Summer Anons~
From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: A pie-eating contest? Tch, how stupid... I'm just going to enjoy summer-- by myself-- and just watch everyone else look ridiculous... Hey, you have to eat a lot of pies for me, okay? N-not that I'm supporting you, or anything...
~ A Tsundere Girl
Message: A pie-eating contest? Tch, how stupid... I'm just going to enjoy summer-- by myself-- and just watch everyone else look ridiculous... Hey, you have to eat a lot of pies for me, okay? N-not that I'm supporting you, or anything...
~ A Tsundere Girl
These hips don't lie,
And neither does the pie.
Enjoy the event.
Sunny - The Candle Vandal Anon
And neither does the pie.
Enjoy the event.
Sunny - The Candle Vandal Anon
Your horrible SisterBroken choosing him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hehe you made the right choice.
*crys* i tried to warn you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shh Misery stop crying Sister does not want to see you cry.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hehe you made the right choice.
*crys* i tried to warn you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shh Misery stop crying Sister does not want to see you cry.
Misery & Mayhem
As you are walking down an old familiar path you see someone sitting by a creek & under a shady tree. Curiosity overcomes you and you creep closer, not wanting to disturb the person. The person is a young man wearing goggles. He has a toolbox with its contents spread out in the in soft grass. Without looking up he stutters, ''Y-You can come sit d-down over here if y-you like.'' Startled at his knowledge of you presence you do as he says. You are not sure what the young mechanic is making, but you watch in fascination as he works diligently. You notice of his blushing and you know he is not used to working with an audience. After awhile you begin to doze under the shady tree, and soon you drift off to sleep. When you awaken you find that the young mechanic is gone, but a small gift is in his place. Its tag reading, ''I may not be able to fix my own heart, but at least I can fix yours.''
~ Arron the Lythcol Mechanic
~ Arron the Lythcol Mechanic
I am getting sick of these sweets. I have made over 50 of them, and those were just the left overs. I can't eat any more, so do you want some one? *Shh Ragnarok, I'll save some for you, Ow! I'm serious, I will! Stop! Ow!*
Sorry to cut our conversation *OW!* but SOMEONE, is a bit impatient!
-Sincerly, Crona
I am getting sick of these sweets. I have made over 50 of them, and those were just the left overs. I can't eat any more, so do you want some one? *Shh Ragnarok, I'll save some for you, Ow! I'm serious, I will! Stop! Ow!*
Sorry to cut our conversation *OW!* but SOMEONE, is a bit impatient!
-Sincerly, Crona
You cast a line, you caught a . . . fish?
A blessing of four and twenty blackbirds.
A blessing of four and twenty blackbirds.
After eating too much pie, you find yourself stuffed, watered, and happy. You are so happy that you lie on the couch to take a nap. As you sleep, you fail to hear the sound of your front door lock being picked open. When the door does open, a fairy flies into the living room. Seeing as there are no summer gifts, she pulls out her bag and leaves a present at the foot of the couch. The message on the box says: Happy Summer!
: If music be the food of love, play on
-Shakespeare's Fool
-Shakespeare's Fool
You've only just gotten out of the bath, you're feeling warm and relaxed and as you hurry back to your room you feel glad that you're all alone tonight. But as you reach for the doorknob to your room you feel a large hand upon your own. You stare in horror as the tanned hand grips yours and suddenly you find yourself pinned to the wall a blade digging into your cheek. Dazed you can only gaze in fear at your attacker. The Assassin grins down at you with his glowing gold eyes and his unnaturally sharp teeth. And then he leers at you and digs his knife deeper into the flesh of your face until you cry out. He croons out a soft sound &Didn't you want this my dear? Didn't you BEG for a gift from me? I only wanted you to stop crying. I can't stand to see you cry.& he laughs and then pulls his knife away to lick away the trail of blood at your face. You close your eyes, hoping he'll make your death quick, but when you open them once more the Assassin is gone...only the scar on your cheek remaining as evidence of his visit. - The Anon Assassin
Let us fly away into the sunset
On the ashes of our burnt flower
Leave the unshed tears and regret
Wilting away by the hour
Seek the unsent letter I kept for you
Under my pillow
Know it kept my obsessions of you
For the weeping willow
On the ashes of our burnt flower
Leave the unshed tears and regret
Wilting away by the hour
Seek the unsent letter I kept for you
Under my pillow
Know it kept my obsessions of you
For the weeping willow
While you were happily picking flowers in a garden.
