Chapter 1: Invasion of Poland
No matter how you look at it, Germany had a pretty smart boss. He was able to lead his people to believe that the Jews were to blame for everything and that the German people were the supreme race. He also was able to gain the people’s respect by promising to build a better economy and make the Allied countries pay for the humility of the Treaty of Versailles. Also on August 23, 1939, Germany’s boss decided to sign a pact with Russia’s boss. This pact stated that the two would be allies and once they took over Europe, they would divide it up between themselves. This was a smart move. Why? Well, Russia had created the Soviet Union with countries such as (his big sister) Ukraine, (his little sister) Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. This pretty much made Russia even more powerful. Also Germany would not have to worry about an attack from the west while attacking the rest of Europe. Let’s also not forget that Russia is big and scary.
In early 1939, Germany decided to test the waters. He decided to invade an area of Czechoslovakia and waited for a reaction. Britain and France weren’t happy about the invasion but also weren’t in shape to fight if Germany declared war. Although this went somewhat against the Treaty of Versailles, Britain and France let Germany be. “Just…don’t invade the rest of Czechoslovakia.” Britain and France replied. Germany understood. Shortly after, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and waited for a reaction. “We can’t let him do this!” Britain exclaimed to France. “But do we have a choice? What if he decides to declare war because he isn’t getting his way? I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready for another war.” France explained. Britain face-palmed, “Dammit. I guess you’re right.” This event was known as appeasement. It was when Britain and France tried to please Germany so there wouldn’t be another war so soon.
On September 1, 1939, Germany’s boss had German officers go undercover as Polish officers at the border and attack German citizen who were crossing into Poland. This was done to make it seem like Poland was attacking Germany. A few days after the attacks, Germany invaded Poland.
Poland was sitting in his living room deciding on the shade of pink in which he wanted to paint his house. “Oh! I like this totally wicked hipster pink!” He said out loud with a big smile. Suddenly there was the sound of an explosion. One of the walls had been destroyed and the shock wave sent Poland flying. “Oh, sorry did I bother you?” Germany said sarcastically while walking over the rubble from the wall. Poland stared at Germany in horror. “I like totally knew you were like totally causing the attacks!” Poland shouted in anger. Germany laughed, “Good job! I’m surprised you figured it out!” Poland was offended; Germany had broken down his wall and then came marching in making jokes about his intelligence. “Why?” Poland asked softly with a face of confusion. Germany stared at him sternly then smiled. “Well, the attacks would make it seem that you were attacking me! Then once I invaded you, I could simply say ‘Oh! Well, Poland was attacking me!’” A tear ran down Poland’s cheek. Like come on! Don’t cry now! That’s totally weak, Poland thought to himself while hiding his face in his elbow. “What now?” Poland asked looking back at Germany and trying to be strong. Germany smiled and walked over to the helpless Poland who was lying on the ground. He kneeled down and grabbed him by the collar of his bright pink dress-shirt. “Oh, you’ll see.”
The invasion of Poland was the trigger cause of WW2. Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939.
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