1. What is your best friends name?
beebeecde1234, XLily Kingdom HeartsX, Edwin Jarvis, among others I shall not name
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
Why do you need to know emotion_eyebrow
3. What are you listening to right now?
My own breathing
4. Whats your favorite number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Probably black
7. How is the weather right now?
It is cold and cold and very quitely cold
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My friend still
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Clothes. If they have glasses, glasses.
10. Do you have a significant other?
11. Favorite TV show?
Doctor Who/Death Note. Don't ask me why.
12. Siblings?
13. Height?
I'm probably taller than the person reading this
14. Hair color?
Dirty blonde
15. Eye Color?
16. Do you wear contacts?
I wish
17. Favorite Holiday?
My birthday mwahahahahaha
18. Month?
It's after January and before December. Does that narrow it down?
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
Yes. I'm crying right now. Online crying, that is
20. What was the last movie you watched?
Like 1/16 of the hunger games
21. Favorite Day of the Year?
August 13th
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Well, I don't have a date right now, so what do you think
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?
If I want to break my neck
24. Hugs or Kisses?
25. Chocolate or Vanilla?
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?
27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you?
No one!
28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you?
Everyone! I'm phoneless
29. What books are you reading?
30. Piercings?
31. Favorite movies?
Harry Potter 1st year
32. Favorite football Team?
I can’t even name a football team. <---
33. What are you doing right now?
I'm breathing. Oh you ~
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
Buttery goodness
37. Dogs or cats?
38. Favorite flower?
39. Been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to do?
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
41. Have you ever loved someone?
My cat -.-
42. Who would you like to see right now?
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
No, because they pretty much all turned into terrible people
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
Never done it.
46. Right-handed or Left-handed?
Left. No, that does not make me special
47. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 regular, and like 5 smaller pillows
48. Are you missing someone?
No, I know where everyone is
49. Do you have a tattoo?
I drew on myself with a green marker...
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A random person's journal.
The good thing about my journal is that nobody reads it. :D
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