You noticed a girl nearby, who quietly lying while reading a book under the shade of an oak tree.
Trying to sneak a peek, you approach the girl with caution
After you get close enough you sit next to her and said &What are you reading?&
She was startled and quickly get back on her feet and said &Uuu-um Its a fairytale, about a Lost Princess who seeks her true love.& while shyly look away
&Wow that pretty interesting.You must really love reading huh?& you said with a friendly tone
&Oh really? You like the story?! Then here you can have it.& she said with and enthusiatic voice.
&Also you can have these books. I have already read them a tons of time
so I think they should have a new owner& she said while smiling sheepishly.
As you started to talk she quickly vanished and for a moment saw a clouds of bats flying through the sky.
As you surprise by the scene, you decided to flip on of the book .
Thats when you saw a name written on the first page of the book.
&She must be really shy& you thought
You noticed a girl nearby, who quietly lying while reading a book under the shade of an oak tree.
Trying to sneak a peek, you approach the girl with caution
After you get close enough you sit next to her and said &What are you reading?&
She was startled and quickly get back on her feet and said &Uuu-um Its a fairytale, about a Lost Princess who seeks her true love.& while shyly look away
&Wow that pretty interesting.You must really love reading huh?& you said with a friendly tone
&Oh really? You like the story?! Then here you can have it.& she said with and enthusiatic voice.
&Also you can have these books. I have already read them a tons of time
so I think they should have a new owner& she said while smiling sheepishly.
As you started to talk she quickly vanished and for a moment saw a clouds of bats flying through the sky.
As you surprise by the scene, you decided to flip on of the book .
Thats when you saw a name written on the first page of the book.
&She must be really shy& you thought
It is sad! Shy is a gorgeous girl!
But she's a bit dim when it comes to romance and all that.
She could have really been special!
Ah well, want me to show you what I do with girls who are special?
- The Slutty Schoolboy
But she's a bit dim when it comes to romance and all that.
She could have really been special!
Ah well, want me to show you what I do with girls who are special?
- The Slutty Schoolboy

Your fortune for today is:
Those who are well read are rewarded with knowledge!
~The Fortune Cookie Mistress
You're having a nice conversation on the anon fishing dock, enjoying yourself, when someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to see a blue, kind of scary creature, but his smile reassures you that his intentions are good.
'Hey, how's it going? Haven't seen you in a while. I hope you're enjoying the summer event.' He then pulls out a small present and hands it to you. 'I guess I'll see you around again sometime. Have a good evening,' he politely says in farewell as he walks off into the night, and when you look at the present, the tag reads:
~Mr. Monster Guy
'Hey, how's it going? Haven't seen you in a while. I hope you're enjoying the summer event.' He then pulls out a small present and hands it to you. 'I guess I'll see you around again sometime. Have a good evening,' he politely says in farewell as he walks off into the night, and when you look at the present, the tag reads:
~Mr. Monster Guy
You seem to have discovered a long, forgotten cave. Upon entering it and walking for some time, you find a huge cavern lit by flame. The cavern is piled high with all sorts of items from valuable gems to bones of unidentifiable creatures. Resting on this pile is a long, serpentine body. Dark green scales sparkle from the light, and you notice that the reptile body ends with three heads. Before you can turn to leave, one of the heads stir. Crimson eyes snap open and fix themselves on you, narrowing to angry slights at the very sight of you. A furious hiss escapes the creature and he raises his head up to full height.
How dare you enter the domain of the Hydra! His voice seems to echo on the walls, and it's a wonder that the other two heads don't wake up. Perhaps they are used to his fury? Get out of here at once, or you shall face my wrath! In his anger, the tail of the creature lashes around furiously. Items from the pile fly in every direction. One happens to land in your arms. You fumble with trying to keep your grip on it as you turn and get the heck out of there!
