My friend in both worlds, who goes by Roma in the Astral Plane, came to me with the strangest request... He was asked by his leader to arrange an alliance with the wood elves.
I should probably back up... First of all, Roma is a wolf. (Wolves in the Astral Plane are the size of horses.) His pack originally had an alliance with the Dragon Kingdom to protect them from the giants. (Yes, the same giants I saved the dwarves from.) But do you think the dragons were kind?... I'm sure some of them were; most of the dragons I know are very good people. However, the terms of their alliance wasn't to their liking. The original deal was that the wolves would give a portion of all of their food to their guardians, but someone decided to switch it around... It changed from food to service. The wolves had to do anything the dragons said. Of course, many dragons are nice, but many aren't. It was obvious this system would be abused, but the wolves didn't have much of a choice. It was either accept the dragons' terms or fight the giants themselves.
Just to get something straight... I have NOTHING against dragons. Some of my best friends are dragons. But there are also some dragons that aren't as nice as the ones I was fortunate enough to meet. (Just as a side note, Roma did personally talk with the leader of the Dragon Kingdom to ask for better terms, but his request was ignored.)
So of course when I got rid of the giants, the wolves abandoned their treaty with the Dragon Kingdom. And that left them feeling vulnerable. Since their leader, Icarus, knew of Roma's friendship with me, he decided to turn to the wood elves.
It wasn't a hard treaty to arrange, as the terms were simply that we were to protect each other in times of war, and that the wood elves would act as guardians while the wolves expanded their territory. One of the main reason my people were accepting of this is the thought of how they could help us in war if needed. You see, our best fighters are our archers, who are also trained to disappear into the forest... Literally. They become the trees. But take us out of the forest, and we lose a huge advantage. That's where the wolves could come in handy... But neither group has run into trouble so far.
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Amras Tasatir
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Guardian of the Wood Elves
Guardian of the Wood Elves
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Guardian of the Wood Elves