
Age: 15
Race: ???
Powers: She is psychic meaning she can read minds, she can also put thoughts into other's heads, she has telekinesis (The ability to move things with her mind), and she can use compulsion.
Bio: She was born in a small town hospital at the edge of the forest. Nothing really happened there but when she was born that changed. She was born with dark blue hair, no one had ever seen anything like it. The townsfolk looked at her strange when passing by her home when she was a baby. There had been rumors spread about that she caused unnatural events like floating items and that she sometimes controlled her parent's movements with her mind. When she grew up she didn't know any of this, even though she had the dark blue hair she thought it was normal. Her parents finally got scared of her very scared because she was able to put thoughts into their heads and read their thoughts. They sent her off to what they thought was a boarding school but she took the wrong flight and ended up here.
Personality: Shy, Calm, Graceful, Polite.
Additional info: She wants a relationship.