~ The Hydra
How dare you enter the domain of the Hydra! His voice seems to echo on the walls, and it's a wonder that the other two heads don't wake up. Perhaps they are used to his fury? Get out of here at once, or you shall face my wrath! In his anger, the tail of the creature lashes around furiously. Items from the pile fly in every direction. One happens to land in your arms. You fumble with trying to keep your grip on it as you turn and get the heck out of there!
~ The Hydra
I t-t-think you would make a g-g-great mother.
W-w-what should we name her?
I'm a-a-almost due.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
W-w-what should we name her?
I'm a-a-almost due.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I chill runs up your back. You get the feeling that someone's watching you.
&Why hello there& says a low mesmirising voice behind you. You turn around but see nothing.
&Looking for someone?& It says again. Suddenly, cold hands grab you from behind and pull you into a tight embrace. You struggle and try to see his face, but to no avail. You hear him chuckle.
&Well you certainly are cuter than your sister& He whispers in you ear.
&What did you do to her?!& You cry. You tried to make yourself sound bold but you weakened when he started nibbling your ear.
&Lets just say I played with her...and broke her heart. But you look much more promising...& You gasp as his hand travels up your back.
&Do you want me to play with you too? You look much more fun. If yes, just say so and let me know.& His grip around you vanishes. You quickly turn only to see a glimpse of a handsome face before it disappeared into thin air. There is a voice pounding in your head saying: What is your answer?
~*The Vanishing Prince*~
&Why hello there& says a low mesmirising voice behind you. You turn around but see nothing.
&Looking for someone?& It says again. Suddenly, cold hands grab you from behind and pull you into a tight embrace. You struggle and try to see his face, but to no avail. You hear him chuckle.
&Well you certainly are cuter than your sister& He whispers in you ear.
&What did you do to her?!& You cry. You tried to make yourself sound bold but you weakened when he started nibbling your ear.
&Lets just say I played with her...and broke her heart. But you look much more promising...& You gasp as his hand travels up your back.
&Do you want me to play with you too? You look much more fun. If yes, just say so and let me know.& His grip around you vanishes. You quickly turn only to see a glimpse of a handsome face before it disappeared into thin air. There is a voice pounding in your head saying: What is your answer?
~*The Vanishing Prince*~
Sister, so broken, may I fix you?
But only if you want me to.
I've tried again, to make you smile.
So long ago, it's been a long while.
As lovely as ever, and twice as pure too.
Your smile is what I wish to view.
Your kindness, never ending. Your smart and so strong.
It's you that I've loved all along.
And though I'm Silly, and I can't compare.
Dearest Sisterbroken, for you I care.
~Silly Sender
But only if you want me to.
I've tried again, to make you smile.
So long ago, it's been a long while.
As lovely as ever, and twice as pure too.
Your smile is what I wish to view.
Your kindness, never ending. Your smart and so strong.
It's you that I've loved all along.
And though I'm Silly, and I can't compare.
Dearest Sisterbroken, for you I care.
~Silly Sender
Please take this broken heart as a token of the heart you broke. Let's see what yours looks like when it breaks. Will it still pump blood? I do so love blood, and I'd like to bathe in yours.
~Rick Astley
~Rick Astley
Please pardon my last letter, as it was incomplete. In my imaginings of ripping out your throbbing heart, I forgot to write the rest.
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching
But you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Repeat Chorus)
Give you up, give you up
Give you up, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
(Last four lines repeat)
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
(Chorus times three)
~ Rick Astley
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching
But you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Repeat Chorus)
Give you up, give you up
Give you up, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
(Last four lines repeat)
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
(Chorus times three)
~ Rick Astley
H-h-hi again.
I t-t-think we should name our baby, Sister Stalker.
Its l-l-lovely. ^//////^
-Shy Lez Stalker-
H-h-hi again.
I t-t-think we should name our baby, Sister Stalker.
