Chapter 2
Chp. 2 Family visit/Headstrong-Trapt
I woke up to a moderately bright day this time. The sun in my eyes. I am happy it was not as bright as before. Us goths and vampires and creatures of the night absolutely LOATHE the sun. I would be happier if it were raining though. I'm only happy when it rains. I'm kind of deep. I love dark skies and the dead of night. Deal with it. Some people just are too stupid to get it.
I almost assumed it was still early morning so I tried to sleep in until my uncle Peterson Dracu'ul shook the Hell out of me. I felt like a pinata. "Raven, Raven! Wake up!" He insisted and demanded and barked. "Nooo..." I whined and protested sadly. I pulled my black usagi/bunny pillow over my head for protection as I tried again to sleep. I was acting like a little kid. I refused to leave my coffin. "You need to learn to sleep at night like the humans do." He said shaking me some more. It's ironic since he had coffee all the time. "I'm not some human, I'm a princess!" I groaned and snuggled under my many black and red velvet victorian and purple silk goth blankets and pillows and anime plushies. "A princess damn it, a princess!" "If you do it, we'll have a glass of human tonight!" He stopped shaking me and folded his arms smirking through his fangs as he uttered those tempting words. I paused in awe turning over to him. "Well, we won't if that is not what the princess wants..." He got me that time. He made a look with his face. "Oh screw that! I want human!" I bolt out of my room, run down the short staircase, prepare a quick breakfast of cinnamon toast and herbal mountain tea. I run back to my room and kick Dracula's butt out of there so I can properly get ready and get changed(and not be watched by a perv).
This time I put my hair up in a looser ponytail since I went so fast. I tied it all back. I panted as I struggled to tie my mane up like Ariana Grande with a purple and silver mini thread lolita ribbon. I put on a bondage choker with REAL jewels in it. It was a simple black and white kind of theme but added purple to match my eyes. I got a quick glance from my mirror seeing that I looked like Tamaki from Heart to Heart as always or even like Tamaki in Ouran Highschool Host Club but I stopped rushing for a moment to relax. I breathe.
I suddenly hear a voice from behind me. "Oh, my dear. You certainly are high strung." The voice was nasily, small, shy, and defined. It was almost unnerving. It was sort of familiar too but I could not put my finger on it. Hearing it in the dark of the bathroom gave me chills like a horror movie especially as I saw a big pair of bright hot sharp red demon eyes like the thing in X-Files. I was scared right away. I'm a demon too but not like that! I switched the light on. I blinked and I missed who it was. I heard a sound in the distance after that. It sounded like an animal, a wild animal. "Pfft...calm down, Princess Raven." I said to myself getting over the shakes. "It's just like a dream or something you're barely awake anyways..." I sighed on it. I put on some mascara, black cat eye eyeliner, and some mild grey eyeshadow. I let my lips go mostly bare but put some bare lipgloss and balm on them with inner lipstain gradient to make it look like I was just feeding on someone else's blood. I pouted my big pink lips before brushing and flossing my fangs. I put the usual school uniform on and wore non-matching stockings on because I am so weird. One was white with black stripes and the other was pure gunpowder black.
I walked over to the door to leave but my uncle confronted me. "Wait! I have to tell you something!" He said loudly and seriously. Almost in a huff he was. I bolted with my running powers but I could barely hear him. "Your (muffled) visit!" It was like a secret code. "Psh. Whatever." I thought as I showed up to class but I could not help but feel like I was getting followed. By someone...or some thing. I guess you could say my vampire senses were tingling. But I ignored them extremely foolishly and for that I am an idiot.
