Full Name: Marik Steel
Nickname: Steel
Alias: Gotei 13
Actual Age: 210
Appearance Age: 21
Origin of Birth: Rukongai (District 80)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190lbs
Faction: Shinigami
Division: (undecided)
Seat: (captain)
Reiatsu Color: Red
Reiatsu Appearance: His reiatsu resembles waves of heat.
Zanpakuto Name: Pusshu & Kone
Zanpakuto Spirit: Pusshu (right) & Kone (left)
Zanpakuto World: Marik's inner world is merely a room, it looks small but no matter how far or fast you run reaching the walls is impossible unless Marik or his spirits deem it possible, then it is possible to reach the walls without even moving. The gravity of the room can change at Marik or his spirits will, and can even make the room only effect a single person.
Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance: Sword in main pic.
Shikai: Genshuku Hensen
Release Command: "Split, Genshuku Hensen"
Shikai Release Appearance: When released the sword will glow hold the handle with the blade pointed at the ground Marik will pull the blade apart now holding two swords one in each hand. The glow gets brighter only to completely die down revealing two knives facing towards his body.
Shikai Appearance: Two combat knives
Shikai Ability: This shikai increases the physical speed and strength of the user, and the gravity in the area can change at the users will this does not directly effect the user considering his extensive training with his shikai.
1. Gravity Blast-
This move is his only long ranged attack in Shikai. Marik will charge a red ball around his two knives and touch them together at his side, the two balls will combine and double in size creating about a 32 inch ball. Marik will continue the attack by throwing his arms in front of him while saying "Gravity Blast". As his hands extend a blast that has been shown breaking through a mountain shoots forward the beam is now five feet tall and can travel for 500 yards before the blast is weakened to the extent of vanishing. This attack cannot change directions nor can the user turn to target another direction after shooting the attack out, this attack is significantly fast proving that opponent within 50 yards have little change of dodging this attack. Within 50 yards the blast is powerful enough to send an opponent flying and cause significant damage, at 100 yards the attack reaches its peek and is capable of killing someone if it hits them directly if not it is capable of destroying a limb, but at 200 yards it is back to the power it was at at 50 yards, at 300 the attack is no more devastating than a reiatsu powered punch, at 400 the attack is equal to a normal punch, and at 500 the attack causes no physical harm but will still make contact.
2. Attract-
This technique focuses on the space around the opponent or object so dodging is unlikely, but this is not an attack. This is a technique that can pull the target in any direction but is mostly used to pull the target closer to Marik to force a closer ranged battle. This would not be worth dodging the attack that follows this technique would be the one you should block or dodge. This attack is limited to pulling in one opponent or object at a time, also it is only effective by eyesight. If Marik cannot see you he can not use this technique, as well as if he does see you you can still get away from the effected space but considering there are no indications of him using this technique until you are already being pulled, dodging this is not easy. The main object he uses to pull towards him is his sword or even something he had dropped that he needs and can't reach.
3. Push-
Marik only uses this when he is in danger, considering he is a close ranged fighter this technique is not one of his favorites so he only uses it when it is necessary. This technique concentrates on the opponent themselves, this technique will send anyone flying no matter their size and weight. This can send them in any direction and can even slam someone into a wall to cause inflict minor damage. This can also be used softly in order to quickly move someone, such as a friend in danger, as well as an object to possibly be used as a distraction.
Bankai Name:
Bankai Appearance:
Bankai Ability:
Bankai Attacks:
Bakudo List:
Hado List:
Extra Weapons or Items: He has an Ipod and a large pair of headphones, he also has a wrist band which he wears on his right wrist and a arm band that wraps around his right bicep and holds his Ipod.
Likes: He loves the living world (since he was born straight into the Soul Society), he has an odd fascination for things in the living world hints his appearance. He also likes females, he makes it obvious with his flirty nature.
Dislikes: He doesn't have any real dislikes, since he enjoys life as a whole nothing in it comes to mind when asked about things he dislikes.
Relatives: He has no relatives, but he was raised by a man in District 80. As so he grew up fighting and defending himself.
