RPC Name: Kouki Hyuuga
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha
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Bushido - Way of the Sword
Simple, Precise, Traditional

Simple, Precise, Traditional

Description: This isn't exactly a style as more of a discipline on how to use a bladed weapon in general in the world of shinobi. While not as dedicated as say such as Battoujutsu or Iado, it is a common path of teaching those new to the way of the blade. Typical blades used by assassins usually range from simple straight tantos to short swords. Samurai of old used the teachings of this discipline as well to incorporate as their daily life. The style teaches two very basic forms within the entire style of using a blade, they are the one-handed form and the two-handed form, each with their pros and cons. Those who use the one-handed form are typically faster with their sword and very much more versatile yet they lack the strength behind their swing along with their guard being open half the time, then there are the two-handed users whom sacrifice versatility for both defense and power due to their swings packing more power with both arms in play as the attacks in this form are more traditional and generally more focused.
Style Requirements: Any weapon that can be used in the same fashion as a sword can be used in this style, be it a stick, axe, or a dagger as well. The requirement is that the weapon must be able to held with one hand due to the purpose of the style itself.
Important Note: The three forms introduced in this style do not consume your chakra when in use. They are simply methods of using your weapon in combat. When you're not using either of the two stat-increasing forms, you're automatically using the free form.
Movement Description
- There are two forms that offer a bonus to a user when in use. In spite of these bonuses, the user can interchangebly switch from each form to suit their needs.
One Handed Form: Using your weapon in one hand with this form sacrifices power for speed and versatility. This subtle form is both quick and stings like an angry wasp when used by Assassins or it can overwhelm another opponent in the hands of a Samurai. This gives a +1 in their Speed stat for Weapon usage Only! Their strength suffers a half stat rating subtraction in return.
Two Handed Form: Using your weapon in both hands is the traditional Samurai way and is generally the preferred method by many. One's swing can be like an ox charging or as stalwart like a wall before an opponent. Using both arms increases the power output used by this style but sacrifices versatility and some speed in return. +1 in the strength stat for Weapon usage Only! Their speed stat suffers a half stat rating subtraction in return.
Free Form: This form varies upon user to user but this is a form that they must teach themselves upon learning the first stage of this style. It is their one neutral stance or form that will always be passive when One Handed or Two Handed forms are not in use. They gain no Stat gains or reductions during this form.
Stage 1 (Genin)
Stage Description: The first step to learning the way of a sword is to first understand it, to study the blade and learn the pros and cons of the blade itself. To neglect one's blade is equal to committing suicide. Care and knowledge is taught more than anything. The basic steps are also taken into account by introducing the student to experiment with both forms of their discipline.
Stage Powers: At this point and time, the user learns more about their weapon, the fundamental tips and guidelines of how simple or complicated it is. Given if the weapon in use is a custom made one, the user spends extra time to fine tune their weapon to grow accustomed to the different forms introduced to them.
Stage Training: Study, learn about your weapon. Learn both of the style's forms before continuing on. They consume no chakra however provide a bonus when in use.
Stage Jutsu:
-One Handed Form: One Handed Form: Using your weapon in one hand with this form sacrifices power for speed and versatility. This subtle form is both quick and stings like an angry wasp when used by Assassins or it can overwhelm another opponent in the hands of a Samurai. This gives a +1 in their Speed stat for Weapon usage Only! Their strength suffers a half stat rating subtraction in return. The use varies from user to user.
-Two Handed Form: Using your weapon in both hands is the traditional Samurai way and is generally the preferred method by many. One's swing can be like an ox charging or as stalwart like a wall before an opponent. Using both arms increases the power output used by this style but sacrifices versatility and some speed in return. +1 in the strength stat for Weapon usage Only! Their speed stat suffers a half stat rating subtraction in return.
-Free Form: This form varies upon user to user but this is a form that they must teach themselves upon learning the first stage of this style. It is their one neutral stance or form that will always be passive when One Handed or Two Handed forms are not in use. They gain no Stat gains or reductions during this form.
Stage 2 (Genin)
Stage Description: The user is now starting to gain full knowledge of their weapon, they know it like the back of their hand and have studied the fundamental arts of the weapon as a whole. You know the weaknesses and the strengths of the weapon, however your training has just begun having knowing only the basic forms and motions introduced in the first stage as simple slashes, jabs and the like. This style focuses on specialized movements based off of the necessary basics.
Stage Powers: The user is least prone to having their weapon broken due to the care necessary from the first stage of this style. In addition to the immense knowledge spent on the weapon in general, the user is keen with their weapon and are fairly adept is using both forms and their free form style. This is the first level in which the user focuses on combat oriented skills.
Stage Training: Standard training in general, the user practices the Jutsu listed below and an additional three posts of studying. To prepare themselves for the next stage of the jutsu, the user must also study the art of chakra control with their weapon.
Stage Jutsu:
Keen Attack: A very simple yet crucial ability of any weapon user within this style. Using simple movement to the fullest advantage, the user unleashes a pin point strike at wherever they desire to inflict damage to their opponent. Should an opponent move or change slightly, they'll find it that their attack is rather swift if used in the One-Handed form and more powerful if used in the Two-Handed form. No chakra is used during this attack.
Parry A simple skill used to not fully block an enemy's attack with a limb or fist, but to ward it aside of make it useless. This skill can be used one-handed to fend off an opponent's attack by clashing briefly, only to ward off an attack to the side. Speed is of the essence when performing this attack and thus is most commonly used in the One-Handed form.
Power Attack A stronger form of the precision attack however it focuses much more strength within one attack
Stage Description:
Stage Powers: (What you gain by completing this stage)
Stage Training: (What you need to do to train yourself, including how many posts)
Stage Jutsu: (Jutsu you can use after completing this stage)
Stage Description:
Stage Powers: (What you gain by completing this stage)
Stage Training: (What you need to do to train yourself, including how many posts)
Stage Jutsu: (Jutsu you can use after completing this stage)
Stage Description:
Stage Powers: (What you gain by completing this stage)
Stage Training: (What you need to do to train yourself, including how many posts)
Stage Jutsu: (Jutsu you can use after completing this stage)