-General Information-
Name :: Leeris Vesaxis

Gender :: Male
Age :: 1250
Height :: 177.8 cm
[5 feet; 10 inches]
Weight :: 59.9 kg
[132 lbs]
Hair Color :: Black
Eye Color :: Powder Blue
Sexual Orientation :: Heterosexual
Relationship Status :: Single
[Theme Songs]
Personality :: Unknown - while Leeris is generally soft-spoken - approachable - charismatic - elegant and polite. Quick to smile and easy to interact with, Leeris is by far one of the friendliest Arrancar one might have the chance to meet. He's considerate of others' feelings and personal space. He is attentive and loyal, an ideal Fracción by all stances.
Rank :: Fracción to Ceigriano Fifrath
[Espadas los Primero :: (First of the Swords)]
Number :: [t.b.d]
Mask Remnant :: [ScanMe]
Closely resembling a pair of large DJ headphones, they've been sculpted and modified further to appear even closer to Head Phones and adapted to allow Leeris to actively listen to music at all times.
A white pair of cups nearly encompass his ears while black fragments, patterned to appear like ear cushions layered beneath extend outward and forward before encircling the lower lip of the fragment around towards the back of Leeris' ears. The main ear phone is attached to a three prong system that extends directly up alongside Leeris' head to halfway up his skull forward and around in-front of Leeris' cheekbones and one that parallels the forward prongs to connect as a pair of Headphones would around the back and base of his skull.
Reiatsu Color :: Mantis Green
[Arrancar Abilities]
Expert Skill Level In addition to standard Cero energy blasts, Leeris has adopted the skill to perform a unique version known as Cabal Cero [Absolute Zero] in which Leeris condenses the arc of energy into a funneled cylinder roughly 30.5 cm [12 inches] in diameter. This skill can be better used to "snipe" over long distances and while it carries the same destructive power of a Cero, it lacks the "fan" effect of a normal Cero and are thus, easier to dodge.
Cabal Cero - Requires 1 post charge and recharge time.
- Bala
Expert Level Like Cero, Leeris has not only mastered the use of Bala, but has reformed the technique beyond perfection to create one unique to him; calling it Mil Bala [Thousand Bullet] in which Leeris can apply the same condensing technique applied to Cabal Cero; which results in bala no larger than 7.6 cm [3 inches] in diameter. However; the full capacity of the technique comes into play as Leeris has cut the time required to charge and fire bala from being 20x faster than a regular Cero to 60x faster, resulting in a veritable barrage of bala, that while weak, possess enormous concussive force.
Mil Bala - Requires 1 post charge and recharge time for non condensed bala, and 2 post charge and recharge time for condensed bala.
- Garganta
Specialist Level
- Hierro
Specialist Level
- Sonido
Specialist Level
Natural Ability :: Talented and Proficient at a number of different quality tasks - pastimes and fields of entertainment, one could reasonably say that Leeris' capabilities are extraordinary when in reality,he possesses only one outstanding quality. His acute sense of observation - Leeris has a photographic memory for both images and details. He perceives things with all of his senses simultaneously and in a way that makes him freakishly aware - to the point he's frequently thought of as a mind reader, when in reality he is simply observing anything and everything from body language, to breathing pace, to eye movements, gestures and of course verbal replies among others.
Mayfil Tschorrnhuul :: Fragment Sibling
Biography :: 'Born' an Arrancar, Leeris was one of seventeen "pieces" of another Arrancar known only as The Glutton of Hueco Mundo - by most. Possessing only a seventeenth of the original form's power, Leeris took on a nature and ability entirely his own. A male fragment, as opposed to the sixteen other female fragments, Leeris was singled out, but surprisingly - persisted and even consumed four of his fellow fragments, adopting their knowledge and collective power and adding it to his own. Cannibalistic by nature of being a Hollow, Leeris is at once drawn to his fellow fragments and repelled by the same - for success or failure both end in assimilation and loss of identity.
He has a standing "truce" with Mayfil in order to delay the inevitable assimilation, though his true intentions beyond that are unknown to all but Leeris himself.
-Sealed Zanpakuto-
Name :: Arquetipo
Description :: While in-combat, Leeris stands with his side presented to the opponent and the point of his Zanpakutō always directly facing his opponent.
Appearance :: [ScanMe] Arquetipo, is a jutte-like weapon that resembles a straight-edged Tachi with an additional dowel protruding from the backside of the blade. The tsuka is notably shorter than usual, and possesses a very contoured design that seems to fit into Leeris' "pointing" grasp perfectly.
Resurrection Command :: Levantar a Las Sordo, Arquetipo!
[Raise your Voice to the Deaf, Archetype]
Description :: Upon release, Archetype resembles a Japanese 25 string Koto. It doesn't give Leeris any individual power aside from healing all his previous injuries at once upon release, but gives him a very unique type of technique.