It was English class and I was sitting next to Kira. He was wearing the school uniform(he probably got in trouble for rebelling by not wearing it on the first day and got threatened if he wouldn't follow the rules so he's been following them since he's not a huge rebel or anything). It was an all black gakuran boy's school uniform. It was pitch raven black. It was the darkest color I had ever seen in my life. Like a hole in space! It was a bit plain but it made an impressive statement about how dedicated he was to being goth like me! I stared at it in awe with drool on my chin. "Is there something wrong, Raven-chan?" He said raising his medium blue eyebrow, smirking a little at me. He looked like Prince Eric. I almost drooled at how cute was but didn't and tried to respond. "I like the outfit." I said honestly using all my energy to not stutter. No! I can't love him! Not just in a tsundere or even a gothic kind of way. I feel so real with him like no one else. He can't figure it out. If he does it'll totally ruin our friendship! The kingdom as well! There you have it. I have to try and hide it somehow... "Me too. I had to make sure this outfit was extra customized if I was going to wear it at all." Kira said flatly then running his hands through his blue emo fringe a bit like how Aladdin strokes his hair. It looked sexy. He even had studs and crosses and The Crow make-up on. I felt weirded out that I was thinking this about my best friend! Eh, whatever. I was probably just admiring him in a friendly way, right? "I got mine customized too except I requested more variety to not contrast with my hideously white skin too much..." I complained. I was sad again. "I think your skin is perfect and very beautiful. I have never seen any skin like yours before in my life. You must have awesome genes." He complimented me deeply and sincerely. I felt a rush from it. My heart was pounding happily since I've never been complimented so much before especially by someone so cool before. "A-a-arigato, Kira-kun..." I said blushing a deep fuchsia pink. The glow and shine of my skin making the colors more radiant along with my skin being pale as pure white itself. I probably looked like a colorful star or a special disco ball in a way. "Anytime, Raven-chan. I always say what I mean." He replied putting his strong hand lightly on my shoulder. It was like his gift was honesty like Applejack from My Little Pony. It was like a romance novel but his shirt was buttoned and he had clothes on unlike 50 Shades of Gross! I shivered but he didn't notice at all because the new student walked in and she was different!
"Class, I would like you to meet our new student." Mrs. Potter escorted the girl inside. It was weird. I got a vibe again but I didn't care. Goth code is to exist as a ghost after all. Like Lydia Deetz says people ignore the strange and unusual. I probably just feel weird around new people considering the first day of school and all. My suspicions are just on edge from that 1st scarring experience. Then there's the whole hiding myself and my royalty thing. "Alright, new one. Say your name for the class." The teacher said putting her hand on her shoulder. She twitched like a crazy. The new student remained completely and utterly silent. It was almost terrifying how awkward and quiet it was. It was as if the new student was a serial killer. Or even just mute. Or the most sensitive thing in the world. Who knows? Who could know? I didn't. Those with quiet lips have loud minds. "Say your name please..." The English teacher said getting increasingly annoyed. You could tell she was sweating with anger because her grip was getting tighter on the student and her hair was frizzing worse than ever before! "Fine. Be that way. I SHALL introduce you." She opened up an envelope but her sweat smeared the ink in the parcel so the last name got removed to a smudge. "Kiku um...something. It's Kiku something." She said scratching her head and getting black ink on herself like Mulan or a clown. Annette commanded the class to point and laugh at this disaster. Me, Kira, and the new student didn't laugh. "What are you laughing at, you brats? This is a new girl so treat her nicely! It's clear she's scared of you all!" She insisted and twitched. The class just laughed louder. "Alright who started this?" The teacher asked. Annette who pointed to the new student without batting an eyelash. If there was anything she was good at once in a while it was blaming others and being a liar. "Kiku why would you make everyone laugh at us?" Mrs. Potter asked. "I...I..." Kiku stammered and started to speak like Fluttershy. "Oh, poo!" She ran away blushing and crying. "Well, that was weird..." Annette said raising her fake eyebrows with amusement smirking in a scary way. She mouthed "Dead meat" glaring the new girl down. It cornered her like a mouse. "I think I like this new girl...very breakable..." She whispered to herself softly but I could hear her from across the room I have amplified senses as a vampire. Annette Jonesley tinted her french tipped fingers like Mr. Burns yet again. What was that? The phrase of the week? "Oh, it's on." I thought to myself except it came out loud again. (Oops!) "What's on?" Kira asked me cocking his head cutely like I sometimes do. "Follow me!" I said then I grabbed him. We ran after the student to comfort her.
Kiku was sitting in the hallway on a bench crying her eyes out. It caused her blue wintery eyeshadow and black emo eyeliner to run a little. It came off ever so slightly. She was fragile like fine china. A deep soul. She hiccuped with her cries because she was crying so hard even if the sounds were quiet I could hear her and found her. Kira and I approached her. Kira put his hand on her back but she pulled away and ran from him sobbing even more. He gasped. "Smooth move, Kira-kun." I said folding my arms angrily, glaring at him with my light pink/purple eyes, and raising my beautiful natural red eyebrow. I pouted my big shiny lips at him too. "Hey, I didn't know she was so sensitive. My attitude usually works but this girl she's so sensitive that even my niceness doesn't work. I'm a champion at being nice so..." He explained. I nodded in agreement. "So we need to be nicer." I suggested after going into a thinker pose and tapping my small round chin on my swan neck on my heart shaped face. "How?!" He asked. "I'll find a way...maybe..." I said looking in another direction and thinking more and harder. "Eureka! I've got it!" I declared getting a lightbulb above my head. I go chase Kiku and and Kira follows.
