Name: Venom
Age: 30
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 215lbs
Race: Immortal Human
Personality: Usually laid back with a teasing streak towards his younger fellows. He acts like everyone's best friend, when really he dislikes personal contact and avoids getting to know every little detail about others. He has a unusual vengence streak that has carried him through his exsitence.
Bio: Messenger found him in an alley after Venom slaughtered a small gang. The elder Immortal invitied him into the Night Patrol on the condition that the younger stops killing without reguard for others. Venom agreed and soon found himself actting strangelt, but never got around to correcting himself.
Teamed With: Haywire
SwordOfTheDarkOnes · Thu Jun 07, 2012 @ 07:57pm · 0 Comments |