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Pokemon: Bruised Blue
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For nostalgic purposes I rummaged in my attic looking for some of my old clothes and toys from when I was a kid.
I shuffled through some dust and cobwebs because I am not very easily spooked especially by any living creatures.
I have a deep respect for flora and fauna and let them do and go as they please. I moved some boxes around and found a chest. It was rusty and splattered looking. It looked like red carpet dye was poored on it. It looked just like some stains in my dad's Oldsmobile so I thought nothing of it. I brushed off some nasty dirt and more webs. Then my parents called me down by the stairs. They were standing in the hallway below me.

"Hey, Kira! Get down from there!" My mother yelled.
"It's okay, mom! The worst in here is spiders and dead rats!" I reassured her.
" careful." She said quietly and ominously. I shrugged and didn't care.
Just as I wriggled my fingers in my gloves about to touch the lid and open it my father called me down.
"Kira! Stay out of there!" He sounded boiled and insistant. He seemed cruel not like the dad I know and love.
I went down the stairs. "How come?" I asked curiously.
"You're not old enough." He said fumbling over his words making up a lie and a typical parental excuse.
"Whatever." I said then I closed the door and stairs.

Then I looked him in the face. He gave me a dead-eyed stare. His eyes seemed hollow and masqueraded by some shadows which was weird and all but I thought nothing of it since his eyes are gray and stuff anyways.

That night I was in my room thinking about what had happened. I thought to myself "Not old enough? That's bullshit. My old man's probably trying to hide his whole porn stash." I laughed at the thought.

Then blissfully fell back on my bed to sleep. That night I had a very lucid dream. It was a nightmare! I kept dreaming about this blue foggy smoky abyssmal place. It was empty and cold. I could feel a frostbite pinching the skin on my toes. Then the icyness migrated up my arms and to my hands. I saw a big sign that said "December" with an empty door frame. Rubbing and breathing on my hands to warm myself up I walked over to the frame as I did I looked up and the sign changed. It said "B r U i S e D" It was spelled out in what looked to be Unknowns from Pokemon. I could only feel myself get colder. It was nearly impossible to move. But as I passed the frame entering it the sky above darkened above me into the blackest sable I had ever seen. I felt really scared and anxious. I felt so nauseous and unsafe. I felt like a vulture was hanging over me casting its shadow and it decided it was dinner time. I walked a bit faster ignoring the chills to the best of my ability.
I tucked my arms crossing them in my armpits as I ran. I heard the sounds of crying echoing around me.
They sounded digital and almost...familiar. It made me stop in my tracks to listen. I looked at my arms. They were not freezing. They were bruised. I had long black and purple streams of bruises going all the way up my arms. It did not sting because it was stung because I was bruised. It made me gasp.
I tried to scream but much like most lucid dreams my scream was silenced. I yelled until my throat hurt and I had to cradle it in my bruised hands. I started to cry a little too. I went down on my knees ready to give up and die.
Then the cries got louder and louder until my ears rang. I held my ears trying to drown out the noise. The cries became laughter. Homicidal laughter. It was the essence of pure evil.
I gulped and gasped as tears rolled down my face they were normal at first but were turning black like extremely rotten blood or ink. I could feel my eyes being consumed by this darkness. It made me ache.
The last things I saw were what looked like a Pikachu that wasn't yellow it was a washed out white like it was drained of all of its blood. It was crying black too.
I blinked and it disappeared but it the last split secounds I saw a Gengar with a butcher knife! It slashed me right across the face murdering me then I woke up.
I shot out of bed. It was pitch black in there but I felt like I was being watched. I looked around the room and at my window. There was a heavy hailstorm outside with lightning and thunder. As the thunder roared and the lightning flashed it reflected against my bed revealing a shadow at the very edge of it. I was chilled once again but to my heart and in my being. It was rattling in my bones.
The silhouette looked Gengar-shaped. I pretended not to see and know it was there but I think it noticed. It looked to be holding a blade. I could hear a woman screaming and it skewed to the sound of a harpie. I had no control over my body but I knew it was trying to save me. I bolted over and turned the lights on. I looked where the shadow was. It was my dad! His head was tilted and his eyes were glazed like eyeliner and mascara ran down his face like a woman crying. He was holding a cup of coffee. He walked over to me blankly like a zombie. He stopped for a moment to look at me and talk. It made me jump!
"I tried to stop it. Okay. I tried." He said flatly kind of angry but mostly like a man who expelled all his energy. He was trying to wake me up and save me because he heard the screams. Needless to say I was up all night clenching a flashlight in case the power were to go out. I clutched a knife too in the event I would have to face that Gengar again I want to at least get an eye for an eye.

