brown skin & eyes
black hair
love the color green
single child
brown skin & eyes
black hair
love the color green
single child

gaia_crown Venusaur - Rafflesia (Raf)
gaia_crown Electrike - Sparkz
gaia_crown Beedrill - Lance
gaia_crown Dewgong - Opal
gaia_crown a mechanical Umbreon he made named Gidget (pronounced like Gadget but "eh" instead of "ah"...if that makes since) *
gaia_diamond by Dinlos
gaia_diamond by Lucking Fagiacrus
gaia_diamond by
gaia_diamond by Dinlos

gaia_diamond by Lucking Fagiacrus

gaia_diamond by
Hi, my name is Rico and my dad is actually a pokemon breeder for pallet town, he breeds the Bulbasaur near route 17. So I’ve been around pokemon my whole entire life; you could call it lucky.
I love taking care of them and watering them – grass pokemon love being watered like real plants- and when I was around 10, my dad let me pick from the whole lot of which Bulbasaur I wanted. Ever since then Rafflesia has been by my side. When I was 15, my mom got sick with cancer and eventually died. Well, really, she had had it most of my life I guess, but that last year it really took a toll on her and she couldn’t hide it any more. Feeling a mix of emotions, I told my dad that I wanted to get away for a while and that I would return stronger and smarter.
By then, Raf had evolved into her second stage, Ivysaur, and we left together.
The first member to be added to our team since the departure was Lance, the Weedle, he’s a very affectionate pokemon- unlike Raf who loves battling. He took the longest to evolve. He was acquired near Celadon, just before Opal, my Dewgong whom we met near Vermilion city. She has always been rather large for her breed, I think she’s probably from a deeper part of the ocean and we found her away from her pack… or school? I don’t know, what do you call a pack of seal?
well, later, when I had gone to route 110 in the Hoenn region, I found Sparkz, my Electrike. He hasn’t evolved yet, and I’m not sure if he needs an evolution stone to evolve him or not, but even he evolves or not, I think he’ll always be the rambunctious little puppy that he is. (Lance evolved into Beedrill while trying to capture him believe it or not!)
I haven’t ever really been interested in the league battles or competition, only traveling for adventure and experience. Eventually though, I’ll go home back to the Bulba-farm and help my dad raise the Bulbasaur like I used to. Maybe I’ll even take it over some day, but right now, we all have to live for the moment.
* Gidget is a prototype "toy" built to protect children with out real pokemon. The reason its an Umbreon is because of the rarity of Eevee and the amount of charge it has can be measured by how bring it appears.
It protects by sending a shock wave out and if necessary, sending all of it's electricity at an attacker in attempt to save the child. It is made from electric (wires) plastic, and pleather, so it needs to be oiled and have the pleather replaced every once in a while, but other than taking a few dents every now and then, its pretty sturdy. Its more sturdy than it is stealthy though.
it knows it's "trainer" through constant iris scans (you wont even notice it's doing it) through it's own eyes. To activate the first DNA scan and make it yours, you line your eyes up with it's and prett it's nose. This also activates the toy for the first time. They will only take one registering DNA scan.
It also can only do simple commands, like sit, stay, roll over, fallow.
It has no mouth and makes no vocal sounds.