Name: Norina Ann Nudsen
age: 20
Weight: 130
Appearance: 5'8, with mix blond hair which goes to her hips. Sapphire blue eyes and ivory skin. Is often wearing dresses or skirts with shoes made to be on her feet for long time on ends.

personality: Every one says she is very mature for her age and too sweet and loving for her own good. She acts like a mother and good friend to all and cares to the point that she will cry for the smallest of things. Meaning she is very emotionally. She dose not like fighting or agrueing so must of the time she will be the peacekeeper.
history: The central forest is the best place to live in Norina's mind. Here they people are happy and care for one other. But it was not always like that. Even though she was very young during the war she remembered how the other wind clans treated them for being pacifistic. She was offent watching her family and friend be miss treated which hurt her for she wish she could help. All she could do was heal and try her best to stop agreements from happening and going to far.
She thanked the day the war ended and hoped the other clans would be nice to them. Some have changed other have not but she dose not care. As long as there is peace she is happy and dose her best to help all those around her no matter what.