Personality: Marik's personality has a way of changing periodically, but not to a great extent. He is mostly calm, nice and goofy. But he also has a serious side which is rarely seen, but in battle it is his serious side that takes over when he realizes he is in danger or he knows he needs to fight with all his skills. He enjoys being lazy when their is nothing to do, but in most cases he attempts to keep himself busy. He tends to avoid conflict, mostly by agreeing with people even if he knows they are wrong. He does not like fighting for the most part, in fact he only fights when it is necessary or their is no way to avoid it. Many people describe him as odd, for the fact he takes his appearance from the living world's people as well as his speech and even his ideas. He makes it obvious if he likes a female, mostly he will flirt with her at any time. Marik has been seen as one of the more friendly shinigami as well as one of the more laid back. He rarely gets angry and follows the orders given to him no matter what they are, and barely ever questions them.
Biography Before Death:
He has no biography before death, he died upon birth.
Biography After Death:
Marik was raised by a man in district 80, Marik grew up calling him uncle considering the man was not his true father he decided he would rather be called uncle. He was normal for the most part, and learned how to fight at a young age through experiences in battle. Since he was not formally trained he had no background to mold instead he was an unwritten book, in the sense of fighting. He learned basic ways of defending and attacking as well as being able to spot weaknesses by movement as well as protecting something more than anything else. Marik soon grew into a fine boy who respected others and began to avoid conflict by mutual agreement, as well as agreeing to things that he knew was wrong just to avoid fighting. As Marik grew his uncle decided he had taught him everything he could, and decided to direct him to the Seireitei, where he could train to become a Shinigami.
Marik had already known of his reiatsu capabilities, considering it was the only thing that kept him alive in district 80. Marik decided he wanted to train to become a Shinigami. Marik reached the academy and joined, only to learn that he was nowhere near the skill level of the others yet. Marik trained day and night to become a formidable foe for the other students. Catching on quick to all of the training exercises he quickly rose to the top of his class. The teachers soon seen his potential and how quickly he learned even the most complicating techniques. They decided to see if he was ready to wield a zanpakuto with his reiatsu control they already knew he was ready to become a Shinigami. Marik soon received his Asauchi, and was then placed in the 6th division to grow. He stayed a low leveled Shinigami for some time, and received various missions to go to the living world. Marik traveled between the living world and the seireitei many times, and he vividly remembers everyday he spent there. His fascination for the living world grew so much that by his third visit he began collecting items from the living world, and based his look off the people in the living world. He even went as far as learning a fighting style from the living world called Capoeira, and even had Division 12 construct a motorcycle for him.
Marik advanced through the ranks reaching 5th seat, he sat in that seat for years, and carried out more advanced missions. He had yet to release his Shikai, but his training became more grueling and time consuming. Marik would vanish for day with no word to anyone but his Captain. He trained until he passed out then he would wake up and train till he passed out once again and repeated this process for days sometime. Marik came back from a week of training to find his fellow unit deployed, he was told where they went and was told to go in as reinforcements with a few lower leveled Shinigami from his squad. Not thinking to much of the mission knowing most of the Shinigami in his unit were capable of holding their own in battle with multiple strong opponents. Marik got to a point where he could feel the reiatsu of his Captain and Lieutenant in the same area as well as a foreign reiatsu he had never felt before. Reaching the gory scene he fell to his knees at the sight of his fellow 6th Division members dead, and the only two remaining where his Captain and Lieutenant. Seeing this made him reach a whole new level of anger and his Shikai was finally released with no incantation the first time just the spike in reiatsu activated its transformation. The battle quickly ended when his Captain, Lieutenant and himself forced the retreat of the enemy, unable to kill him they were uneasy at the thought of him showing up at a later time. They shook all thoughts and gave each dead member a proper burial, and returned to the seireitei.
Marik Was promoted to 3rd seat after the events, he has resided as a third seat for awhile now, and he enjoys the comfort of being the 3rd seat considering he has none of the responsibilities of a leader but is trusted by his division and the others in the seireitei. He has carried out many missions that most wouldn't want to do as well as helped out with restoring and recruiting for the Gotei 13. Marik enjoys his life and wishes to advance even further through the ranks to eventually lead a Division.
((If I get a higher position I will add more to this))