Chapter 1
Chp. 1 The First Day/Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
“Once you stop wanting something, you get it.” - Andy Warhol
I'm a princess. I have to form a contract and fall in love by 16 then I marry into being the queen. Also, the spouse being a vampire was a requirment and nothing and no one else counts for it is told so in the books of The Blood Trials. Step 1: Pick (no going back) Step 2: Ring and possibly blood letting or a small bite Step 3: Return to Japan Step 4: The infamous Blood Trials challenges begin Step 5: Marriage Step 6: Spawn a new era to keep our kind alive
Here's where it begins.
After getting used to America spending the summer at my Uncle Peterson's it was finally time to start school soon. I was dreading it. The sun was bright and hot and I had to wake up early and go to school. It was Dowling Iowa Catholic school and despite living up north it was still hot as Hellfire! Or hotter!
"Raven!" The name is Raven like from Vampire Kisses. He yelled for me to get up while I was napping upstairs. My nap had just started since it was sunny out so the awakening was very abrupt and rude. "Get up, princess! Hehe. It's time for school! Time for fun!" The daft man Peterson Dracu'ul shouted and laughed. (He is actually Dracula under a name to hide his cover. Dracula's death was a set up many years ago to hide the existence of my people. Vampires. And to cause less political drama. He was the only vampire recorded in history especially at the time. Not very complicated stuff really.) "********!" I shouted then coming down, gritting my fangs. My long dark rose hair was in knots, my bright pink firework eyes were glowing with the flame of rage, my pasty white doll moon skin glistened with a beaded sweat that was like glitter. I stomped down the tiny little brown and black staircase wearing my big Marceline the Vampire queen t-shirt as PJs. I looked messy and like a lump. Vampires have their off days too! I woke up on the wrong side of the coffin. Yes. I have a coffin for a bed. "Language, princess." He said wagging his finger still laughing a little. I growled and barked at him. "******** that! We're in no kingdom! We are in the land of pigs!" I tapped and stomped my foot. I knew I was a princess no matter where I went even if I needed to be more humble. "Yes, but you are in my house. My rules apply. That means SOME of your manners are required." "Fine! Be that way! But you can't expect me to be happy for school!" I said all depressed. "I never said you had to be but be nice, okay?" He looked right into my eyes and he said it. I got sad. "Maybe..." I grumbled looking away after briefly narrowing my gaze. I calmed down slowly. "So, Uncle Dracks...what's for b-fast?" I asked. "A fresh lamb leg and orange tea." He said proudly pouring some fresh brew from the pot in a small teacup. The color was uber bright. Even the steam was glowing orange. It smelled really fruity and great though. He put the juicy flesh leg on a blue plastic plate. He put both on the white wood counter. I pulled up a chair and sat there. I looked at the meal a tad snotty and disappointed. "No human?" "It's harder to get at a place that's supposed to be really populated by humans..." He said looking away a little sad at my dissatisfaction. "It's 'kay but...I miss human blood." I said attacking the leg teeth first. Goring it and pulling apart with my hands utterly nomming that s**t. (You take what you can get. Also don't take that sentence super literally because it's gross.) "You will get plenty when you finally get married." Dracula hinted meanly and pushingly. I look away blushing, getting pissed again, my face half-covered in bloody goodness. "Are you alright? Love isn't that hard to find is it?" He said confused like. It triggered me deep down to the soul. He said it like I didn't even try. I was always trying! "Not another 1000 years!" I thought as a pirate, ninja, samurai, royal, Victorian, and a legend. I was in Victorian era, Spain, the castles, the War era, WW2, Dark Ages, the 20's, Pearl Harbor, medieval times, The Chinese dynasty era, Boston, and even in the 90's and 80's! Having no choice made me hate the concept. I wanted to go "yuck!" and stick my tongue out fold my arms like a kid. "BAKA!" I screamed and slapped him. "Love is a special gift to even vampires! It's like...I don't wanna find it yet I's sooo hard!" "Ow." He patted and massaged his dark purple cheek. "'s just...I..." I tear up slightly. I am depressed, schizophrenic, and bipolar. I often lash out at others but it comes out in a more tsundere way I guess. I am not a bad person I just have a short temper like Inu-Yasha. Think Shana from Shakugan no Shana my body double as I like to say. "It's okay. Just get ready for school." "'kay..." I said still somewhat flushed. I finish my food slowly and contemplatively then I gulp down my tea quickly. I run into my room and get ready.