Its l-l-lovely. ^//////^
-Shy Lez Stalker-
So dark is the night
With things crawling around.
Noises come and fight
With your mind with out a doubt.
Footsteps are heard wherever you are
It does not matter if they are far.
Running with strength
Running with fear
They will catch up, so don't shed a tear.
The footsteps stop,
and you hear the police.
A gun goes pop,
and you hear a faint cough.
You turn around,
and look at the ground.
You look at the body,
and let out a cry.
Then you think,
&Why did this happen tonight?&
With things crawling around.
Noises come and fight
With your mind with out a doubt.
Footsteps are heard wherever you are
It does not matter if they are far.
Running with strength
Running with fear
They will catch up, so don't shed a tear.
The footsteps stop,
and you hear the police.
A gun goes pop,
and you hear a faint cough.
You turn around,
and look at the ground.
You look at the body,
and let out a cry.
Then you think,
&Why did this happen tonight?&
Even better. ^/////^
-pets your hair-
W-w-when we have the baby, I will let you out of the basement.
I love you, my dearest pet.
Forgive me for flirting, but all these women have my mind a flutter.
And you know how I am.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-pets your hair-
W-w-when we have the baby, I will let you out of the basement.
I love you, my dearest pet.
Forgive me for flirting, but all these women have my mind a flutter.
And you know how I am.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
T-t-thank you, my dearest pet.
-Locks the basment again-
N-n-now, stay in there.
I have more women, t-t-to flirt with.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-Locks the basment again-
N-n-now, stay in there.
I have more women, t-t-to flirt with.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I hope you enjoy this little gift.
It would look quite swift.
I have no idea what else has -ift
so don't blame me
or send me to some rift.
-the guy with the face
thinks you're awesome
It would look quite swift.
I have no idea what else has -ift
so don't blame me
or send me to some rift.
-the guy with the face
thinks you're awesome
I see you've found out who I am
but don't worry cause it's still AM.
I can change pen names, I really can.
I wouldn't like that though, such a shame for a man.
-the guy with the face
Don't talk to the guy
with the A, c, and i.
but don't worry cause it's still AM.
I can change pen names, I really can.
I wouldn't like that though, such a shame for a man.
-the guy with the face
Don't talk to the guy
with the A, c, and i.
I'm b-b-back.
-pets your hair-
Its g-g-good to see you again, my d-d-dear.
We've m-m-missed you.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-pets your hair-
Its g-g-good to see you again, my d-d-dear.
We've m-m-missed you.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
Your face is really qt.
You know who else says qt?
Here's for being awesome.
-the guy with the face
P.S. you ignored my last comment
the way you giggle is qt.
;D I'd like to see more
You know who else says qt?
Here's for being awesome.
-the guy with the face
P.S. you ignored my last comment
the way you giggle is qt.
;D I'd like to see more
Fine then.
And that's not what I meant by more.
If you know what I mean.
-the guy with the face
And that's not what I meant by more.
If you know what I mean.
-the guy with the face
N-n-not yet.
I n-n-need to finish the electric fence.
So y-y-you can't leave me.
I-i-its for your safety.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I n-n-need to finish the electric fence.
So y-y-you can't leave me.
I-i-its for your safety.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
Hun, that poor soul isn't I.
I will be laughing from far above.
Like a legendary anon.
Which I am.
And that's self-proclaiming.
-the guy with the face
I will be laughing from far above.
Like a legendary anon.
Which I am.
And that's self-proclaiming.
-the guy with the face
N-n-not yet.
I n-n-need to finish the electric fence.
So y-y-you can't leave me.
I-i-its for your safety.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I n-n-need to finish the electric fence.
So y-y-you can't leave me.
I-i-its for your safety.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
Tormenting isn't a nice thing to do, y'know.
People have feelings.
-the guy with the face
People have feelings.
-the guy with the face
T-t-the bedroom?
I g-g-gues you can help.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I g-g-gues you can help.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
B-b-but you have too wear this.
