There was chaos outside. Huge blasts that shook the orphanage down to its foundation. The children were screaming and in a riot as they ran and pushed each other to escaped the collasping building. Some hid in corners and cried, other ran and screamed, most push others into falling roof beams in their own attempt to escape only for a beam to collaspe on that child too. There were screams coming from outside from children that had escaped the building. There was gunfire that silenced those screams and more blasts that destroyed the evidence of their existance.
Why was this happening? What was going on?
It was war. The destruction of the ones who held amazing abilities. Abilities that could destroy the life that was known. All others had already been killed, all that remained where the orphaned children of the ones killed. The orphaned children that held the genetic codes of their deceased parents. The destruction and chaos seemed to last forever, but it finally became quite.
The skies that had become dark from ash, began to clear and even the birds that had been frightened away because of the war returned.
A small group of wanderers that had survived attacks of their homes came across the ruins of the orphanage. In hopes of finding supplies, one wanderer went to search the remains of the cellar and his foot went through the weakened floor boards. When he pulled out of the hole, the wanderer discovered a miracle. Below the cellar floorboards was a hidden room and there stood a small girl looking up into the light.
"Can I come up into the light, mister?"