 I pick up the black Catholic school uniform. I was surprised they even had uniforms especially ones like Serafuku(sailor fuku, a style of Japanese school uniform common in highschool and middleschool grades). I wore a black sailor top, a gray/white/black plaid medium skirt, clear gray stocking tights, and black bow ballet flats. I tied my bright/dark red hair into a long high ponytail. I put in two large skullhead Day of the Dead hairclips with red black-trimmed ribbons on the sides. I go to my personal bathroom. It's goth like my room is though both are small and stuffs. I look in the mirror still blushing a bit. I put on my gothic black lipstick with matching black eyeliner and shadow. I check my pale skin for pimples for some silly reason.(Vampires do not blemish aside from getting burned by metal crosses. I can only wear non-actual metal crosses.) Then I giggle and remember my skin does not work that way. I put a small subtle crown-like hair clip/peineta on the top of my head looking in the mirror I saw I looked just like a combo of Yoko(Gurenn Lagan), Sharon (pandora hearts), Jessica Rabbit, Amy Lee(Evanescence), Tamaki(From Heart to Heart) Shana(Shakugan no Shana), and Ariel(The Little Mermaid).
Here's a general idea:

I am a natural beauty that doesn't need make-up(obviously). But I still wear it though. I nodded satisfiedly. Then I brushed my fangs, got my bag, and rushed out the door like in a slice of life anime minus the toast in mouth thing. That was for another day.
I ran to the school. It was smaller than I expected but still overwhelming. I thought of it like an anime or manga. The bell was about to ring. I could sense it. I bolted for the door when....BAM! I bumped into someone! It was a girl.
She was pissed as ever at what I had done. I made her drop her pink sparkly Lisa Frank binder. I picked it up for her remembering what my uncle said. I handed it to her. She smacked it out of my hand. That's when I finally got a look at her. She had long wavy blonde hair in curled twintails. It was bleached to bits and almost silver like old lady hair and it looked like moldy hay with unmatching extensions and obvious weave. She had on pink lipstick with gloss, light blue eyeshadow, light pink blush, bronzer, tan spray, and she was wearing the uniform but cut the skirt shorter and cut down the blouse to show off her cleavage and it was a pink version. Her breasts were embarrassingly small though(probably from being underweight and compared to mine all look small). Her eyes were a faded blue. They looked dead. She clearly drank and did a bunch of drugs and even smoked! She looked like a bad preppy ita(Japanese for: Bad cheap lolita like Milanoo) doll.
 She snapped at me. "You ought to watch where you're going, you trash!" "Um...I'm sorry...what?" I said confused my pink eyes popping and wide from being so surprised. Not pissed yet but it felt like that was way out of nowhere despite me being nice to her. "You must be new here. I'm the most popular girl in this WHOLE place!" She said still angry, closing her eyes, narcissistically smirking. Nicole Arbour seemed to inspire her with how "hot" she thought she was. "Hai. Yes. I am...who are you?" I was still confused and in shock. "My name is Annette Jonesley! One might consider me the PRINCESS of the school!" She said posing right before bending over to pick up the tiara she also dropped. "Oh..." I said realizingly enough. "You should feel lucky I'm even talking to you!" She snubbed chewing and spitting me out like gum. She smelled sad like of sadness and cigarettes and Britney Spears perfume. "Okay...Annette-san...gomen...I didn't pick up your 'crown'..." I did air quotes as I spoke before dusting her off. I am a real princess and that cultural appropriation combined with the attitude is asking for snide implications and a kick to the a**. But I wouldn't I don't think. At least not now. I could have been meaner even though I used a tone. "Hands off!" Annette slapped me away meanly. There was really no excuse for what she did but suddenly...the bell rang!