-takes out a collar and puts it around your neck-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-takes out a collar and puts it around your neck-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
u just got pronon'd homie
-the guy with the face
u just got pronon'd homie
-the guy with the face
Some b-b-bad thoughts are good.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I d-d-didn't forget about you, my love.
I t-t-think its time you seen the baby.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I t-t-think its time you seen the baby.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-the guy with the face
-the guy with the face
-picks you up and holds you-
W-w-wake up!
O-o-our baby wishes too be help by you.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
W-w-wake up!
O-o-our baby wishes too be help by you.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
Y-y-you have too nurse her.
-hands you the baby-
I'll j-j-just watch.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-hands you the baby-
I'll j-j-just watch.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I'll j-j-just sit here and wait.
S-s-so I can watch.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
I'll j-j-just sit here and wait.
S-s-so I can watch.
-Shy Lez Stalker-
B-b-but how?
-scoots closer too you-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-scoots closer too you-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
O-o-oh my...
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
Scream for help in the depths of my basement. Try to claw your way through the ropes and tape. Cry until your eyes start to bleed. It will all be over soon, once I prove that I, too, can play God.
Yours sincerely until the day you die,
Yours sincerely until the day you die,
Now I wonder what this could be for...
It's just like a game of clue. Maleontaros, in the basement, with his p***s ...
&Hehe, broken?~ Shattered?~' A white haired male said casually, walking beside you suddenly and looking down at you. &As broken as you seem to be, I know that i can piece you together~& With that said, he brings you towards him, his cloak brushed against you as he lowered his head and brushed his lips onto yours. &So long~& With a snicker, he disappeared and left you with a gift tucked neatly in your arms.

A little gift just because
My heart is broken just like your name.
Brother never lets me play any games.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You bring unhappiness to everyone you see.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You should just say here and play with me.
Misery & Mayhem
Brother never lets me play any games.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You bring unhappiness to everyone you see.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You should just say here and play with me.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You are not the one that brings unhappiness sister is.
Brother i do not bring unhappiness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes you do remember what happened to the last person that played with you they killed themself.
I told you that was not my fault.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I will play with you though I bring no unhappiness.
Brother you kill people.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shh dont listen to her.
Misery & Mayhem
Brother i do not bring unhappiness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes you do remember what happened to the last person that played with you they killed themself.
I told you that was not my fault.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I will play with you though I bring no unhappiness.
Brother you kill people.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shh dont listen to her.
Misery & Mayhem
Pick the one you trust best.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No one would trust you Misery.
Sadly you cant play with both brother does not like me playing with his things.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thats because Misery you ruin everything of mine.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No one would trust you Misery.
Sadly you cant play with both brother does not like me playing with his things.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thats because Misery you ruin everything of mine.
Misery & Mayhem
you feel my breath on the sweet nape of you neck,
the primitive side of you knows there is no escape
the primitive side of you knows there is no escape

At the age before twenty, though I've seen plenty, you shall cry, for I will die, in car crash, killed by a man who just smoked hash. I am not sad for I will see my dear dad.
A beautiful day you think as you walk along,
Falling down stairs you simply get back up,
Then you notice a black figure is with you,
Reaching for your hand to take you away,
Placing your hand on its, you start walking,
Hand in hand he transports your soul to the afterlife.
Falling down stairs you simply get back up,
Then you notice a black figure is with you,
Reaching for your hand to take you away,
Placing your hand on its, you start walking,
Hand in hand he transports your soul to the afterlife.
I do love company but thats only because im so lonely.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh come and play with me you will have lots of fun with me.
Brother how am I to get friends if you keep taking them away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thats the point sister I dont want you to have any friends.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh come and play with me you will have lots of fun with me.
Brother how am I to get friends if you keep taking them away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thats the point sister I dont want you to have any friends.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~She belongs only to me thats why.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ignore her just come with me I'll make sure you have lots of fun.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ignore her just come with me I'll make sure you have lots of fun.
Misery & Mayhem
T-t-there you are!
-moves closer to you-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
-moves closer to you-
-Shy Lez Stalker-
Well than I must thank you I wish you luck with brother.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now Broken where would you like to go. So long Misery I'll be back later.
