra looking down at a mouse. "I...I'm sorry....." Kira responded sad and guilty. "Then so be it." He replied and nodded closing his small red eyes with a sense of pride. Himura put his hands on his shoulders one by one patting them a little bit and gave him a hug. Kira winced at Himura's strength and thought he was going to get bitten. "That's alright. I do not bite." Kira sighed and relaxed as they stopped hugging. "Unless you hurt my daughter...." He spoke ominously making Kira gulp. "Meep!" My husband-to-be squeaked shaking from fear. "I'm only joking." "Ohhh....that's good..." "Or rather...partially joking." "ZOINKS!" Kira said ducking, jumping, and then quickly hiding behind the marked shield. "You can keep it by the way. You've more than proven yourself against the forces of darkness and earned my respect." He turned around and swished his cape dramatically making a strong gust of what seemed to be golden glitter and dark mists of red and black.
He then realized that he was not powerless. He had powers all along. The powers of courage and true love. His heart had never felt so warm before until his was entwined to mine....forever. "See, kira. You really do have powers. The power of love. It's stronger than you thinked." I said telepathicly.
Before I knew it we were walking down the aisle in a deep chamber in the castle underneath dead and enchanted ground so we could make my beloved an immortal. My Immortal. My one and only. Since this part of the challenge wasn't going to be public dressing fancy was not super required especially since no one knew of our clan still being around especially with the idea of a new monarch and heir. Despite this factor though it was still going to be my first wedding. I still needed to look good and feel good. It was like my gothic equivalent to prom. (Though we did go to prom by the way but rebeled and leaved earlier and our group went home to watch depressing movies like The Corpse Bride) I breathed really hard wheezing up and down in the bathroom. I had no idea what to do or what to wear! I nearly cried. Just then.......my mom walked in! I turned towards her as she stood modestly holding a dress on her arm and bowing to me. "I have your garbs, my queen!" My mom said. Then giggled hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek. "Are queens even allowed to get coddled?" I said sarcastically as I laughed with her easing up the tension a little bit. "Maybe I should make a Facebook status saying "I kissed the queen"." Ariel said back joking some more. "Noooo! Nobody needs to know about your big gay crush on me!" I replied loudly and we burst into tears and nearly fell down and cracker our heads open from laughing so much! My mother showed me the dress. I saw it from my reflection in the mirror behind me. I gasped. "You didn't..." "I did." My mom said proudly nodding as tears rolled down my face like a tire down a hill! "You made this...?" I said extending a hand to it and touching it. It felt soft like my cat Sable's fur and was even a matching color to her! "Put it on~" She said sweetly. "No......I don't want to ruin it...." I said almost guilty and depressed. "Put it on." "No." I refused depressed. "Listen, Queen of All Vampires! I made you this ******** dress for your wedding and you are ******** putting it on or you're grounded!" She countered in the most mom sounding tone ever. "Fine..." I said folding and crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out at her taking the dress as she closed the door and left. I put it on. It fit like a glove! It felt like a dream come true! This dress was stitched together with nothing but love. It was one of the most special gifts I have ever gotten. Sure, I was going to wear a fancier one for the peasants to see but this was different. To me this wedding and this dress will always be even better than The Royal Wedding itself. The fabric was a thick black silk, the bodice was a tubetop with a waist cincher corset below the chest tied in old fashioned string, it had an almost grey tint to it, the waist was a bit high and was attached to the top by a little dark gray bow, the skirt was like an inflated lace apron, the skirt had a main black layer and multiple lace underlayers sheer and otherwise, the skirt was big and wide poofing in a circle, and it was bouncy and light like angel feathers(or the ladies in The Corpse Bride). I also put on The Royal Family's Special Blood Amulet. It was a necklace with a thin dark silver enchanted chain and a ruby formed into an oval. There was magic inside it to control my Vampire Mode which was needed for the ceremony. I let my many Rapunzel length locks fall down my spiky bangs covered more of my face. My hair was naturally 100% straight so I didn't even need to comb it! I put on a big bow hairclip on the opposite side of my emo fringe. I dragged and pulled un these long ash gray black opera gloves. They were so long they even went up to my elbow! I put on thick messy black eyelinder and smudged it at the corners and under my eyes making fake bags under them to look dead. I got a black matte lipstick and covered my puffy lips with it and pouting and puckering to see how long it would last. Then I got a darker rouge red lipstick and gently and subtlely applied it on to get the smallest bit of red so it would blend with the blood. I put on my usual lighter black see-through stocking tights and a simple pair of really pointy black heels that looked like Lydia Deetz or a witch would wear them!
