Davian V. Savva Case File - Doctor Records - Public Folder
Full Name: Davian Vasha Savva Nickname: Davi Gender: Male Date of Birth: 10/25 Origin of Birth: Age: 16 Height: 5'6" Weight: 131lbs Eye Color: Blue/Gray Hair Color: Blonde/Brown/Orange Blood Type: O+ Occupation: Student Nationality: Mixed Heritage (Unknown/Caucasian) born in Russia Appearance:With skin a perfect cream and coco mix, Davi keeps his 5'6" frame in perfect working order by eating healthy and constantly working out when he's not practicing his shot. His hair is a mix of brown and blonde with a few streaks of darkish orange that contrast with his blue eyes. He has a deep British accent but hints of his Russian heritage show when he says some words. The tattoo starts on his arm in the form of a dragon who's tail swirls around his arm and up onto his shoulder. From there the tail widens into a tribal spiral that hooks out over his chest. Clothing wise, he'll wear his school uniform but only after he's fancied it up in his own sloppy style.
Davian V. Savva Case File - Academy Records - Private
True Cross Academy Year: 2nd Year True Cross Exorcist Cram Academy Year: 1st Year Exorcist Rank: Page Affiliation: Exorcist Base of Operations: True Cross Academy Meister Primary Type: Dragoon Meister Primary Type Ability: Noble Soldier Meister Secondary Type: Dragoon Meister Secondary Type Ability: Mystic Eyes of Distortion
Weapon Type: Russian Dragunov SVD Wield Type: Single Model Type: SVD Ammunition: Russian 7.62x54mm Rimmed Feedtype: 10Round Detachable Box Action: Semi-Automatic Customization: Night scope NSP-3: 2.7x, 7 degree field of view range of approx 300 yds
2nd Weapon Type: Savage 10 Precision Carbine Wield Type: Single Wield Model Type: Model 10 Carbine Ammunition: .308 (7.62x51mm NATO) Feedtype: 4Round Detachable Box Action: Semi-Automatic Customization:
Davian V. Savva Case File - Vatican Records - Classified
Status: ALIVE Personality: Despite the horrible killings of his parents and baby sister, Davi has a surprisingly naive personality. He asks a lot of questions but rarely does things like homework and checking up on things he learns. Accepts people at face value and doesn't suspect evil intentions. Hobbies: Smoking. He knows its bad for him but he can't help it. He smokes a pack a day. Drawing. Before shooting or excising a demon, Davi can't resist making a rough draft of the creature. Then he fills out the details later. He does this with demons that aren't killed as well. Humans and landscape hold no interest for him. Likes: Chocolate, bullets, gun smoke, cream pie, chicken fried steak, reading comics, playing hooky Dislikes:Salty snacks, sour fruits, Relatives: Milek Savva- Father (Deceased) Milek Savva, natural born Russian and immigrant to Britain, remarried when Davi was only a year old after his first wife died of pneumonia. Milek himself was killed in a demon attack when Davi was 11years old. Rasida Savva- Step-Mother (Deceased) Rasida was born in Africa and immigrated to Britain with her young daughter. She met and married Milek Savva. She and her daughter moved in with him and his son who she adopted later as her own. She and Milek where killed in a demon attack when Davi was 11years old. Adeola Savva "Addi"- Step-Sister (older 19) (Living) Daughter of Rasida and another man, Adeola was 6years when she met her step-brother Davi. They shared a room in Britain for several years until the birth of their little sister and were quite close to one another. She helped Davi escape when he was 11years while their parent's were murdered in a demon attack. Amadika Savva "Madi" - Sister (younger) (Deceased) Amadika was 5years old when she died in the same demon attack that took her parent's lives. She was just learning how to speak and her older brother Davi doted on her.
