Approximations will obviously vary according to perception and here I will leave it to you to misjudge them, should they be ill-placed to break singularity and idylls. Basically, love can be described as extreme liking. Is it so much asked for to see that we, in uttermost egoism, think only of our loneliness and emotional status when such words come crashing through casual conversations? Indeed, the gap that people only fill between loving and falling in love cannot forcibly be done only by mere likeliness. The point is that this separation should not be bridged as so often done in idyllic pieces of human art. Quoting ‘’I love you’’ is utter mostly basic, bringing the chosen one in the long yet debatable list of those close to their soul. Common mistake that is to try to tie the knot by deceptively saying the sentence for what you say is in no case what you feel. Here again, this applies only to those arrogant enough [including me in former times] to think that formally upon accepting these words from the opposite sex, they will eventually think of a common date or, being teens secluded in their minds, marriage. Understanding love is eventually complex for reasons seem limitless-perplexity remains. I could add here that that’s my friggin’ profile, I write what I like and its not my friggin’ time am losing when you read this. Lol >< Talking about the insane verb called hate, being the nicest word to me, I would say it being the ultimate paradox mostly due to, by norms and compliance, the duality of everything [except some asinine commodities as chocolate and girls-jeez, boys are no opposite of girls indeed, lol] says that everything comes in pair, peace and war, you and me and suspiciously enough, love and hatred. Indeed to try this word, so taboo in ‘’love relationships’’, is interesting to a high degree. Due to the duality of everything, one can only exist through the other. Fighting for peace is well-founded to some extent for without raging wars and bloody deaths, the notion of sanctity and relief would never have existed. Again to first love, one should have hated? The love/hate relationship is a paradox, an endless circle. Romanticism should suggest us hating hatred but this notion would only deteriorate us being romantic. Irony indeed that to hate to hate. Again without this ‘’loathsome’’ feeling, how could one suggest to have felt love? Also such extreme causes can be taken in the other way being, after the paragon of love, though deliberate or not, one would feel hatred or merely dislike upon the time basis. Whether or not this is meant to hurt, that is not the reason. Indeed, in cases of loathing [not hatred mind you], common mistakes could lead to the feared break up. [there goes the death toll, daydreamers] Me, being someone of incredibly low ken, would still not understand why such things do occur though am confident this being the work of lassitude, confidence and not enough extroversion. Ha, true love has been scientifically proven not to exceed 3 years [31536000sec]. so, dammit show these friggin’ scientists that they deem not know everything. Lol. Why why, is it that you have been reading up till here? Sooo nice. >< [ I would not go up to telling you that I love you unless you are being close to my soul as any wanna-be ******** insane romantic arrogant emo ******** would be] But, conversely enough, loving to love is not that easily cleared. Loving to love someone means not to love the person but this is here that points may diverge to 2 perceptions. Some would say the ethereal action [being some kind of artificial love] of falling in love makes the circle of love relationship. Pessimists [like me] would babble about love is felt not idealized. How is it that so many people find dinner by candlelight or burgundy roses romantic? Surely, mere contraptions of subliminal external media but the essence remains the same. To please. So why love to love, for if you lose the one you love, you could still feel bliss, this being one-sided love. Melancholy. This applies not to loving but falling in love actually. Here I could be in a maelstrom and still read for the sake of it, should I be you. Lol. But, unfortunately, this piece of written crap is the generalised form of feeling or my singularity of love interpretation. As someone dear to me [I love her, she loves me. Haha, thoughts of relationships other than friendship did cross you mind, innit? That’s the gits of what am damn trying to explain] keeps saying: ‘’Everybody’s special so why do you friggin’ keep generalizing??’’ Indeed, truth dwells in these words, so have you been cupid enough to believe these words, I would say you’re some ******** nerd or emo. Well, I should not end by telling you to keep on hating. Nor by saying ‘’keep loving, friends’’ for we always love. Ha, dammit, why should I give counsel? ******** you cordially… <3
PS- Some keen minds would ask ‘’but why the ******** did he write this?’’ To this I would say ‘’why the ******** did you read this?’’ Yay, am mean, immature and I do care. Lol. Could say I wrote this for the sake of all my friends. Love you loads faggots. ><
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[Love/Hate Subliminal Ecstasy]
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Q: Zephyr Tasset 1.4m/LMP (~2.3m)
''Forgiveness Is A Weakness Very Few Can Deem To Have''
Coke Vanilla Awesome Art <3

Q: Zephyr Tasset 1.4m/LMP (~2.3m)
''Forgiveness Is A Weakness Very Few Can Deem To Have''
Coke Vanilla Awesome Art <3