"Kiku, wait!" I begged to her. She stopped almost instantly to my command and turned around. I finally got a good look at her and wow she was pretty!

She had long light almost faded cyan hair. It was up in a high ponytail that was higher than mine. It was gorgeously long like mine but just a bit shorter and the ends were spikey naturally. She had these semi-small big piercing red eyes like a doll's that were softened with fear. They were red as blood drops and cherries and lipstick and roses. She had almost no eyebrows. Her skin was super pale like mine but lacked the luster mine did cause of how pale it was. She almost didn't look real like a lolita. It was porcelain and like the stars in the sky. Her nose was small and cute. She had thin yet pouty pink lips with pretty pin-up red lipstick on almost rockabillie. She had light sea blue eyeshadow and thin black eyeliner. Her bangs were somewhat emo. She had black emo/scene/hipster thick-rimmed oval rectangle lenses. She wore a dark blue, short-sleeved serafuku but without a skirt attached. Instead she had short black denim shorts like Momiji from Fruits Basket with black stocking socks. The socks had spike collars around at the top. It was kind of nu goth and like Kneesocks from Panty & Stocking. She was wearing purple converse skater flats with bedazzles on them. She had a thin waifish loli figure. She had a thigh gap and a flat chest. She had long white claw-like nails. I recognized what she was right away. She was a vampire and not just any kind...an albino vampire!
Kiku noticed I was a vampire too and we stared at each other for a long time. I swear I saw her before yet I was not sure. She suddenly glared at me and charged for me. I was double confused since we obviously knew each other and I thought she was nice and shy. Her red eyes got a bit brighter as she zipped for me knocking me down. This experience was very sudden, strange, and alien. Her super strength knocked me over completely. I got tackled. She clawed my arms and chopped up my sleeves a little. It drenched my arms in slashes that covered my other ones from cutting myself. After she hopped off of me she ran into the courtyard. For a shorty she really packed a punch! Kira suddenly walked in on me wounded on the ground bleeding a bit. "Raven-ch-" He said tearing up causing his minor eyeliner to drip. Mine did too. He ran to my aid. "What happened?!" He asked helping me up as I winced and struggled to stand up. "No time to explain...Kiku's in the courtyard and we have to stop her. But you have to promise not to ask any questions until after...it's complicated..." I said determined, smart, and serious. "Ow!" He winced. "Nani?" I asked. I saw she gave him a small cut on his shoulder. "Must have got this earlier..." He grabbed his arm. I was sad and mad and all over the place. "That's the last staw." My eyes became fire and I cried. "What the-" Kira started to say. "Trust me." I smiled to remind him while a little forced. Kira just nodded at the infallible logic besides he knew it was going to be a crazy ride anyways. I got to my feet mostly on my own. "Kira put your arms around me." I said lowering my eyebrows angrily. I was extra serious as my eyes got redder, ready to engage into vampire mode and fight. "Why?" "What did I tell you?" He went quiet and immediately did as I said. He wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me the warmest hug I ever felt. I blushed and almost teared up a little but held back since this is serious business.
