While they Mich and the other man fought, away in a darker corner of the little gathering of the Shadow Clan, sat a well poised man. He snorted disapprovingly.
"HMPH. What fools, they don't know how to act at all."
He glared at them darkely through his thin rimmed glasses. As he frowned, he showed off a small tiny fang. " Heh, those idiots become even more tiresome by the minute....they're like raoches. So disgusting and vile, living without a purpose."
Slowly, he began to stand up, brushing off some nonexistent dust mites on his black suit jacket as he headed towards the fueding duo.
"STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" He rose his voice violently, pushing up his glasses with his middle finger while he nearly spit on them.
Mich blinked his eyes in a curious fashion, and then slowly without a word, he brushed the spit off from his face, and then proceeded to stand. He looked at the very well poised man and sudden'y kicked him in the shin. " CON ARTIST! BUTT WIPE!!" With that said, he then helped pick up the very bruised up man, and nodded his head apologetically at him. " So sorry about that dude. I guess I can finish whooping your butt later on." The man laughed like a dog would if he swallowed a can opener..(yes I know that makes NOooooooooooooo sense..^^)
" HHHHHHHHHHHHAHAH!!! SURE THIN' BOY! NO PROBLEM AT ALL!!! How about tomorrow same time same place...just er...let me blacken YOUR eye, ok?" As he finished laughing, the man looked over at the party-pooper and frowned, his eyes turned suddenly from Happy insane-like, to completely bored and uniterested. " YYyyyyeppp...sorry to upset you Mr. Kuro sir..." He turned away andstuck up his middle finger cursing at him under his breath. " Filthy dirty, no good asswipe...Ignorant b*****d who is no fun at all..push over, wears nice pants..."
The man named Kuro looked over at the young girl. He tried to smile, but it was hard to do that since, he never smiled...
As she looked at him, and his overly posh sense of style, with his well moosed black hair, perfectly clean glasses, and well pressed back suit, along with spit polished black dress shoes...this man seemed to scream.." DORK-O!!! DORK-O! RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIVEEEEEEEESSSS!"
"Heh, " she said waith a smirk on her face. " since the funs gone, I think I'll go to sleep now.." She got up from her perch and started to walk away from the weird guy. He scoffed suddenly and spoke quietly, almost in an errie whisper. " Welcome to the Shadow-clan my dear. I do hope that you'll learn who is in charge here..and that is me. Good night." He turned away and headed off back into the deary shadows that hung all around them.
"Okk that was WEIRD...." The girl whispered as she watched him walk off, a weird feeling engulfing her whole being.
-Grim's office
Grim sat in an oversized black as midnight comfy chair. He was apparently reorganizinf papers, files..or something like that. " Stupid papers...stupid...council, wanting me to give them copies of the everyone's records!! " Fire lept out from his sockets as he muttered bad words to himself. As Grim went to grab one peice of paper however, he recoiled his hand. " Hmm..I'll save that one for later. " He sat there looking tired, his old bones ached to rest. "uuuu....-huh?" A ringing sound filled the air, it broke him from his thoughts and irritated him greatly, he chose then to let it ring and then, he would take great pleasure in silencing it FOREVER.
"GRRRRRIMMMMMMM...GET OVER HERE NOW!!! THIS IS MANDY!! YOU'VE GOT CHORES TO DO BONE-HEAD!!" Grim sighed as he listened to the message, it was Mandy, his evil dictator of a friend. " Sorry mandy, I have a new job now..." He laughed as he threw his sythe at it, Mandy's voice stopped abrubtly in mid curse word. " Hehe....Stupid girl...." He sighed again and looked around the dark messy room, cluttered with papers and books.
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