 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬ Full Name: {First, Middle, Last} Nickname: {Nicknames or Aliases}
Age: {How old are you?} Birthdate: {When you were born} Gender: {Male or Female}
Height: {Inches/Centimeters} Weight: {Pounds/Kilograms}
Nindo: "{Way of life}" Personality: {Behavior of your character}
Village: {Current home} Rank: {All start as Genin} First Class: {Defines your limitations} Second Class: {Better defines your limits}
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬ Bloodline: {If none, remove section}
Chakra Pool:{Amount of chakra. Original dictated by class} Stamina Pool: {Amount of stamina. Original dictated by class} Chakra Element: {Pick only two. Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning} Chakra Color: {Any color you desire) Chakra Materialization: {Does your chakra appear as an aura or shape? Does it flicker like fire? Not a form of attack}
Strengths: • {Minimum of two} • {Ex. Close combat, ninjutsu, etc.} Weaknesses: • {Minimum of two} • {Ex. Slower reactions, elemental weakness, etc.} Fears: • {Minimum of two, must be practical.} • {Ex. Dying alone, bugs, swimming, etc.}
Class Disciplines : • {Dictated by class. Read class info} • Reductions: • {Learns ---jutsu so many posts faster} • Personal Attributes: • {Allowed to create two entirely custom attributes} • {Ex. Physical defense increased, 2 additional ninjutsu slots, learns taijutsu in 1 less post, etc.}
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬ Ryo: 両{Money} {Start at zero} AC: {Advancement credit} {Start at zero} {Additional information in mission board subforum}
Missions Complete: D Rank :: 0 {All start at zero} C Rank :: 0 B Rank :: 0 A Rank :: 0 S Rank :: 0
Limitations: {How many of each technique you can learn. Refer to class info} • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 00 • Genjutsu : : 00 / 00 • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00 • Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬ Weapon Type: {Sword, spear, etc.} Weapon Range: {Its reach. In inches/centimeters please} Weapon Weight: {How heavy it is. In pounds/kilograms please} Weapon Location: {Where it is stored} • {When you create your profile, you may have any one basic weapon.)
Summoning Type: {Ex. Dogs, Bears, Slugs, etc.} {If none, remove summon section} Summon Sage: {Yes or No} Pacts: {Ex. Dogs: Pakkun, etc. Sages do not need to list pacts}
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ι η ν є η т σ r у|├▬ • {List any projectiles/items you've obtained here. Ex. Shuriken x15, Flak jacket, etc.} • {When you create your profile, you may have any combination of 15 projectiles. Bombs and explosive tags are not projectiles!}
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬ ▬▬┤|N i n j u t s u Maruton: {Start with the following six only} • Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ] • Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ] • Genso Bushin no Jutsu [ Illusion Clone Technique ] • Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ] • Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ] • Kai [ Release ]
{Your first element's name} {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} •
{Your second element's name} {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton} {If only one element, remove section} •
{Other jutsu type's name} {Bloodline, Kugutsu, Eiseijutsu, etc.} {If none, remove section} •
▬▬┤|G e n j u t s u • {If none, remove section}
▬▬┤|T a i j u t s u {Style name here} • {Stage progression / techniques learned}
▬▬┤|B u k i j u t s u {Style name here} • {Stage progression / techniques learned}
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬ {Your character's background. Please have at least three sentences when submitting character}
astrasinthewild · Thu Jun 20, 2013 @ 05:39pm · 0 Comments |