I went to the chapel in the place. My father and I linked arms and walked me down the aisle in his best suit like a gentleman. I muttered to him quietly and sweetly joking about my PTSD "At least it was a real wedding this time...hehe...." He whispered back. "He has proven himself so I must hold my tongue." What a typical dad thing to say! All my friends were sitting on the benches and waved to me. Kiku and Mom had cameras and Youkai was asleep. Kiku sharply elbowed him in the ribs and he whimpered. I covered my mouth a little all modestly laughing like an authentic Japanese Geisha. At the end of the aisle was.....my Romeo! Who cleaned up more than nicely to say the least! His swoopy cerulean hair was smoothed with a gentle side part with the points and spikes of his bangs kind of hanging in the middle of his face. It was parted to the side and swooped over that way but he made sure to show his sweet shining eyes. They looked like the color of tombstones in the cemetary and like old bones. His eyes were neutral in color and calming. He was clearly shy and nervous too but so was I. We both gulped as we exchanged glances quickly then darting our faces away blushing redder than apples and strawberry wine! His hair was kempt but cool and longer and almost shaggy at the ends going down his long slender neck. He was wearing a bunch of earrings. Kira had multiple(2-3) silver hoops and long black ore crosses dangling from his lobes. His eyeshadow and eyeliner were a subtle blended dark grays. He drew big dark bags under his eyes and his eyeshadow wasn't as dark but it was it was still there. It made his eyes look sunken in and dead. He looked like a vampire already and it made me even more excited and nervous! He had a buttoned up suit shirt that looked like the 80's original Deathrocker gothic style. He had on his (thankfully unblessed) cross necklace on. The chain was super duper thin like a wafer but it was long and went down to his chest if not a little bit lower. The cross was blunt and dark. It was super thick rectangles of an icy gradient shine hue but also an edgy jet black! The collar on his shirt was unbuttoned for the transformation. His shirt hung over his studded belt a little bit. He also had on some regular blue denim skinny jeans and all black Converse Hightop Boots. They looked like big fat skater shoes but also like boots too! His nails were painted black. He looked so perfect and hot that I nearly got a nosebleed and drooled all over the place! We meet at the altar. I held both my hands in front myself and he was the same but it was behind his back. We fidgetted from embarassment and blushed a lot. His yellowish white skin complexion from moving into peach then orange then almost chili pepper red! A curtain gets pulled from behind us exposing a wall window with black panes. A sheer crimson drape was the only thing hanging on it. It was nearly a Full Moon! The stars and night sky shone on us. The moon sapped the color from our faces and the darkness of the night almost kind of veiled us a bit near the eyes. It was so romantic! My heart was practically screaming! We hear a voice as we gaze into each other's eyes longingly. They had to shout so we could hear them so it took us a good few seconds! It was the priest and he shooshed us! But I wasn't bothered by it this time since my Uncle Dracula/Peterson Dracu'ul was having us recite our vows. "Do you Kira Shinobi take this BEAUTIFUL creature of the night to be your lawfully wedded wife?" My uncle said and it sounded really gay. "I do." He said smiling at me. "And do you Raven Mary Darkness-Atarashi take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do!" I said quickly and cheerfully smiling a lot with my fangs! "And do you Kira consent to becoming our holy monarch and creature of the night yourself?" "I do..." He agreed nervously looking all scared. "And you do you Queen of The Night wish to form a contract with this becoming Dhampir?" "I do." I said nodding like serious. "Then by the power of God..." My uncle started to say. Then suddenly........ ALL THE CANDLES LIT UP AND THE LIGHTS STRONGLY REFLECTED ON ME IN THE EYES! "And all that is holy....." He continued. A scroll appeared and was floating in midair. "Shall grant you to become...." The cursed scroll's letters were glowing like fire as we read them together in unison."You are now Dhampir." We all said together like we were hypnotized and heard it sound low like a whale's song. Whatever it was it sounded like a robot and like really retarded. Since our case was special and the dhampir was to be King most of the contract doesn't apply since Kira will probably live forever with me. That being said there were many rules that had to be rewritten forever for this to be. But we took that challenge. We grabbed the bull by the horns and shot him into space but not literally though because that would make no sense! Kira held me in his arms pulling me close with my head on his chest I could hear his heartbeat and gulped. I looked down almost guilty and sad and crying. "G...g-gomen...asai....Kira-kun....." "It's okay...." He said petting my hair. "I want to live forever with you....it's fine....really." He spoke in the sweetest voice ever it was epicly calming but I still felt bad knowing I was going to hurt him. "This is going to hurt, okay?" I said in a voice like I was going to pull out a splinter. "It hardly matters I've been waiting my whole life to spend it with you." "Okay...." I replied going quiet. I put my teeth on his neck and sank them in drinking some of his blood. He groaned at the twin impalements stabbing his vein. My dark mostly black red lipstick smearing on the wound as blood ran down and splattered on my face a little bit!I took some of his energy and life force as my eyes turned bright glowing red but I quickly calmed down from The Blood Amulet's special abilities. He squeezed the cloth at the back of my dress as he quickly grew claws and fangs he snarled and growled as his eyes lit up as red as mine! He pulled away and put his hands on his head groaning and walking backwards almost screaming. He grabbed his head like he had a headache growling some more. He fell down and back near the curtain with the energies from the moon and the contract mixing in almost knocking my uncle and the altar over! He fell on his back and he lied down. Everyone was dead silent. I rushed over to him immediately resting his head in my lap holding his face. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't stop crying. I clearly drank too much blood before the transformation took place and killed him! I closed my eyes and felt like I was going to erupt as The Blood Amulet broke to pieces and shattered from being overwhelmed with grief and suffering. The last thing I saw before I shut my eyes was the color from his skin leaving. I saw his life literally flush away. A hand cradled and petted my head. I thought it was my mom or my dad or my uncle or my cousin or my best friend Youkai! But it wasn't! I opened my eyes to see it was......Kira! He just barely made it. "H....h...why? How could this be?" I sobbed. "Because I love you." He said softly twirling my hair on his finger. As I composed myself more the shattered amulet glowed white and fell back together like the pieces of a puzzle. "How could this be?" My uncle asked out loud. My parents laughed and so did Youkai and Kiku. "Whaaaat? I don't get it!" He said all dopey and dumb. Kiku struggled past her giggling to explain it to him. "Love conquers all. If this had been any other encounter we all would have been massacred!" "Okay...then why isn't Youkai in Full Werewolf Mode and doing the same?" Dracula replied confused. We all looked over at Youkai Kami Wolfheart expectantly. His eyes were red too! "Uh oh!" My bumbling Uncle said hiding under the curtain behind the altar like a crybaby! Suddenly we hear a loud cough and a sneeze. It was..........YOUKAI!!!! "Sorry....I had a cold...." He explained which also explained the sleeping from earlier. Kira and I got up. Kira asked "So you weren't being a doosh? You were just sick?" "No I'm sick AND a dooshbag......" Youkai wittily snapped back. We all laughed together.
We took candid pictures and ran around the chapel hanging around like usual. Youkai kept almost poking his neck so he had to run away. Kiku kept poking and tickling my ribs so I chased her around so I could tackle her and poke her hip. We had drinks and snacks. My fave photo from the whole thing is this:
 (Yes. This is the cover for the novelization.)
And we lived happily ever after for the most part! Kira and I ruled over justly and made love and had our beautiful daughter we named "Chiyo Crystal Shinobi" Kiku had triplets and we grew to be successful in other ways too! We married our soulmates and our band Vampire Rose was never more successful! Kiku was voted the smartest person on Earth and got to work in politics, Youkai became a skilled hunter, and Kira and I became monarchs as we all raised beautiful wonderful children. We all followed our dreams and we were as rich as chocolate cake!
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Tue Jul 16, 2013 @ 12:14am · 1 Comments |