He was taught to read, and as his purpose had been to protect his adoptive father as a warrior, he learned the blade. He showed promise, with speed that boggled the mind for his size, and amazing precision with his strikes. However, being an orc, and full-blooded no less, he did not receive much respect in the Circle.
As a result, with his adoptive father's passing, the orc was put out on the streets, with only his training blade and enough gold to get him room and meal for a week- not that it'd do any good for an orc, humans having their fears and superstitions after all. No one ever thought that this orc, from a naturally dumb and thick race, would ever become something.
When plague struck the nation not three months after he was put out on the streets, he answered the call for able bodies at a temple in the city. Though doubtful that this crude beast could be much help to them, the priest and directing officers decided to put him to work. An able body was an able body, after all, and he was strong..
Matching him up with a seasoned soldier, refined in the arts of the shadows, Kharax was sent on a good many tasks. It was not long before they realized his potential, for it was he that most aided the breakthrough for an end to the constant plague, and he that toppled the enemies that attacked the city from within its own borders.
Had they realized his worth sooner, perhaps he would still be in that city, a fine and honored guard of the Lord. But he slipped away too soon, to go about on his own adventure. Many challenges were met, many were overcome. He came to crossroads between worlds, even times.
Now, though aged and settled down, in ownership of a large and well-frequented inn and a merchant's line, he will still answer the call for a hero.

Inventory (As of 7/29/12):
Armor (Red Scale) - Offers flame resistance, high defense rating
Armor (Blue Scale) - Offers frost resistance, high defense rating
Armor (Unidentified) - High defense rating, low weight, strength boost
Tower Shield (Unidentified) - Magic Resistence, low encumbrance, bright light
Steel Greaves (Unidentified) - Increased speed, sneaking, strength
Flame Tongue (Sword) - Adds fire damage, increases attack, casts light
Halberd (Unidentified) - Casts fear, light, high attack rating
9 Bags of Holding
16 False Bags of Holding
Decent selection of brews for any scenario