Nick Name: The Dark Son, The Demon's Spawn, The Shadow Savior
Ht/Wt: 6'4 250
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Entrance Music: Mordred's Lullaby
Entrance Moves:

Mordred's Lullaby begins to play, the haunting melody echoing across the arena as the lights gained a Sanguine colored tint.
Hush child
The darkness will
Rise from the deep
And carry you
Down into sleep
The darkness will
Rise from the deep
And carry you
Down into sleep

Mordred came out, his mask covering his whole face. He carried a torch that casted shadows over his mask and all around the stage. He scanned his gaze over the audience, only his haunting blue eyes visible.
Making his way to the ring from Seattle, Washington weighing in at 250 pounds: Mordred.
He walked down the ramp slowly, the tails of his winged jacket trailing behind him as his melody played on.
Guileless son
I'll shape your belief
And you'll always know
That your father's a thief
And you won't understand
The cause of your grief
But you'll always follow
The voices beneath
Mordred walked up the steel steps, sticking the torch on the corner before walking to the middle of the apron. He faced the ramp, removing his winged jacket before facing the ramp. As he pulled off the mask, the lights turned back to normal to reveal his tattooed Jack O'Lantern like face.

He entered the ring and went to the middle, pulling out a lighter and doing a firebreathing trick upwards.
Guileless son
Each day you grow older
Each moment I'm watching
My vengeance unfold
For the child of my body
The flesh of my soul
Will die in returning
The birthright he stole
Appearance: entrance -

ring -

His appearance was tattooed on him as a means of obssessive connection to his father The Number Three. He enters the rign with a tight hard mask that only he can remove and a winged jacket.
Style: Grappler, bruiser, Technical, hardcore, suplexes
Common Moves: strikes, blows, elbow and knee strikes, drop kick, leg lariat, headbutt,clothelines, suplexes, fireman's carry throws, straightjacket moves, backdrop driver.
Signature Moves: Abyssal Plunge, Penance (Inverted DDT) , Hellraiser (discus forearm)
Finisher: Demon's Claw (sprays an irritant from his mouth into into his hand and places an Iron Claw), Iron Maiden , Death Trap
The irritant for the demon's claw is a form of asian mist, the types are as follows:
Green Mist – The most common mist, which obscures the opponent's vision.
Red Mist – This mist is purported to burn rather than blind.
Black Mist – An even more powerful mist which is purported to severely blind an opponent for a prolonged period of time.
Blue Mist – This mist is used to send an opponent to sleep.
Yellow Mist – This mist is purported to paralyze the opponent.
Special Finisher: Fireball (takes a ball of flash paper and lights it to simulate a fireball which is then thrown at the opponent.)
Gimmick: Three's son. He was raised by Three until he was young and his mother chased Three away, telling him that he was abaondoned by his father. He joined wrestlign to find and punish his father for leaving him.
Alignment: Anti-Heel
Match Type Expertise: Hardcore, Inferno, matches against/with Three (Mordred knows Three very well from being raised by him and studying him completely. He has the potential to be both his best partner, and his greatest enemy)
Match Type Weakness: cage, cell
Weapon Expertise: Torch, asian mist
Division: Heavyweight
Title History: n/a
Notable Feuds:
The Number Three (EWA)