Bye brother Bye broken
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now Broken where would you like to go. So long Misery I'll be back later.
Bye brother Bye broken
Misery & Mayhem
But Sister i just want you to be happy dont worry about me im used to it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Misery she will be happy with me. Broken come to a bar with me I will get you the best drinks.
Sister please if you dont want to go just say.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Misery she will be happy with me. Broken come to a bar with me I will get you the best drinks.
Sister please if you dont want to go just say.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You and me in this dark clue is giving me so many ideas.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Do you enjoy that drink I picked out for you.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Do you enjoy that drink I picked out for you.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh just ideas where we go back to your place and have alittle fun.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~we could go back to mine but sister will be here and she would ruin the mood.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~we could go back to mine but sister will be here and she would ruin the mood.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*leans over the table and kisses you, I look into your eyes, you should just see your eyes*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*pulling away you take a deep breath* Dear how about we get another drink then go to your place.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*pulling away you take a deep breath* Dear how about we get another drink then go to your place.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was hopeing you would say that but I have to give my lady her drink she wanted.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lead the way to your house so this night can really start.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lead the way to your house so this night can really start.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*I drink as fast as I can*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok I'm ready to go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*putting your coat on I whisper in your ear*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dont plan on going home any time soon.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok I'm ready to go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*putting your coat on I whisper in your ear*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dont plan on going home any time soon.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Closing my eyes I say*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lead me anywhere.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*secretly hopeing it's your room*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dear will we be there soon.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lead me anywhere.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*secretly hopeing it's your room*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dear will we be there soon.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Well then lead me to your bedroom much fun we will have there.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~But go fast cause I cant wait much longer.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~But go fast cause I cant wait much longer.
Misery & Mayhem

I picked you out, of a crowd and talked to you. Said I liked your shoes. You said, &Thanks, can I follow you?& So it's up the stairs and out the aim of prying eyes. I poured some wine. I asked your name; You asked the time.
Now, it's two o'clock. The club is closed, we're up the block. Your hands on me, pressing hand against your jeans. Your tongue in my mouth.. Trying to keep words from coming out.. You didn't care to know, who else may have been you before. &I want a lover I don't have to love..&
~ Bright Eyes
p.s: Life's no story-book. Love's an excuse to get hurt, and to hurt. If you like to hurt, then hurt me.
Ok your my first guess as to who Magic is
~The CJ Anon~
~The CJ Anon~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*In your room I start to undress you. First your shirt I undo the buttons one by one. You not being able to stand the wait just pull off your shirt, your skirt laying next to it on the floor.*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whispering in your ear I say there is no rush my dear.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your moans full the room, the bed moving to the rhythm of our bodys. Faster I move, giving you so much pleasure. Your body asking for release I finally give it to you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Both of us exausted we fall asleep in each others arms.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whispering in your ear I say there is no rush my dear.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your moans full the room, the bed moving to the rhythm of our bodys. Faster I move, giving you so much pleasure. Your body asking for release I finally give it to you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Both of us exausted we fall asleep in each others arms.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Waking up I look into your eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm glad you had fun playing with me I told you you would not regret it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What would you like to do next dear this day is all yours.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm glad you had fun playing with me I told you you would not regret it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What would you like to do next dear this day is all yours.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's true many of my playthings I kill when I get bored.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~But I'm having lots of fun with you so I have no plan to kill you off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Does this change what you think of me?
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~But I'm having lots of fun with you so I have no plan to kill you off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Does this change what you think of me?
Misery & Mayhem
Oh my! Please just don't hurt any of my denizens. I'll surrender quietly if I must. I want my people to be safe.
~Queen of the Ice Kingdom.
~Queen of the Ice Kingdom.
Yes, a surrender. I will do what I have to for my people to remain out of harms way. Please let me know when you have come to your decision.
~Queen of the Ice Kingdom
~Queen of the Ice Kingdom
I've been so bored,
awaiting my victims,
for I hate to be ignored..
So in this wait, I chose you
for a little treat,
It occupied my time, gave me something to do.