"Hmph. I guess I'm late." She said raising a thin platinum eyebrow that looked drawn on by a 5 year old with A.D.H.D. She pouted and did a duck lips thing that she probably thought was cute or something. She acted more like a drag queen or a gay man than a model or whatever she was going for. It was like she was posing for MySpace or Facebook! With that pink iPhone in her hand I swear she was about to take a selfie. .And in that slutty outfit she looked cold. Save it for marriage or breeze in the knees. You know I'm saying? A teacher ran up to both of us. "LADIES! YOU'RE RUNNING BEHIND! AND ON THE FIRST DAY? DISGRACEFUL!" He flailed dramatically as he yelled and lectured at us. I gasped. "Oh, Mr. Flannagan!" She stuttered changing her demeanor. As she did she fiddled with her purse trying to get money to pay him or an apple for his desk or something just in case. She quickly got out the water works. "It's not my fault..!" Annette whined. "She...!" She said pointing at me with her french tip. "She bullied me! This new girl bullied me!" "Nani?" I said angrily cocking my head. I grit my fangs but keep my mouth shut so no one will see. I hold back my bubbling cauldron of rage. "Eek! I don't even know what she's saying! It's crazy! It's not even English!" She pretended to cry on the teacher's shoulder. The teacher raised his eyebrows looked down at her and gave me a mean look afterward. It was like he put daggers and chills in my vampire soul. "I don't know what you did but it's very clear that you did something to her." He patted her head and pushed her off. "It's also clear that you are the Miss Raven Atarashi and you were late to MY homeroom class." "Oh ********." I mouthed without saying once again keeping what Uncle Dracula told me in mind. For now I couldn't say anything about that rotting toupee of his or those dumb glasses. Annette pointed and laughed at me after wiping her runny make-up away then quickly reapplying it. I swear she was painted like a clown. She did a prissy little pose. "That means you too, Miss Jonesley. You were one of my favorite students! I expected better from you! Luckily it's the first day otherwise you would both be after class!" Her awe was astounding she gasped forever. "Oh it's on." She said gritting those fake white teeth. She gave me a shadowy glare. I giggled cutely and unnoticably before we walked to class. In a way, it was sort of fair like revenge. I am glad she got in trouble even if I did too. You have to make sacrifices and all that jazz!
As I walked down the hall a bunch of guys were checking me out. They were such dogs. Such perverts. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Whistling ensued. What a drag! Annette got jealous since I gave her a run for her money. Her fanclub even got over it! I was already popular! If she was princess then I was the queen. I took pleasure in that too I guess. But it was still dumb.
"Sorry I'm late, class." The teacher said to the very disinterested group of teenagers. "But we have a new student. She's never lived in America until a few months ago and is new to our Sophomore class. Please welcome The Miss Raven Atarashi!" The class enthusiastically clapped for me. "Raven, introduce yourself!" He patted my back. I was immediately shocked and embarrassed. I shyly blush a hue of pink. It was like salmon with glitter because I'm shinier than copper. I crab walk in front the room in front of the slate chalkboard. Some guys wolf whistled at me. "Hey~ Talk to me, baby! Call me ya daddy~!" I heard in a sing-song voice. They were already laughing at me. "Hai, sensei daijobou...ohayo, minna! My name is...uh...Raven Mary Darkness Atarashi..." "She made it up." Annette Jonesley muttered. The class laughed grossly and loudly. "I speak both English and Japanese but Japanese is my original language." "That's different!" She said as if different were wrong. "I'm from Japan..." "Then why don't you look like a c***k, huh, b***h?! I bet you lied about that too!" She said laughing louder than ever. The whole class shut up because of her racism. The teacher glared at her so she kept quiet. "My family is...uh..." I had to come up with a lie. Something decent. Something normal. Something human. Something I was not and never would be. "Well, they're butchers." GOOD ONE! So if they see the bloody animals in our house it looks like work! Awesome. "I live with my nice uncle Peterson alone..." Annette was grossed out. She blurted again. "Butchers? But that's soooo gross! You chop up animals?" "You like hamburgers, right?" I ask innocently but smartly. I raised an eyebrow and smiled. It put her on the spot. "Yes, well..." She said stunned and unable to finish her thoughts. "You're welcome." I made a small but very proud smile. The whole class clapped for real then the bell rang and class ended. I looked at the schedule in my bag. As I grumbled at mine and stuffed it back in my satchel Annette walked past me and stuck out her tongue. I flipped her off. She glared back at me sharply. She started it! I had classes with that mean sadistic b***h for the rest of the day!
