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~The FANTASTICAL life of Gabriella Ramos~
The Summer that's Ending and The School that's Starting

The pinnacle of romance. The season of scorching temperatures. The awaited time of the year. The peak of rom-com movies. It truly is something amazing. For someone else. I am not..................... the heat of the party; nor am I the party-pooper. rolleyes I am the person that's at the party.

I do think that it's quite sad that I haven't really "gone out", but in a sense, I've "gone out". If I could describe my life-style, here at home, I would say it would be quite sad. I usually wake up, earliest at 9:45 A.M., latest 11:45 A.M.. I go through all my s**t from when I wake up, I get breakfast, and do my chores. I usually go on the computer half the time, because I'm a recluse. I'm SAD. And when I say sad, I mean really, really, LONER SAD. I am not proud at my state, but I do go to my friend's house every once in awhile. And when is once awhile? Once a while is every 2-3 weeks? LOL. Such interesting life-style, no? 3nodding

But, really what have I done this summer, you may ask? Well, let's start from the beginning. My big sister and my nephew came home for about 2 week(s), and it was so..... exhausting. My nephew is a big ball of energy, and my big sister is 28 and still asks my parents for money. burning_eyes I don't hate my nephew, nor do I hate my sister; it's just that my big sister is a BRAT. She is so exaggerating and I think she's an expert at pushing the "Annoy" button, because she does that every 10 minutes. YAY~ But, they do have their good points. My nephew is cute, and my sister is still my sister; she's okay. rolleyes But, the rest of the summer? NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Besides my dad's and my other sister's birthday, nothing is going to happen. And, the only thing I really WANT to do, is to go shopping. I just wanna go shopping, damnit. scream But, I think that my friend is going to have a summer party, that was supposed to "celebrate" her coming back home from camp. Makes me laugh, a little. whee


"HOORAY! YAY! School is starting!" is what I would say, not a person who spends their timing tanning, so they can look like a Oompa-Loompa. I am one of those people who actually like going to school; and I'm pretty sure other people do too, but ya know, trying to make a point. 4laugh Anyway, I'm all set and ready to jump on that school bus, to see my old friends. Before, in the olden days, school was a place to learn things that were going to help you in the future. I'm pretty sure that may have been the purpose, but the minds of pre-teens and teenagers have changed. To me school is a place where you get to meet new people, and talk to friends. With a hint of learning here and there. sweatdrop I'm not gonna lie. Some of the things we learn in school won't really help, not unless someone is planning to go on some trivia show, or something. School is half of my sanctuary, half of my battlefield. Friends are there, but bitches are there too. God, I mean, really. BITCHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I don't want to put on a fake smile, and ask them nicely to pass the goddamn paper. talk2hand But, whatever, just tuck and roll, right? Besides, I have that really good feeling, that this year, will be my favorite. (for now) And, if the outcome isn't what's expected then, I'm gonna be pretty sad. Actually, I'm gonna be REALLY SAD. I feel, that I'm betting a lot on this year. I just can't wait! biggrin I'm ready. Let's do this.

Okay, that's it. I have the most boring summer, EVER!!!!! twisted But, before I go, let me share with you, a little dream I had a few nights ago. It was my 8th grade year, and I'm in homeroom. All of my friends, past crushes, crushes, and frenemies were in the same exact homeroom with me. So, my friend JazzMan was sitting by herself, reading a book, and then suddenly, this boy named Will Cooper comes up from behind, and hugs her. He then, turns her around and kisses her on the cheek, walks away, turns around, winks wink at her before he leaves again. Then, my dream goes haywire, and decides it's my turn to get some action. xd I'm sitting with my friend, KatWoman, and we're working on some crap, and then suddenly someone hugs me from behind. (I will not tell who this mysterious man is. xp ) I smile seeing who it is, and then he kisses me on the cheek, walks away, turns around, winks wink at me before he leaves again. JazzMan and I are just... WOW. We tell each other what happened and then suddenly this boy (who I won't say) pops up in front of us, and he's crying...... On his knees....... neutral Then that's when my dream goes blank! rofl The best dream I've ever had.

From now on, I will start adding a little quote that makes me smile, just because. 3nodding So here's a little quote from my crazy rhymer, Dr.Seuss:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."


Time to sign out! My pudding, Puddi, will say goodnight! emotion_c8
yum_puddi ---------------> "B-HAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
