I'm reliving my childhood!!!
blaugh blaugh blaugh i still remember when i was little and i used to go everywhere with my tamagotchi around my neck
blaugh blaugh i would try soooo hard so my tamagotchi wouldn't die
xd lol the teachers used to have a ton in his or her draws because kids continue to play them during class and it would always be beeping
xd there were sooo many to collect!!! and connecting with friends through via inferred was the shitz
rofl i love tamagotchi; and when i found out they have it for the iPod/iPhone now, i'm freaking jumping with joy!
4laugh blaugh 4laugh i've been playing this since 1am in the morning till 5am, took a 3 hour nap and kept playing till now! the only down part about this app is that i cant connect it with other players cuz it doesn't connect to wifi. i hope Bandai updates it so we can have that option and a lot more
whee whee i'm thinking about blogging about how my tamagotchi is doing every once in a while xD did you ever had a pet tamagotchi before??
Meet my pet Tamagotchi named Beelzebub
heart heart heart heart heart heart