Period one was Homeroom Period two was Chemistry Period three was English Period four was Math
My seat was nowhere near that fake princess human's was though. THANK GOD! Annette was still staring into me though especially as she saw the same classes and destroyed her paper. She had fire in her eyes. I could not give less of a care. "Arigato Kami-sama!" I thought smirking with relief then sighing as I plopped myself into my seat. I sank into it a tad lazily. The biology teacher presented himself in front of the class. He looked like Dr. Helios/Frankenstein. He also looked like he just blew something up and his hairdo was the aftermath. He burst out into random crazy laugh before he spoke. He was a crazy German doctor like the types you see in movies. "Guten morgan, class! My name is Mr. Morgan! Your science teacher! I see all of you are pretty much the same as my class last year since you all FAILED." His eyes practically blew up as he said that. "I guess there's no need to introduce anyone..." "Phew." I said wiping sweat off my glistening forehead. Sighing with relief. "WAIT." "Oh, s**t." I muttered before the tall creepy Mr. Morgan sprinted over to me. "You're new here, young lady. Introduce yourself to the class." His voice oddly enough sounded Jewish to me. He even looked like one. I thought out loud. "But I don't wanna." "Tough cookies, fresh meat. Hahaha. Food puns. Anyways, front of the class NOW." He said almost crushing a blood vessel in his temple. He twitched and I got scared as he blew up at me so I scattered. I walked over to the class and introduced myself pretty much the same song and dance as before that includes Annette's silly interruptions except this time she got up like she had some profound wisdoms to share. She stood in the middle of me speaking and talked over me. "Yes, yes. We get it, you're a Jap and your family produces meat now let's start class shall we?" She said with poison. Mr. Morgan said "I appreciate your enthusiasm for learning. In honor of Annette's little scene I say the class gets homework on the first day!" "NOOO!" The class protested on top of booing and hissing then began to talk amongst themselves. They threw things at Annette. A paper airplane got into that curly weave of hers. She whimpered and cried like a little diva. She still put the apple on Mr. Morgan's desk though. She actually did that all day. No wonder why she's a skinny b***h she gives all her apples to the teachers! "What are you doin', class? FALLING IN LOVE? Get to work now while you still can!" He foreshadowed. "Wait! The directions! Today you will be dissolving rocks in our acid solutions! One specific rock won't react like the others! You have to figure it out! Partner up yourselves and go!" The class scampered and paired up with their best buddies. The only people left were Annette(she turned a bunch of people down), Me(I'm new duh), some blue haired guy I had never seen before, and a nerd picking his nose. Annette noticed the situation and started running over to the cerulean haired guy. I just rolled my eyes and waited for the nose-picker to approach me. "Want to be my partner?" A voice said to me from above my seat. "Hai. Daijobou. Sure." I said flatly then looking up with my pink purple eyes with surprise. The blue haired boy offered to be my partner!
 He was a normal looking guy. He had borderline emo short dark blue hair. His skin was yellowish white and he was Asian and caucasian. He had medium gray eyes and he wore a dark blue shirt and gray jean pants. He had on a cross necklace. A nice one. The sight of it made me wince especially as the school room's lights shone on it. I dealt with it anyways. It's not like I was going to hug this guy ever anyways. Or marry him or whatever. He was a human and I was a monster nowhere in his league. (Wooden stakes Christ's gold and silver crosses are very dangerous to vampires but we pretty much have no other weaknesses aside from werewolves and others of our kind .Almost no human could defeat us. The garlic thing may or may not be a myth. I think it is because I'm allergic to it.) He looked pretty normal and decent. He was normal. He was also pretty normal. He seemed like the big bro type. He looked like a cute shota boy as well as a seme and an uke too. I almost drooled and fell and blushed. That was a bishi. I liked him right off the bad as he extended a hand to me I took it and he smiled. We blushed at each other's faces. He treated me like a princess for the first time in a long while. I gasped. I hope I don't fall in love with him. It'll ruin everything and everyone I stood for! Must clear these thoughts. Remember just a friend, just a friend, just a friend! Just a nice guy. Nice enough to introduce your parents to...damn it!
I went over to the chemistry lab table we were assigned to. Annette groaned as the nose-picker led her to their place on the other side of the room. She glared at us the whole project.
Our projection was going awesomely well until the guy whispered to me. "Hi." "Uh...ohayo I mean, um...hai." I said with my goggles on dropping a blue pebble into the liquid. I was doing the work while he took all the notes. "Mr. Morgan isn't paying us any attention..." He said smirking a bit. His teeth showing a bright white. It was a warm, inviting, smile, it let my guard down, and kind of made me blush but then I snapped a bit. We had to be serious. "SO?" I spoke getting a bit angry and wanting to focus on the task at hand or lab gloves if you want to get technical. "So, we're already basically done. I know the answers." He smiled like a salesman. "Okay then but I don't want to cheat." I said shifting my gaze from his. "I'll write down the answers and when I'm done we can mess with some of the other chemicals." He suggested. Your thoughts were the same as mine. "Isn't that dangerous?" I said my eyes popping with fear worried about the safety of the other students. I jump a little all surprised. I blush from being nervous again. I hate showing my emotions so much in one day too! "No. It's not. I know what I'm doing. I did this class before." He insisted giving me a serious look. It softened my soul like Christmas time. "Okay...but how do we not get caught?" I asked in fear. "We won't. The teacher will be asleep. He clunks down on his desk in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." Mr. Morgan fell asleep on his desk. The kids all stop working and chat and gossip instead. Annette goes over to her preppy gang and talks s**t about me. I get annoyed but choose to ignore her. "OMFG! Did you see that weird little goth girl, Cameran?" Annette said clearly not caring about subtlety or volume. "I know right!" The other gossiped back in the most Valley Girl Voice of All Time.