I flew into the air. I went sky high and softly landed Kira and I in front of Kiku with the grace of a crane. "Stay back." I let Kira stay behind me for protection. "Why? Maybe I could-" "No don't help me. I can't let you get hurt ever again ." I said like a mysterious badass. "Why?" He gasped. "Because I like you, okay baka?" I teared up. He gasped and teared up too and stared silent. I was so close to saying I loved him or confessing or something. I took a step forward dramatically. "Kiku..." I said showing my fangs and getting a black and purple aura. "This is your final warning. Listen to me." I yelled quietly and seriously. Her only response was a hiss and another scratch. She scratched across my face. "You asked for it, girl!" I said flying back into the air. I glowed and shined with the sun. I hovered and chanted. I let my hair down swallowing the air with how long it was It floated and surrounded a lot of the area because it's so long. My eyes glowed much more. Fiery red like hers and blood and candle wax combined. My fangs were completely visible and I grew sharp claws too. Strands of blood red hair hit my face as I summoned a pure black katana from legends of the unspoken past. I took it in my moon white hands. I gripped it with tight rage and pointed it at her. I was ready to charge. "Come get me, b***h." My mouthy vampire self said cracking my neck. Kiku launched for me screaming and tried to claw me again. A magical aura was on her too. She was going full-on berserk! She shoved me. I winced. "Raven I believe in you!" The boy said. I was almost shocked and gasped. I went back to it and wrestled her arms. Elbows were fighting. Kung-mu moves dancing like dragons in the air. Then one of the times she attacked me I clutched the Atarashi blade and I used it's almighty powers. My katana quickly gave her a manicure. She was floating mid air, staring at me in awe, she barely started was but was basically finished since I took her only weapon. I disarmed her against me. She still wanted to fight and flailed around. She tried to slap and punch me. I put the family magical katana on my back and caught her fist as my goddess hair still continued to flow. We did karate and fought like ninjas. Her hair got let down too. It was waves of blue like the ocean. It made us look like legendary/ancient Pokemon. She kept hitting me but I always caught the blows in my hands. Then I grabbed her by the neck, picked her up, and threw her on the ground. She left a crater in the lawn. I landed gracefully in front of her, shook my hair, and stroked it nonchalantly. "You can't defeat me, child..." I said confidently and almost like an otherworldly witch. I ripped my sleeves off and removed my skirt. My corset showing. "Ahh~! Air...on my beautiful radiant skin! Much better." I said smirking. (My vampire self is slutty and a split personality that we all have. Mine is unique since I reincarnated from an ancient princess making it harder to control since I'm possessed. Lustful and living temptation. I even have a Demon Form who is also bad.) I breathed deeply and sexily. I was a bad, bad girl. "Any last words, Kiku?" I cocked my head like an insane anime samurai as I raised my sword. Kiku began to cry in fear the only words she could utter were "St-st-stop...nii-san..." Her make-up was completely coming off from all the crying. Her glasses were askew and kind of broken. "Nii-san?" I said calming down, still in Vampire Mode but more aware yet with my guard down. "Y-yes...we're cousins but we're like soul sisters remember what you said?" Kiku said submissively. "Remember what you promised? In the end together forever?" "Nani?" I said getting into normal mode. The sword disappeared. "Yes, remember when we were little and would watch Miyazaki movies a lot? I'm your only cousin...didn't you get the vibes?" She replied smartly raising an eyebrow. "I...I...I ignored them..." I stuttered as I collapsed from being overwhelmed. "It's okay, sissy. I still love you. We both just got out of control." Kiku understood and hugged me. I gasped still all shocked and surprised and shook up. I hugged back. We cried in each others arms. It was heartwarming.
Suddenly the whole school walks out to see the damage! "What is going on here?!" Screamed the fat Principle Schwartz or 'King Baldness' as I like to call him.) Kiku and I smirked at each other as we got a brilliantly bad idea. It was like a code twins often have. She had left which was logic and mine being the emotion. "Annette did it." We said in unison. (Yes, we lied but it was revenge and it WAS kin of her fault.) "Kira, is this true?" asked the principal to Kira whose mouth was still hanging open. He just frantically nodded. "Annette, you are suspended for violence against other students and vandalism." He said banning her from everything. Annette cried and begged not to be in trouble so her sentence was reduced to cleaning the whole school and a lot of detention and she wasn't allowed to go to prom like in Carrie. Kiku and I quietly giggled and whispered about what a b***h she was.
Then Kira, Kiku, and I walked over to my house to get dressed again from the scuff up. We were torn to rags. Hair and all. We looked like wild beasts. Kira blushed, took off his black gakuran top and wrapped in around me since I was mostly naked. I blushed too because he saw my panties and I saw his six pack. "Let's all agree that this never happened..." I said awkwardly. The other two agreed and nodded.
Peterson Dracu'ul loaned Kira some black vampire clothes. We told him what happened. He gasped. "I knew we shouldn't have since the start..." He said about to make a phone call. He sounded like he was just parroting. He paced and threw his arms up. "We should really send her home so this won't happen again." But that was wrong and mean and he clearly wasn't even thinking. "Can we keep her? Onegai Please~?" I pouted and she did too. He gave in. No words needed to be said. "Yay!" We cheered jumping. "Your parents won't hear the end of this." He said soft. "Just take your bath and get properly dressed. We DO have a guest over."
