Name: Clyde Wesson
Nickname: Quickdraw
Age: 39
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 198 lb
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Abilities/Skills: After years of practice, Clyde has become a master of Mugai Ryu, He has acquired superhuman abilities with the help of exoskeleton, and has become an advanced hand-to-hand combatant capable of several styles.
Weaknesses: Absolutely refuses to kill (Sentient beings, unless able to reason past it), while the exoskeleton does allow for superhuman performance, it only allows for basic superhuman feats, such as benching at least one ton, etc. The suit cannot function properly if there are electronic interferences, such as chaff.
Side: Justice League
After remaining apart of the HIVE for sometime, Clyde eventually dropped out. He grew tired of everyone there, even breaking his shallow inner romance with Hex. Once on the streets, Clyde was abducted by the Opperman Corporation and put through all kinds of experiments to create the ultimate cybernetic soldier. The company succeeded. However, Clyde eventually freed himself of the company's mind control drugs that kept him under the company's thumb and escaped. From there Clyde lived out his life as a mercenary for hire. The cybernetic swordsman soon discover the ways of Mugai Ryu and wished to reform his life for his and make up for his past misdeeds as member of HIVE.
After remaining apart of the HIVE for sometime, Clyde eventually dropped out. He grew tired of everyone there, even breaking his shallow inner romance with Hex. Once on the streets, Clyde was abducted by the Opperman Corporation and put through all kinds of experiments to create the ultimate cybernetic soldier. The company succeeded. However, Clyde eventually freed himself of the company's mind control drugs that kept him under the company's thumb and escaped. From there Clyde lived out his life as a mercenary for hire. The cybernetic swordsman soon discover the ways of Mugai Ryu and wished to reform his life for his and make up for his past misdeeds as member of HIVE.
Crush: None, but subject to change.
Theme: Serpentine
Other: While Clyde no longer uses guns, he is still a remarkable marksmen. As an ex-member of the HIVE, Clyde knows many of the members weaknesses. Clyde is also able to take the suit off, though doesn't find much reason to other than to shower or show his face.
Gaia Name: Leprechaun_Sean
Crush: None, but subject to change.
Theme: Serpentine
Other: While Clyde no longer uses guns, he is still a remarkable marksmen. As an ex-member of the HIVE, Clyde knows many of the members weaknesses. Clyde is also able to take the suit off, though doesn't find much reason to other than to shower or show his face.
Gaia Name: Leprechaun_Sean