Appearance ::[ScanMe]
Resurrection Abilities
Weak Attack/Ability 1 - Canción de los Legión
[Lit :: Song of the Legions (M)]
Canción de los Legión functions on two separate scales.
Scope targets a specific individual and on contact with the ears will cause massive headaches and permanent ear damage if exposed to it for extended periods of time. [10+ posts]
The duration of the song continues for the entire duration of the battle - but can be interrupted at any point by a significant attack.
Canción de los Legión - Requires 1 post to take full effect.
Scatter effects any individual within a 50 meter, 360 degree diameter of Leeris, but has a pacified effect - rather than harming directly, Canción de los Legión spreads a "white noise" effect and masks more pronounced sounds by creating a general, appealing atmosphere. And while this is very relaxing in a passive environment in the middle of battle, it has the effect to dull one's senses by making them less aware of the sounds specifically around them such as sonido - however; it masks reiatsu as well and renders all but sensory types "blind" in their ability to sense others' reiatsu while Canción de los Legión is in effect.
Medium Attack/Ability 2 - Réquiem de los Viviente
[Lit :: Death Song of the Living]
Réquiem de los Viviente has only one spectrum, but effects multiple fields simultaneously.
For Arrancar, the 'Death Song' awakens dormant hollow souls within an Arrancar. Pacified by the process of evolution, Réquiem de los Viviente renews the spirits of the mass Menos apart of every Arrancar. That said, they cannot - regardless of their influence escape or gain control over the Arrancar, however; it disrupts the flow of spirit particles to reishi and reishi into reiatsu. The effect on individual Arrancar varies, though a slowing and limiting of general hollow abilities is a common effect. Most common are movement response time and faltering of offensive Hollow abilities such as Cero and Bala.
For Shinigami, Réquiem de los Viviente is a 'Soul' song, it disrupts communication between the "Death God" and his or her Zanpakutō - in other words, it cuts off a Shinigami from their partner and weapon - leaving them with the option to fight with their Zanpakutō as though it were nameless since neither Shinigami nor Zanpakutō can hear the others' voice.
For Vaizard, the effect effects them primarily as it does Shinigami, though it will decrease the time of hollowification since it still runs interference between the Vaizard and their Inner Hollow.
In the case of Quincy and Full Bringers, the song primarily effects brain waves, and disrupts the thought process, little more than a distraction since there's no permanent damage done and the melody, while sad and quiet isn't hard on the ears. It's primary target are the dead - the "evolved" souls of humans, be they Hollow or Shinigami - as the name implies.
Réquiem de los Viviente - Requires 2 posts to take full effect. Technique is in effect for the duration of the remainder of the battle. or Until Leeris is either killed or incapacitated.
Strong Attack/Ability 3 - Himno de la Mil Sol y Luna Lunático
Canticle of the One Thousand Sun and Lunatic Moon
Himno de la Mil Sol y Luna Lunático is a mass effect song that works across a broad space and can be directed into two separate categories.
In Melody, Himno de la Mil Sol y Luna Lunático creates an active atmosphere of hostility, externally and internally. It turns a Shinigami and their Zanpakutō against one another - more than halving their natural powers and plays off of two separate pitches that target the nervous and cardial-vascular systems in both living and non-living creatures. These pitches effect the nervous system by systematically shutting it down, beginning with the extremities and ending with the central system - the brain. While the second pitch effects the heart, causing tremors, to lightly alter it's repetitions, creating first a heart whisper before progressively interrupting the heart's pumping - ultimately ceasing it all together.
In Harmony, Canticle of the Thousand Sun and Lunatic Moon, effects the same two systems, but in a more passive way, rather than harm - it re-directs the nervous impulses and pacifies them - creating an environment of calm that the individual, regardless of strength, speed, willpower or reiatsu pool simply cannot resist. Though they still perceive the world as it is, their brain signals simply won't allow them to react to it. Offensively or Defensively - their only option is to run and escape the Canticle by whatever means possible.
Himno de la Mil Sol y Luna Lunático - Requires 3 posts to take full effect. Technique is in effect for the duration of the battle. or Leeris is either killed or Incapacitated. 10+ post exposure makes the effect semi-permanent.
-Other Information-
Cabal Cero - Requires 1 post charge and recharge time.
Mil Bala - Requires 1 post charge and recharge time for non condensed bala, and 2 post charge and recharge time for condensed bala.
Canción de los Legión - Requires 1 post to take full effect.
Réquiem de los Viviente - Requires 2 posts to take full effect. Technique is in effect for the duration of the remainder of the battle. or Until Leeris is either killed or incapacitated.
Himno de la Mil Sol y Luna Lunático - Requires 3 posts to take full effect. Technique is in effect for the duration of the battle. or Leeris is either killed or Incapacitated. 10+ post exposure makes the effect semi-permanent.
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[character image]
[character inspiration]
for length conversion
for weight calculation and conversion
[character image]
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