Last name: Madoka
First name: Eva
Nickname(s): Eva, Eve, Doka
Birthday: Year X767
Age: Seventeen
Eye color: Pink
Hair color: Snow white
Height: 5"5 (165 cm)
Weight: 121 pounds (54 kilos)
Bust: 34"
Waist: 24"
Hips: 35"
Likes: Sweets, bright colors, cute things, animals, magic, cooking, romantic things, Gray Fullbuster
Dislikes: Silence, loneliness, rude people, cockiness, her shyness
Personality & Appearance
Appearance: Eva stands about the average height for a seventeen year old girl. Her hair is a powdery snow white and flows about mid thigh and bangs that slightly cover her right eye unless it is styled. Her eyes are a purplelish pink, a lot similar to fuschia. She has a nice light complexion and light pink cheeks that definitely make her eyes stand out. Eva's FairyTail emblem is orange and sits on the top of her left shoulder. She has a curvy figure and straight posture that make her look older than she really is.
Personality: She is very shy at first but once she opens up she is very energetic and kind. Eva can be a bit sarcastic at time when she's irritated or annoyed, other than that she is simply a normal seventeen year old girl. She loves cooking and cleaning, most people even call her a great house wife but she is far from perfect. She's hardworking, caring, but also clumsy. She tends to trip on her feet or blurt things out at random times. Sometimes she hurts others' feelings without realizing and that often makes people think that she is a bad person when she really has good motives. Training her magic and becoming stronger were the main reasons she joined FairyTail. Ever since she was a child the girl had trained and quickly learned new skills in a small amount of time. Even through all of her training she thinks that she is still behind Natsu because it seems that he still hasn't developed completely. Behind her tough exterior she is truly a hopeless romantic and a bit quirky. Reading romantic books to watching dramas, she loves all of it. Her crush on Gray can definitely not be hidden, she is loving and cares about him deeply and will not hide that fact to anyone. She tries hard to impress him but knows to keep her distance.
Key items: A yellow-orange "x" shaped hair clip with white feathers.
Magic & Abilities
Element: Air
Lift: Eva controls the air under her lifting herself off the floor and giving her the ability to fly.
Air lock:
Air cut
References: [ x ]