It was finally morning and my eyes hurt from staying up and crying so much. My legs were stiff and cramped from rocking back and forth in the fetal position the whole night. Though I remembered it was because of a nightmare at the time my mind was a blank. It was nothing but blackness whenever I tried to recall. I shrugged it off going to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My eyes had huge bags under them like I was in a boxing match. My hair misshapen and blown back. It looked like moldy hay. My skin was sticky from the nervous sweats. My eyelids looked weirdly dark. I tried to smudge it with my thumbs thinking it was some left over goth make-up(Yes, I wear make-up. Make fun of me if you must). It didn't work. I tried again and again to the point of scratching my eyes with my nails. I stopped when I felt a cold trickle. A ribbon of blood from a small cut on my eyelid ran down my face like a tear. I got a papertowel and just tried to rub the blood but it wouldn't stop bleeding. It was irritating. The more I tried to heal it and clean it the worse it got. Every attempt was like one of those clown pinball machines laughing at you whenever you lost. I could hear laughter like someone was laughing at me. I could almost see a smirking face building up like a fog on the mirror. My eyes opened wide as it was at level with my face and really freaked me out. It slowly formed teeth and the teeth began to shine like porcelain pegs. It started to get 3-dimensional moving in a white cloudy masky towards me forming a hand which looked like it had a sword. Then my dad opened the door. I fell back and jumped and just sprinted right out of there! I go into the kitchen and try to tell my mom what happened. I only ended up stammering over myself and sounding crazy.
She tried to reassure me and said "It's okay, sweetie. You just had a nightmare and your mind is trying to sleep and wake up all at once. It's just your brain playing tricks on you. That's what you get for staying up late."
"But mom-"
"No buts." I got cut off and just went back to eating my Frosted Cheerios. After I finished I turned over to her. She seemed to pause and be stuck in one place. Just blank. I put hand on her shoulder and turned her around. Her face looked as plastic and fake as a mannequin. It was her face but the pure solid lack of emotion told a different story. This was not my real mother. I turned her around grabbing her arms trying to shake her out of it. I heard a loud CLANG! I looked down and she dropped a butcher's knife and it just barely missed my toes. I slowly moved away from her and took the knife. I began to head over to my room. Then she followed me. It was like she teleported a few feet away. Mom was still blank as ever.
I got unnerved but I tried to look away and ignore her closing my door behind me as if she weren't even there!

The next day everything was perfectly normal. Along with all the days after that. I was able to convince myself in that time I was hallucinating from fatigue and extremely lucid dreams. I went back up to the attic to dig into that treasure chest!
"Hey, son! Get down from there! It's dangerous!" My father warned me sternly.
I moved over crawling and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Why you-" I cut him off by slamming the door shut.
It was really dark in there but I could still just fine. At worst the attic looked like a cheap Day to Night effect. I could hear shuffling but I assumed it was just more cockroaches so I ignored it. I pried open the chest after some tweaking and pushing. I got crowbar and it cracked open. Inside it was mostly empty. I dug through. It felt like crusty gift paper and was in strips I just peeled it since it hardened together like it was hot glued or something. I felt a cartridge at the bottom. I pulled it out then I stored it in my jean pocket. I opened the door and my dad was gone. The house was all weirdly silent and s**t.
I shrugged it off. My old man probably just needed some quiet alone time thinking I would find his porn. I went into my room and sat on my bed satisfied. I was excited that I found a game that could revive my childhood even just for a few minutes. I clutched it to my chest and my hands felt weird. I looked down at my arm one of the strips was sticking to my sleeve. It looked like some crusty mummy bandage and had this inky fluid on it. I just threw it in the garbage. I felt funny for doing it though! I heard a knock on my door that sounded like a bucket being smacked from the inside. I opened the door and no one was there. I looked around from the frame in every single direction possible! Nothing! The house was still really empty! I closed the door and searched around my room and my old toy chest in my closet for any game systems. Yet again there was nothing! I went back to the cartridge on my sheets because I was too stupid to check before. It was Blue Version for the Gameboy Color with the label worn off. On the back of it there were these words written in Sharpie and crossed out like a child misspelling something. It said "Br u_I sed x" It looked like when I was a kid I was trying to spell "Bruce Wayne" and ******** up. I blew the dust out of it. I heard a scream in the distance it sounded like someone getting punched and groaning "OW!" I ignored it. I put the cartridge in my pocket and headed over to the local GameStop. I left the house and as I went out the door "Hey, mom! Dad! I'm goin' out!" The house was still quiet. I closed the door slowly then biked over to Game Stop.

