Zara is a young weretiger, though she does not know it yet. She actually knows very little, even with the long history of her intelligent werecats ancestors behind her, because she has been in a small slave cage for as long as she can remember. One of her first memories is when she was given her name. A trader was kind enough to feed her some extra food, and sat down with her. The person smiled at her because she was so careful and delicate even as she ate. She reminded the trader of a shining flower out of dirt and filth. So that trader, the one she never saw again, called her Zara that means shinning or flower.
While most of the other female slaves beg for attention of a master or mistress in the cell they all share, little Zara sits on the cold ground in the corner, not truly knowing what to do. She should be with the others and beg for a master to take her out of this horrid prison, but she is too worried. What if this new person is aggressive, insane, or just wants to watch her die slowly. She knows these are the worst cases in the slave trade but they do happen. A chance to be a rich family’s pet, maid or anything is her only thing she hopes for. But her true dream is just to be free in the world that she knows is out there but cannot reach.
Her grace and beauty lights through the years of dirt on her pale skin. She traces her thin fingers through her white hair. Bright blue eyes watching the few people pass by. Out of that few, less than half see her and even less stop. So little do that its almost none. A little girl in a fine pink dress with plenty of ruffles pulled on her mother’s skirt. She pointed at Zara in excitement. The woman kneed down to her daughter’s eye level and gazed out at Zara. Her thin, pink lips curved a smile. The other slaves quickly saw the mistress and rushed in front of Zara, ruining her chance.
Little Zara cowers in a corner, brushing her fingers though hair with her blue eyes searching and waiting for a way out and into the freedom she carves.
~ * ~ * ~
Name: Zara
Gender: Female
Age: About 16 but birth date is unknown
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Race: Weretiger (can fully shift into a white tiger at will, when pissed off, or threatened)
Personalty: Kind, shy, scared easily, lovable and cuddly after trust is set, loyal, obedient, rarely suborn, (When in her other form she will be very beastly but some of her human traits will shine through)
Likes: fish, any good food, soft music, animals, having her head petted or hair brushed, watching things like birds or anything nature or entertaining, she loves to hear stories but she cannot read so it is hard for her to read them, shallow pools, sleeping in and takeing naps, attractive people, and the feeling that she is not alone
Dislikes: hot days, anything load, violence, pain, being treated like crap, tea, unknown objects, other people in pain, feeling alone, being useless and unwanted
Background Summary: Born and abanded by her werecat parents. She have spent almost all her sad life in the same cage. She has scars from other masters and mistresses. (Full background above)