History: Born in the cold snows of Russia, Davi was a precocious baby that managed to escape his parents watchful eyes over and over again. They were constantly chasing him through the snow and one night they couldn't find him. They spent the night searching only to find him the next day with a neighbor. His mother, however, caught a cold which developed into pneumonia as a result of over exposure to the cold. She died later that year and Milek moved to Britain with his young son Davi who was barely a year old. After a few years, Milek remarried. Her name was Rasida and she and her 6year old daughter had come from Africa , escaping from a volatile nation at war. Davi was 4 at the time and Adeola relished the thought of being an older sister to the little boy. Addi, however, was in for a surprise. Within a few minutes, Davi had his new big sister wrapped around his tiny little finger. She doted on him and he slept in the same room with her despite having his own. When he was 5, only a year after his father remarried, Davi had a new little sister to go with his older sister. Amadika, Madi for short, was a bubbly little blonde baby with rosy cheeks and was spoiled rotten from the start. Davi insisted on sharing his room with both girls, staying up late to watch his little sister sleep. He loved her almost as much as he loved his older sister and as he grew up, Davi developed a strong sense of protection. He fought fights for Addi and defended her from every one who came near. Madi recieved all his doting affection and Rasida often found her job as mother was taken by Davi. Worried about his son, Milek took Davi hunting one day. At first Davi had no inclination for such foolish pursuits and complained constantly. But the first crack of his father's rifle and the smell of gun powder had him hooked. From there, he divided his attention between his sisters and his father's gun cabinet. He was either changing diapers or cleaning and maintaining guns. It was a late October night when the demon's attacked. Davi's family lived in a house on the outskirts of Leeds on a plot of land that was 19-20acres away from the nearest police outpost. The demon's struck at night, waking Davi in his sleep... "Davi! Get up!" Addi's whispers woke him and Davi sat up in bed, smacking his head on the top bunk's underside. He yelped and rolled out of bed, landing lightly on the floor and stared up at his sister "What?" Addi's hair was messy from rolling and her eyes were wide as she whispered "Do you hear that...?" Davi stood and listened, tilting his head towards the door. There was a strange thumping coming from the first floor and Davi moved to the door, opening it a crack to peer out. His parent's bedroom was on the first floor but no lights shown "Davi?" he turned as Madi looked up from his bed. She'd taken to sleeping with either of her elder siblings and tonight had crawled in Davi's bed "Did you see anything?" Addi hissed, sliding out of her bed and falling with a gentle thump to the floor. Madi reached out and Addi scooped her up in her arms as Davi turned to the door again "...Nothing. You're hearing things." he said, pushing the door open and turning to look at his sisters. He didn't hear the thing behind him or really feel anything either. But one moment he was noticing his sister's mouth open to scream and the next he was lifted off his feet and thrown over the railing and 7feet to the floor below. He crashed into one of the side tables and hit the ground heavily, his slender frame curling immediately to prevent anymore damage. He could hear Addi screaming as something landed on the ground near him and his brain went into fight or flight mode. He scrambled to his feet and ran through the living room and down the hall, hearing a scrabbling and clicking behind him as he went. Davi slammed the door to his father's study shut on the thing and raced to the gun cabinet. The door was ripped away behind him but he turned, his father's only pistol in hand. It was always loaded in case of emergencies and it barked powerfully in his hands as he shot wildly. The shots slammed into the door frame and the demon that was trying to get in, sending it snarling back and down the hall. He held the gun in shaking hands until he heard Addi "DAVI!" he ran, heedless of whether the monster was still outside and spotted Addi running down the stairs, Together they raced for the door and out into the night, sprinting down the drive and onto the gravel road that led to the main road over 11acres away. They were half way down it when Davi realized Addi was alone... Davi returned with the police the next morning to a house filled with carnage. His parent's had been slain in their beds and his little sister was dead at the top of the stairs. Addi vanished as well, disappearing in early morning. Everyone told Davi she had abandoned their sister to protect her own life but Davi would hear nothing of it. He couldn't believe evil of his sister. He moved into a foster family and when he was 14, Davi joined True Cross Academy.
astrasinthewild · Fri Oct 28, 2011 @ 06:11pm · 0 Comments |