The White Milk Witch

You are cold, wet, hungry, and hopelessly lost. Wandering through the shimmering snow, you stumble upon a modest cabin lurking in the shadows of a grove of pine trees. Before you reach the door, it opens, and wide-eyed blond opens the door, wearing quite outdated clothing. But that doesn't matter to you; you can feel the warmth spilling out into the icy air and you feel so happy you could cry.
She's kind and genuinely concerned for your safety. She immediately offers you a place by the fire and some hot buttered biscuits, fresh out of the oven. You manage to smile at her through your chattering teeth. She giggles and wraps a thick, itchy blanket around your shoulders; an extensive set of keys jangles at her waist with every movement.
She offers to let you use her spare bedroom for the night until the storm passes. You feel as though you shouldn't, but the weather grants you little choice in the matter. As you're settling yourself under the heavy blankets, she enters your room with a glass of warm milk with honey. "To help you sleep", she assures you with a smile. You thank her, and she leaves the room. You grimace at the glass; you have a vast dislike for milk. It makes you gag. You decide to dump it out your window in the morning; you're too warm and comfortable to do it now. Just as you start to drift off, the mysterious girl enters your room again with an entirely different temperament.
"You didn't drink your milk." She accused in an even tone. You start to apologize, but find yourself unable to form a clear sentence in the presence of her startling beauty silhouetted in the moonlight. She twirls her set of keys around her finger. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave unless you drink your milk." She leans over you, keys chiming together as though laughing at this cruel joke. She studies your face in the dim light. You blush as you realize that the tops of her breasts are blossoming over her apron. "Unless of course... you wish to stay here with me?" She inquires. Her voice was sweet, but her smile was darkly playful. She's so close you can feel her breath. You can smell her perfume mixed with the faint smell of baked bread. Whether by accident or manipulative calculation, she leaned too far forward and lightly brushed her lips against hers, feather-light. She's so close, and your heart pounds so hard, that you're sure she can feel it. She smiles even deeper in an all-knowing way. It's too late for you now; you're already spellbound. Is it really so painfully easy to seduce and bewitch your heart? Captivated by her eyes, you can't help but surrender your willpower to this malevolent witch.
She passes you the glass of milk. Without breaking eye contact, you accept it and drink the concoction, suddenly uncaring of whether or not you ever make it out of this cabin alive. She caresses your hair in an almost motherly manner. "You'll make a lovely addition to my collection", she cooed, as she took your head in her hands and kissed you again, this time more possessively. In a small, unclouded part of your brain, you know you should run or risk being trapped here forever. The rest of you, however, has already accepted your fate with a ravenous hunger.
~* The End *~