Full name: Kiefer Rutherford Markhs Neil Schmidt Wyferon Yumil Plynick Gryner Rutger Yohaim de Eclipse Brahms J.Tranzt IV
Age: 866 years old (Appear as a 14 years old)
Birthdate: February 28
Gender: Male
Likes: Ramen,fried chicken,pranking humans
Hates: The-damn-old priest
Full name: Kiefer Rutherford Markhs Neil Schmidt Wyferon Yumil Plynick Gryner Rutger Yohaim de Eclipse Brahms J.Tranzt IV
Age: 866 years old (Appear as a 14 years old)
Birthdate: February 28
Gender: Male
Likes: Ramen,fried chicken,pranking humans
Hates: The-damn-old priest
Once a very powerful vampire who loves pranking people,stealing chickens(fried chicken is one of his favorite food),scaring especially little children and sucking on blood of teenage females(usually they will volunteer to have their blood sucked by Kiefer because they're charmed by his looks).The villagers knows that Kiefer is not a threat to their life(he requires blood only during full moon and he never drink more than he needed)but they had enough of his pranks and seek help from an old priest who just moved in into the village's long abandoned church.The priest went to meet Kiefer in his own castle and after a few battles-of spells and foul languages in Kiefer part-,the priest managed to subdue the vampire,placing a spell on him so that he will not be able to leave the castle.In addition,the priest also put a spell on him that seals his power and this changed his appearance into a 14 years old boy.The priest denied Kiefer's request for blood for it will weaken the seal and instead gave him ramen(instant noodles) as his food and ordered the villagers to keep providing him said food.The villagers listen to his request since they don't want Kiefer to die - the vampire is quite generous when he is not in his pranking mood and the villagers actually like him.
The tradition(providing Kiefer ramen) continues for 150 years until a 17 years old teenage human male named Raenef accidentally scrap his knee when he's on his way out of the vampire's castle after sending him a week supply of ramen.Kiefer wastes no time and after feeding himself to the blood of Raenef,he rushes outside and tries to find the priest to get his revenge and force the old man to undo the spell he placed on him.Unfortunately,the priest had long been gone and since the spell can only be undone using the blood of the priest or his descendant,Kiefer is stuck in his 14 years old appearance - the priest never marry thus there is no one alive that shares his blood.Kiefer is devastated and sulks in the basement of the church until Raenef comes and told him that he is from the line of a child adopted by the old priest 150 years ago.He said that since his ancestor-even though they're not from a direct bloodline of the priest-is in charge(and responsible) for Kiefer's well-being(and seal),he will take care of him.Kiefer responds that of course he have to(because it's the old priest's fault he ended up this way) and demands that Raenef comes up with a way to revert him back to his previous glorious self.He ended up living with Raenef and turned the basement into his living quarters.He opens his castle for viewing and charges an amount of money for those who wishes to do so.Half of the money is given to Raenef because Kiefer claims that he hates to take advantage on humans and the money is a compensation for him living in the church.
Due to having eaten nothing but ramen for the past 150 years,Kiefer is now addicted to the food and can get sick if he didn't have any for a week.He do needs blood once in a while to keep his health in check(he's a vampire after all) but he favors ramen more and will be pissed if he can't have his favorite curry ramen.Since he's a vampire,he can't stay under the sun for a long time and thus he is rarely seen outside of the church.
Hair - Hazelnut; straight; neck length; spiky.
Mole - One on his cheek under his right eye
Eyes - Lime green.
Whatever that tickles your fancy.A long black cape is a default item he's wearing though.
Once a very powerful vampire who loves pranking people,stealing chickens(fried chicken is one of his favorite food),scaring especially little children and sucking on blood of teenage females(usually they will volunteer to have their blood sucked by Kiefer because they're charmed by his looks).The villagers knows that Kiefer is not a threat to their life(he requires blood only during full moon and he never drink more than he needed)but they had enough of his pranks and seek help from an old priest who just moved in into the village's long abandoned church.The priest went to meet Kiefer in his own castle and after a few battles-of spells and foul languages in Kiefer part-,the priest managed to subdue the vampire,placing a spell on him so that he will not be able to leave the castle.In addition,the priest also put a spell on him that seals his power and this changed his appearance into a 14 years old boy.The priest denied Kiefer's request for blood for it will weaken the seal and instead gave him ramen(instant noodles) as his food and ordered the villagers to keep providing him said food.The villagers listen to his request since they don't want Kiefer to die - the vampire is quite generous when he is not in his pranking mood and the villagers actually like him.
The tradition(providing Kiefer ramen) continues for 150 years until a 17 years old teenage human male named Raenef accidentally scrap his knee when he's on his way out of the vampire's castle after sending him a week supply of ramen.Kiefer wastes no time and after feeding himself to the blood of Raenef,he rushes outside and tries to find the priest to get his revenge and force the old man to undo the spell he placed on him.Unfortunately,the priest had long been gone and since the spell can only be undone using the blood of the priest or his descendant,Kiefer is stuck in his 14 years old appearance - the priest never marry thus there is no one alive that shares his blood.Kiefer is devastated and sulks in the basement of the church until Raenef comes and told him that he is from the line of a child adopted by the old priest 150 years ago.He said that since his ancestor-even though they're not from a direct bloodline of the priest-is in charge(and responsible) for Kiefer's well-being(and seal),he will take care of him.Kiefer responds that of course he have to(because it's the old priest's fault he ended up this way) and demands that Raenef comes up with a way to revert him back to his previous glorious self.He ended up living with Raenef and turned the basement into his living quarters.He opens his castle for viewing and charges an amount of money for those who wishes to do so.Half of the money is given to Raenef because Kiefer claims that he hates to take advantage on humans and the money is a compensation for him living in the church.
Due to having eaten nothing but ramen for the past 150 years,Kiefer is now addicted to the food and can get sick if he didn't have any for a week.He do needs blood once in a while to keep his health in check(he's a vampire after all) but he favors ramen more and will be pissed if he can't have his favorite curry ramen.Since he's a vampire,he can't stay under the sun for a long time and thus he is rarely seen outside of the church.
Hair - Hazelnut; straight; neck length; spiky.
Mole - One on his cheek under his right eye
Eyes - Lime green.
Whatever that tickles your fancy.A long black cape is a default item he's wearing though.
| By: sachandoll | By: LuLuBelleLuna | By: Allen Walker of the Order | By: The Wisp Ghost | By: Crux Ashes |
| By: sachandoll | By: LuLuBelleLuna | By: Allen Walker of the Order | By: The Wisp Ghost | By: Crux Ashes |
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