Name: Ruth Anne Emmerson
Age/Year: Fifteen/Fourth Year
Birthdate: December 7, 1963
Blood Status: Half-blood
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Fir, owl feather core, springy and flexible, 7 1/2 inches.
Boggart: Her father and brother dead.
Patronus: A saw-whet owl.
Amortentia: Christmas trees, gingerbread cookies, cinnamon, peppermint, and hot coco.
"I feel slightly guilty my mum died. If I hadn't been born, she wouldn't have tried to protect me and gotten killed."
"Before Evan died, I had wished someone on our Quidditch team would leave the team. I hadn't meant by death though."
"I sometimes wonder how my family would have raised me differently if my mum had lived."
Canon/Madeup: Madeup
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Play By: Amandal Stenberg
Likes: Christmas, Winter, School, Quidditch, Family, Owls, Snow, Flying, Ice Skating, Climbing
Dislikes: Summer, Lizards, Knives, Rugby, Swimming, Coffee, High heels, Blood, Loud Music, Small Trees
Strengths: Flying/Quidditch, Intelligent, Amiable, Fast, Attentive
Weaknesses: Shy, Small, Family, Quiet, Food
Ruth is quite the character. She's incredibly shy at first, but once she warms up to someone (which doesn't take very long) she's a carefree girl. She loves to eat, play and watch Quidditch, and fly. Her father and brother taught her how to fly when she was four, and she's loved it ever since. Later, she learned about Quidditch, and how to play, and found that she loved it as well.
Her inside is a lot like her outside. She's petite, light footed, and lighthearted. A glance at her would tell you those things, though. She's been in ballet and gymnastics since she was four. The local gym had a program for young children, and her father opted for a positive social activity rather than a babysitter. By the time her brother taught her how to ice skate, her balance was nearly perfect. Ruth realized that ice skating was her calling, aside from flying. Both yielded the most amazing feeling.
Ruth has a strong love for the wintertime. She adores the crisp air, biting at her exposed skin. And the crunch of snow beneath her feet. Decorating the Christmas tree, and baking gingerbread cookies, she loved it all. Flying in the icy air was always a treat, and when she got too cold, Ruth would go inside for a cup of hot chocolate, her favorite. She felt alive during winter.
Being so small, Ruth worries that others don't see her potential. She's afraid other people only see a little girl, which she isn't. Her father and brother act as if she requires protection, even when she doesn't. Often times she's wondered if that's because of what happened to her mother, but she's never had the nerve to ask. She's too shy, despite all her youthful socialization, to say what she really wants to, most of the time, but she can step up and speak for herself if she needs to.
Mother: Amber Beth Emmerson -Deceased
Father: Christopher Dean Emmerson
Brother: Dean Lee Emmerson
Months before Ruth was due, her parents discussed a home birth. Amber had gone to St. Mungo's as her husband had requested to have their son, and now it was her turn to choose. Christopher didn't like the idea, but he could apperate her to St. Mungo's should anything go wrong. And, he was a Healer there, so he would know should there be an issue. Once December arrived, and the sixth day passed, she went into labor. All went well, and little Ruth was brought into the world on December 7th to two proud parents, and an ecstatic brother. Her father checked her out, and she was perfect. She weighed a bit below the normal weight, but it was nothing to worry about. The next day, he insisted the baby and his wife be checked out at St. Mungo's, just to be certain all was well. His wife complied, agreeing that a checkup was a wise choice, since Amber had always had a low immune system. And everything was perfect.
In August, while Ruth's brother was starting at Hogwarts and her father was working a long shift, Ruth and her mum went for a stroll. Her muggle mum loved warm weather. She slid a rock behind the wheels of the stroller so it wouldn't roll away, and removed her house keys. Night had fallen, and she needed to prepare dinner for her husband who would be arriving home at any minute. Before Amber could even cry out, someone grabbed at her purse that was hanging off the stroller, and in the blink of an eye, the young woman had tackled the offending man who was a threat to her daughter. The thief responded by stabbing her, and snatching her purse anyway. An hour later, the old couple across the street retrieved the child and called the police.
Christopher arrived home ten minutes later, expecting to find his lovely family inside, and instead finding an explosion of muggles and... his wife. His life fell apart, he snapped. But time moved on, and he saw so much of his beautiful, kind, caring wife in his daughter as she aged. It killed him. He loved her though, she was his little girl. What was left of the family moved on. And Ruth grew into a toddler. She rode brooms, played in the snow, and "helped" Dean bake gingerbread cookies during the winter. She was lonely when he was at school, so her father enrolled her in a daytime activity program at a local gym for kids. She later joined ballet there, and loved every minute of it. When her brother taught her how to ice skate, she lost all interest in ballet and gymnastics, finding that her passion was ice skating and flying.
When Ruth was five, she displayed her use of magic in front of her father and brother for the first time. It always happened on accident, and they never seemed to see it, not that she wanted them too. It was special to her, that she could do things like that. She didn't know they could do better things, at the time. it was a secret too big for such a little girl. It was Christmas time, and they were decorating the tree. It was the first year Ruth would get to place the delicate porcelain star atop the tree. Instead of reaching and stretching to get it up there, Ruth merely extended her arm, and the star floated to the top. Her father and brother were ecstatic.
Ruth received her letter when she turned eleven. Her brother had already moved out, being twenty two and all. He had chosen to stay close to home. Renting an apartment a block over, but spending much of his spare time with his family. Her father had stayed home from work that day, and her brother came over after his shift, to celebrate her birthday and her letter. They went as a family for her school supplies, it wasn't her first time there though, they had gone yearly to get her brothers new books. Her brother bought her a saw-whet owl, who she named Amie and she got all of her other school supplies. Her first few years at Hogwarts were uneventful, aside from being sorted into Ravenclaw, of course. She was always too shy to apply for the Quidditch team, always working up the courage too late.