 She was tanned worse like redness like Indians and had golden hair and green eyes. Her outfit was white with pink collar and ankle socks. She had Mexican sausage brows and no brain whatsoever and just followed whatever Annette did and told her. Brainwashed. With extra bleach. She seemed to be taking notes on me. "I like this new girl...very breakable." She smirked like with fingers like Mr. Burns. I scoffed and looked away and ignored her and went back to what we were doing.
We pull out a rainbow of fluids from the cabinet under the tables and start pouring them together. It made me think of meth. "What are we supposed to be doing?" I asked on the task at hand. "I hear you can melt gum if you mix the blue, green, and pink stuff. I wanna see it!" He said mixing the substances happily with glowing eyes as if something kooky had awakened in him.
Suddenly...the purple juice accidentally fell in! "Oh, no!" He said as smoke burst from it and hit my face. I teared up a little and squealed. "Kyaaaa!" Annette pointed and laughed sadistically as the smoke engulfed my whole head. I felt a weird tickle and something on my head and butt. I thought it was a burn rash but it turned out that the mix had done something stranger than that even! It gave me cat ears and a tail! I was full-on sexy catgirl nekomimi or like Tokyo Mew Mew. "What happened?" The blue haired guy said. No one could see me. I looked at my reflection in the liquids and ran out crying of embarrassment before anyone could see the change anyways. I used my vampire quick feet. Super speed for you noobs out there.
I hid in the bathroom for the rest of the periods and fled the school as soon as I heard the bell. I sobbed all day and didn't even go to lunch. My mochi icecream rotted. I cried and sighed. My life was over. I wanted to end it all. I missed 2 whole classes! My life was ruined. My highschool career in shambles! And the day wasn't even over yet.
I used my quick feet power as the final bell rang but I was not quick enough someone caught was my lab partner from before! He grabbed my shoulder. It was like a romance movie! It made me think of Twilight. "Hey, Raven?" He said sadly lowering his eyebrows very seriously at me. I stopped and turned around. I swooned a little and got weak in the knees. "Nani?" I said angrily still teary and blushy from the embarassment. I was really depressed from the weird incident. "I'm sorry. I didn't know I would spill and you'd get gassed." He said twiddling his thumbs then putting his hands into his jean pockets. I sighed to myself with acceptance and relief. I was glad he did not see the cat thing. "No...gomen. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have embarrassed you or even went along with what you said. I knew it was dangerous. You could have been hurt too..." "Don't apologize. I pressured you. Besides, I'll make for it I promise." He offered. "Go on." I said turning around smiling a little bit through my black lipstick. "We can be friends?" He shrugged with a smile "Sure." I said smiling cheerfully. I really thought I was alone before. But not now! "My name's Kira by the way." He said smiling right back at me. "Okay. Sayonara!" I said turning back the way I was going then walking forward like a normal human instead of using my powers without even noticing. "Bye!" He said waving then walking a different way.
As I walked away I saw Annette glaring at me from behind a tree. "I will destroy you..." She vowed but I was still higher than sunshine. She thought I didn't notice her so I turned around. "Hm?" I asked. Then she freaked out, screamed, and ran away. I caught her in the act. I tried not to think about her and her stupid face. So I thought about the victories of today. Like Kira. When he was out of earshot I hid behind a bush and squealed. "I made a friend! MAYBE I CAN SURVIVE HIGHSCHOOL! YATTA!" My yelling scared some birds out of this tree due to my spazzing. Wow. I am such a nerd!
Maybe it wasn't such a bad day after all. I had ramen just like Naruto that night to celebrate!
To be continued...
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Thu Jul 05, 2012 @ 06:23pm · 1 Comments |