From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: [x]
See what races there over the sky in a cloud of delicious pies?
Is it a cat, or a plane?
It's the Pop-Tart-Stein!
He lands before you, with a chill stare &What did you expect, a flying goat? Feed me infidel.& He orders you, before he noms on a pie and flies away.
On the ground where he stood, this gift was left- enjoy.
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: You seem to have discovered a long, forgotten cave. Upon entering it and walking for some time, you find a huge cavern lit by flame. The cavern is piled high with all sorts of items from valuable gems to bones of unidentifiable creatures. Resting on this pile is a long, serpentine body. Dark green scales sparkle from the light, and you notice that the reptile body ends with three heads. Before you can turn to leave, one of the heads stir. Regal gold eyes study you before the head bows in acknowledgment.
Greetings, human, and welcome to the home of the Hydra. Please keep it down, my brothers are sleeping. His gaze shifts over to the sleeping heads before going back to you. A low chuckle rumbles in his throat as he looks at you. Fear not, my guest. You will not be our dinner tonight. We have already eaten.... The creature's eyes light up with an idea and he lowers his head to pick up a tray of food resting on the pile. He places it near you and watches with interest. It would be inhospitable for me not to offer you some. Go on, it's not poisonous. A soft clink of items causes the head to turn, and he sees one of the heads has stirred in its slumber. Perhaps you should take your meal on the run, human. One of my brothers has no patience with your kind and I fear you would end up as our next meal.
~ The Hydra
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: [x] After succumbing to the demands of overzealous fans the other day and giving out gifts and messages to gaia's users, I've decided to reserve some time away from work to continue gifting during this Pie Hard event. A part of me enjoyed giving back to Gaia's userbase (probably my left kidney, which once belonged to a philanthropist,) and I could only assume that the experience would be better if I participated in the event on my own terms rather than be coerced into it by people in fan threads who would rather me distribute scantly-clad pictures of myself. *shudders*
Please accept this gift. I hope it will be useful to you.
P.S. I have nothing to do with this so-called Pop-tart Stein that has been flying about. I looks and sounds nothing like me. -_-iii
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
From: An anonymous benefactor
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
[NPC] Rina
Hey there!
I've got a special gift for you!
From: An anonymous benefactor
A little pink puppy comes up to you and places a little package in front of you.
she steps slightly back looks at the ground. and you hear her saying with a shy voice: This is for you I-I-I-I-I'm sorry i-if this isn't so-o-mthing you wished for b-but I-I-I h-hope you like.
then she Ran off.
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!
I've got a special gift for you!
From: An anonymous benefactor

A little pink puppy comes up to you and places a little package in front of you.
she steps slightly back looks at the ground. and you hear her saying with a shy voice: This is for you I-I-I-I-I'm sorry i-if this isn't so-o-mthing you wished for b-but I-I-I h-hope you like.
then she Ran off.
Why don't you head over to your inventory and see what you got!