I got to Game Stop and it was packed as usual. I was looking for a Game Boy but I did not see anything. Just the Xbox with Kinect. I went to the counter and talked to the clerk.
" any chance do you guys have a Gameboy Color?" I asked nonchalantly leaning on the counter with my arm though it hurt a little bit.
"Um...maybe. Maybe in the back. Well, we HAD one." He responded opening a closet and going in the back.
They took it out and undusted it for me. They handed it to me so I could take a look at it. It was very old.
"We're not sure if this thing still even works so you can have it for free." The clerk said scratching his beard.
"Wow! Really?"
I practically did a little dance I was so excited.

I rushed into my room and put the cartridge in the Game Boy. It went in just fine! I turned it on and heard the sparkling noise it made whenever it turned on. It brought back so many happy memories! I could barely contain myself! The fact that I was going to play made me grin ear to ear. It showed the dates "(c) '95, '96, '98 Nintendo
(c) '95, '96, '98 Creatures inc.
(c) '95, '96, '98 GAME FREAK inc." I tried not to have a spazz attack but then the opening music played. The star went across the GAME FREAK logo. Instead of raining stars the logo ran long black lines that looked like spilled paint dripping down a wall. It looked like a graphics glitch! It was completely silent at that part but then it started I did not hear the battle music I remembered. I heard a screech. I thought it was because the cartridge or the Game Boy Color were old and in bad shape. The opening was the same for the most part except instead of Gengar attacking a Jigglypuff only to be dodged it was a Gengar holding a knife and a bat smacking a Pikachu until it was bruised and bleeding from the mouth and cried. It was really realistic for a Game Boy Game or even a Pokemon game in general! The rest of the opening was normal but inverted and very black and white looking. The Lavendar Town theme played then reversed itself backwards then it went to the Pokemon Blue Version screen with your character red while the rest was blue.
The Lavendar Town Theme Backmasked (This is EXACTLY what I heard!): Click here

The Pokemon appeared behind the Trainer as I watched wanting to see them all the graphics faded. They got lighter and lighter and almost black and white even! Then Pikachu showed up. Its eyes were black and bleeding. The Trainer turns entirely white and his cheeks are hollow. He looks like he had the life sucked out of him! He was bleeding black from his eyes. My heart started pounding all crazy. I gulped and sweat a heavy sweat. I used my hand to wipe off my wet brow. My hand still hurt. "Ow!" I said wincing. It sounded like the scream from earlier. I gasped and almost dropped the Game Boy but just clicked A.
It had the same tool bar menu as I remembered. It was a white box and almost comforting to see making me sigh with relief leaning back on the idea I had just been imagining things. The menu said
I tried to click "NEW GAME" but it made a buzzer noise rejecting me over and over whenever I tried! I figured it was a glitch or that my Saved File from before had something important on it. I clicked "OPTION" for the Hell of it only to illicit the exact same response!
So I just clicked "CONTINUE" and it let me go ahead. My information in the file was
TIME: 12:12"
I figured for sure that was a glitch in the thing because it was the same number over and over. I thought to myself "Of all the things for the system to pick why 12 of all things? Wouldn't Binary make more sense with technology?" I scoffed angrily with confusion and rolled my eyes. I started the game from where I was. I was in the middle of this dark blue cave by an entrance. Another Trainer walked up to me or rather it was...Proffessor Oak! He shook his head and looked down then spoke to me.
"She didn't make it." I read it in my head lowering my eyebrows. I was thinking he meant a Pokemon who fainted or got sick. I unconsciously said what he said out loud.
"Yes. Do I need to repeat myself?"
He said then facing me through the screen then he looked back at my Trainer. I felt immensely creeped out.
"Want to know what happen? Yes or no?"
I clicked "No" since that was the option I almost always pick in games whether it does good or not. I just like being contradictory and seeing the people in games act all surprised at me.

"You're not ready anyways." He responded. Then the screen went black and the game shut off!
"What the Hell?" I asked myself.