Kiku and I sat in the tub and splashed water at each other and giggled with our hair in buns. We talked little about it. Something bigger was going to happen and we knew it was. I wish we didn't or at least later but at the same time the secret was so phenomenally HUGE! It was almost like two confessions in one day with math homework included! I sighed leaning back and looking up. "It's okay, sis." Kiku said the warm water making our faces blush. I looked away in anger. As if to say "Is it?" Because it wasn't to me. I still had some left over anger from it all. That battle was a showdown and nothing less! "He cares he could never hate you if he tried!" She was sad and got a sweat drop and a little louder. I kept glaring folding arms and avoiding her gaze. I still felt the same. I thought of Kira and all the games I was playing with his heart by doing this for so long and his with mine. A smile slipped in. I couldn't feel my face. "Are you blushing is it just the water?" Kiku tilted her head. Being the smart one she kind of had me pinned. I knew she wasn't lying because she never spoke to anyone outside of me or the family. "I'm-I'm not!" I shouted all mad. "Yes you are!" She insisted. "I am not!" I struggled away and splashed her. She got me back until we both began laughing like idiots. "Girls!" A voice signaled us. It was my uncle at the door. He opened it and we stopped and looked at each other and gasped. "PERVERT!" We screamed at him and threw stuff at him until he was gone. Then we got ready.
We came out I was in a kimono and Kiku in qipao(those are Asian dresses if you didn't know!) We had millions of both. Hers was a shining sapphire blue but light as the sky and clouds. It had reddish trim that was almost as dark as black people skin. It had little purple roses on it with leaves the looked like stars and short sleeves. The collar was open and it had a small slit on skirt. She looked so svelte in it. I think it was Chinese. She had her hair in a bun. It had a swoop instead of her usual Sailor Moon ones. She could get away with that without a bra but I couldn't. She subtle silver blue eye shadow dusted on like pixie dust and a red lip to go with it. Mine was black and shiny with big red trim with matching obi. It was a little short and more modern but definitely enough for a dress. I had cleavage and it was covered in big red roses as the print. The sleeves were big and long. I had my hair let down in loose pretty curls and emo side bang. I had red eyeshadow, mascara, and thick eyeliner and matching lipstick.
"Gee. Thanks!" Kira said shrugging the suit on his shoulders. Dracula just kept quiet until it was his time to speak. I walked in. Kira looked up and gasped like I was in prom. He looked head to toe and I blushed looking away. I felt the exact same way. It was almost like it was planned or something. Like a wedding! Maybe this is what the stars planned all along!
After me and my cousin got dressed we went into the living room and had green tea and some dango(dumplings) with my uncle and Kira to explain everything. "We're vampires." Kiku and I said bluntly flat out. The truth was out there. "Wow...no wonder why you're both so different than the rest..." He said scratching his beautiful blue locks a little looking at a thing. "Yeah..." I said in agreement. "Kiku is an albino one though. That means she's in Vampire Mode all the time but more in control of it. Vampire mode is when you're under desperation and stress. The katana is part of my special vampire mode because I'm vampire royalty." I couldn't smile. It was too serious. "What?" He said all surprised. His dark gray eyes popping with confusion and emotion and such. "I'm the princess of the entire vampire clan. Kiku's mom Kikyo is duchess, my mom Ariel is queen, my father Himura is king, and my uncle is Dracula himself." I confessed boldly. "We're also related to Bloody Mary/Elizabeth Bathory." Dracula added. "Wow...and I never knew any of this." He said trusting me less since I'm his best friend and I'm keeping things from him(or I was since most of what I said was the bulk of it.) "You have to understand I just didn't know what you'd think...I thought you'd think I was crazy, lying, or just some freak..." I said about to cry looking down all ashamed and embarrassed of everything. I was sad. "Yes..." I continued hanging my head down. "I'm a monster..." My bangs were over my eyes and I looked away mysteriously and enigmatically and emo like Cloud or Vincent or Leon from Final Fantasy or if there were a movie starring me. "You are a freak, Raven-chan." Kira told me happily. He was smiling a lot. My feelings were hurt so the tears finally fell like raindrops in bucket loads. "You're the freak that I like the most. You're special. I've never met anyone so unique and awesome before." He said smiling more, closing his eyes, and putting his hands on my shoulders. I glomped him crying happy tears. I was so happy! "Awwww!" Kiku and Peterson said in unison. It was so cute! "You're my best friend, Kira. So are you Dracula and Kiku." I said sweetly then we all group hugged.
He finally knew who I am. He liked me despite it and it was the best day ever for that alone! I put my mind at ease and rested my thoughts. It was kind of messed up that I drank a vial of human blood after making a human friend. What's worse is that it made me think of him...I'm so confused. I went to bed that night wondering what it all means. Is it love?
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Thu Jul 05, 2012 @ 06:25pm · 1 Comments |