"Uh Fi?"
"Yes Master?You called me?"
"What are you talking about?There's nothing up here...kinda feels like I'm being watched though.." Suddenly Link felt strong hands on his shoulders,a chest against his back, and a kiss on his cheek. Link froze, he couldn't grab his sword so he grabbed backwards and pulled foward a handful of white hair.
"O-ow!Now Link I know you don't like me but no need to pull on my hair!"Ghirahim said,letting go and rubbing his head. Link spun and faced Ghirahim. He was no longer in his final form,he looked the same as when they first met.
"How did you get here?!Why are you here?!" Link yelled at him. Ghirahim gave a look of hurt.
"It was a simple trick,escaping from that sword right as Demise was defeated. I came for a certain person..."
"Like hell you're going to kidnap Zelda again!"Link said,drawing his sword. "Should I help you rejoin your Master?"
"DO YOU THINK I WANT ANY OF THAT?! AFTER ALL I DID FOR HIM?! AFTER HE TREATED ME LIKE A TOOL?!" He yelled as he walked closer to Link,cupping his face with his hands. "After you finally got rid of him?" He said calmly,his voice choked up and shaky.
Ghirahim leaned in,lightly kissing the blonde. Link instantly kissed back. He wanted this, he wanted those arms that wrapped around him to keep him close,keep each other safe. They pulled back, Link's bright blue eyes transfixed on those dark pools of black.
"Gh-Ghirahim..?" He was surely surprised at himself, why was he suddenly showing all these emotions towards the demon lord.
Ghirahim suddenly locked Link into a hug. "Link I'm....I'm sorry.For everything;Kidnapping Zelda,Trying to kill you,For all of it. I realised...all that teasing and toying I did to you was really because...I..I Love You.." Ghirahim confessed. Link hugged back.
"I-I love you too.."Tears stung his eyes and he hugged him tighter. "Come with me. It's a really nice place,as high as you can get in skyloft." Link offered.
"Why sure,How are we-and I'm being dragged.."Ghirahim said as Link took his hand and began dragging him. Suddenly Link pulled him and himself off the legde from a jump and held onto Ghirahim's arm tightly and whistled loudly. Ghirahim was petrified, he didn't know of the loftwings and held onto Link tightly once his bird caught them both. Link held onto the saddle of the large crimson bird as Ghirahim held tightly to his waist. They soared on the open sky for a while, one of Link's hands letting go to pat the demon lord's trembling gloved one. "Almost there Ghirahim."He spoke softly. He felt Ghirahim nod on his back and sped towards a floating island. When they landed,Link didn't dive off as normal,but had his Loftwing land on the platform with them. Link guided Ghirahim off the large bird as Ghirahim gave a long phew of releif.
"Godess that was so freaky!Yet...so amazing..."Ghirahim said as he hugged Link again.
"Look around. The view here is amazing."Link said as he let the elder take in the view. There they stood,on a large open island high above the large town of Skyloft.
"Oh my goodness!This is fabulous! You can see all of Skyloft from here!"He exclaimed. Link nodded. The two laid down in the grass,Link's head resting on Ghirahim's chest and their hands clasped in each others. "Im extremely sorry Link.."
"For what?"Link's eyes look up at the elder.
"I told you,for everything."
"I forgive you..I Love You..."