thank you everyone who has donated to me, i love all my gifties dearly! you people rock!
If I have missed anything or made a mistake under which name the item was given please PM me and have me correct it! Thank you ALL for your generous gifts!

AMG Anonymous Gifting thread **Greatest Guild on Gaia*
pink leg warmers
lightning bolts
gold hoop earrings
elegant pink wig
Uncanny Form
Blue Space Girl Bikini Top
White Picnic Sun Dress
wine tavern Cincher
elegant pinions mask in white
Mrs clause flirty top
2k6 gift bag
goldie fish
Elegant blue corset
mrs claus gloves
lila mermaid
coloniel cloak
hot coco
Mrs. Clause Garter
Iced Sugarplum Puffed SleevesZippy Bug
Holly Crown
Elegant Feathered Mask
blue stockings
Blue Mandarin Bolero
pink bunny slippers