This one is the first dream avi I want. I'll have to wait becuase I'm currently questing the 'Ascended Demon' item. I really wanted to use red and black and white on an avi and give it a dark sence of class. Its typical that I use these three colors as they are my favorite color combination when it comes to the dark style.

Its such a cute avi... But its really expensve... I'll really need to save for this one.

Total Value: 4,715,498 Gold
After Exclusions: 0 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Vampire's Bat Swarm
Devilish Dancer
Midnight Gothic Bat Choker
Audrey's Black Long Gloves
Audrey's Black Ankle Strap Heels
Reve Rouille
Black Sheep
Midnight Gothic Bat Stockings
Black Bitty Bloomers
Rosamund's Revenge
Scarlet Mist
Secret Retreat
More Black and Red. I don't know why the item list didn;t show up on the other two... I'll have to go back and fix that. Anyway I really like this one, a lot~!
Cost 3mil though...

Total Value: 3,027,204 Gold
After Exclusions: 0 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Bitty Bloomers
Avant Crowne
Yang Tech
Silent Night
Lumiere Noire
Fortune's Fool
Another one I really like... Another one that costs 3 mil.

Total Value: 6,778,598 Gold
After Exclusions: 0 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Sky Self Portrait
Spring Bride
Magical Mender
Gogh Reed
Compass of Seidh
Ascended Demon
Ascended Demon
Ascended Demon
Albino Bat Companion
This is the most expensive avitar I have made, and I really really want it... Really badly.... So much infact that I'm willing to change my signature to just get this one. Its amazingly epic and it uses only white. A color I've never been able to use on an avitar on its own. GUH~!!! I WANT IT~!!!