Current name:Reanon Ashcroft Name: Wilhelmina Harker Gender: Female Age: 27 Race: Human Bio:Slaughtered in a past life the determined young spirit has been searching the globe for her long lost love. The human woman however never seems to remember the vow that she had made with her god. To be so faithful a lover that she would hunt down her heart in a perpetual loop of life forever more.
Special Abilities: Summon the green spirit which allows her the aid of a near by creature through the bond of her Druid blood. Talents: Carpenter, and Hunter Gatherer Satchel Equipped list: Rule stones, Food,drink Family status: Alone all loved ones Dead Common Abilities: Dead silent, Ambush trap, Tracking, Wilderness survival.
Personality: Gentle yet somewhat unrefined.
Past Present
Jaguar spirit · Thu Apr 18, 2013 @ 12:14am · 0 Comments |