There was a pounding knock at my door. I opened it. No one was there! Then the attic door was knocking. I opened it to find nothing.
Today went from being weird and kind of cool to just plain imbalanced and nerve-wracking. I closed my door and went back to the game.
I got the same talk and crap from Oak I would even mouthing his words with my face and hand while rolling my eyes at him. He looked angry but chose to ignore it. He asked me if I was ready.

I picked "Yes"

Suddenly I was in the middle of some grass by a different cave. I checked my Start menu and my stats. Everything was blank. I growled and muttered with rage but continued on walking around in the grass. I got attacked by a Pokemon! It was a Gengar! I heard the laughing echo throughout my entire house. The Pokemon that was first in my party was a Pikachu my friend traded me named "Kenzington". It was half dead in HP. The laughing got louder. The Gengar punched and scratched my Pikachu every turn and it was Paralyzed and could not fight back. He inevitably Fainted. I was kind of annoyed that I was losing already then I checked my party. I checked my Pokemon and Kenzington's name was changed to "Bruised". All of the sudden I am teleported into this plain black room. Some text appears at the bottom of the screen.
It asks "Are you ready to fight the Elite Four?" The only option is "Yes" so I chose that one hesitantly and shaken from the laughing around me going quiet which was scarier than when it was loud! I am locked in a battle where I can't flee. I cannot use any Pokemon and the one I am facing is a level 12 Pikachu. It was black and white. It was weeping heavy waterfall tears of black chunky ink. My stomach twisted and turned at the sight of it. Then Ash turned into a Gengar holding a knife. The command says "Do it." I speak against it out loud practically sobbing as this situation was making me worn out and depressed!
"She's dead anyways."
The Pikachu turned whiter and got covered in dark purple and blue bruises. Its whole body was covered in them until he swelled up and his stomach popped open. You could see his meaty intestines and internal organs. It looked super black and would not stop bleeding. Maggots and flies were already all over Kenzington's bruised corpse.
Tears fell down my face. I felt like I died, like my past died, and like my inner child died. I felt like everything was a big black swirling vortex of pain and suffering.
Then it only got worse! Gengar Ash though knowing the corpse was long dead kept stabbing the face for kicks.
I got these flashes and mental images of a woman in a hospital with pasty white skin with hollowed cheeks and dark sunken eyes. She was beaten and bruised and practically assaulted to death but managed to survive. The killer bursts in through the window and kidnaps her to finish the job.
He pops her open and pulls out her entrails as mascara and eyeliner paint down her face like the thickest of watercolors. The killer keeps on returning to his basement and poking the corpse even as it hardens and rots. He wraps her up like a mummy and binds her into a tight package. Her brown nearly black blonde hair and blood like excremate caking those dirty yellow unsanitary bandages. He locks the corpse up into a chest and tosses it in his attic.
Three weeks later he looks at it and notices brighter red stains. Almost like she stayed alive! Since then the box would not stop leaving and it tormented him with guilty and worries and haunted him for the rest of his life until he committed suicide by clawing out his eyes, slamming his head, cracking it open on a mirror, then bruising his own arms, and goring his stomach out.
He impaled himself. A bracelet that belonged to the woman with the words "Kenzington" on it slipped off his hand. He kept it like it were a trophy even in death that's how evil he was.
I was back to reality and some crystal clear hands touched my face as I cried. It was the touch of an angel.
I tried to remember the good times this game brought me, the trades, the battles, the gyms, taking care of my Pokemon...especially Kenzington. My very favorite. I see a ghost right in front of me of the woman. I realized the purpose. She just wanted to be loved and taken care of. So she put her spirit in the game of a little boy to make him happy and him do the same for her. Maybe I was just imagining her doing that to me because as instantly and suddenly as she came she vanished. She was finally at peace knowing I still loved her.
The order had finally been restored from what it looked like!

That night I threw the cartridge in the fire along with the Game Boy. My parents were back to normal and so was I. I looked over the fire again saw the cartridge was not melting at all. Then I realized not only did the victim's tormented and restless old spirit stay inside the cartridge but the murderer himself!
The woman was long gone but the killer was still in the game!
Today is the day after it and I have not let myself out of my room. There has been a lot of ******** scratching and pounding on my door.
It is trying to coax me out to kill me. But I will not let it. But to tell you the truth the torment is making me consider it. You know what? I will. I don't know what

will hapnds;boouyyfgjbfgjgfgdf
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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Wed Feb 06, 2013 @ 02:18am

    SCARY! It gets me everytime! DX

    User Comments: [1]