Please enjoy this something free,
cherish it forever,
and keep me in your memory..

awaiting my victims,
for I hate to be ignored..
So in this wait, I chose you
for a little treat,
It occupied my time, gave me something to do.
Please enjoy this something free,
cherish it forever,
and keep me in your memory..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your love of danger is what caught my eye.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cause that is all I am everywhere I go there is danger and I needed one who would not be afraid of that.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Are you the one I've been looking for? The one that will never be afraid?
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cause that is all I am everywhere I go there is danger and I needed one who would not be afraid of that.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Are you the one I've been looking for? The one that will never be afraid?
Misery & Mayhem
The news shall be spread you have my word. All of the Ice Kingdom will come to know the awesome glory that is Prussia.
~Queen of the Ice kingdom
~Queen of the Ice kingdom
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Of course I'd pick you but I wanted to know if you accept me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many are scared of all the mayhem I cause, I'm so glad your not.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Would you like to leave this place and come with me.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many are scared of all the mayhem I cause, I'm so glad your not.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Would you like to leave this place and come with me.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I have never met one before that would do so much for me.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for such loyalty.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*I lean over and kiss you. Whispering I ask*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~How can I repay you for your kindness?
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for such loyalty.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*I lean over and kiss you. Whispering I ask*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~How can I repay you for your kindness?
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~But what have I done everything I've done I did for myself?
Misery & Mayhem
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Well yes that is true.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lets go somewhere I want you to pick.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Anywhere but it must be you to decide.
Misery & Mayhem
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lets go somewhere I want you to pick.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Anywhere but it must be you to decide.
Misery & Mayhem
If you wish to know what is up, all you need do is look down my pants. Of course, you can help bring it down.
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching
But you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Repeat Chorus)
Give you up, give you up
Give you up, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
(Last four lines repeat)
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
(Chorus times three)
~ Rick Astley
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've know each other for so long
Your heart's been aching
But you're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
(Repeat Chorus)
Give you up, give you up
Give you up, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
Never gonna give,
Never gonna give, give you up
(Last four lines repeat)
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
(Chorus times three)
~ Rick Astley
I realized I hadn't sent you an anon
I needed to give you this before you were gone
Its basicly pink
This pretty drink
Don't pick up you phone you'll get no ring tone.
I didn't mean to cut the power
It'll mean you have a cold shower
I saw Shy Lez Stalker
And she was a gawker
Stepping on a poor flower
Now as I wrap my hands around you
Don't scream out like you want to
I don't mean to grope
I was looking for rope
To fix the problem, that I did do.
I needed to give you this before you were gone
Its basicly pink
This pretty drink
Don't pick up you phone you'll get no ring tone.
I didn't mean to cut the power
It'll mean you have a cold shower
I saw Shy Lez Stalker
And she was a gawker
Stepping on a poor flower
Now as I wrap my hands around you
Don't scream out like you want to
I don't mean to grope
I was looking for rope
To fix the problem, that I did do.

Dont talk bad about me its rude!
So what if I lurk, whats it to you?
Most people dont care so long as I gift!
So why are you so differnt?
So what if I lurk, whats it to you?
Most people dont care so long as I gift!
So why are you so differnt?
Oh Sisterbroken, a name I see is so elegant..
WintersFrozenThorn.. so beautiful in sound
You guessed Pixitella in the hunt for me,
and then I get from Winters they guessed the same..
And now it's me hunting you down...
can you be honest and confirm to me,
That it's you, WintersFrozenThorn?
If so I love how you're continuing the chase...
for someone to find you and win a new race.
It seems you'll play meaner, and be harder to catch,
and that's one step up, from our last match..
~Magic ;]
WintersFrozenThorn.. so beautiful in sound
You guessed Pixitella in the hunt for me,
and then I get from Winters they guessed the same..
And now it's me hunting you down...
can you be honest and confirm to me,
That it's you, WintersFrozenThorn?
If so I love how you're continuing the chase...
for someone to find you and win a new race.
It seems you'll play meaner, and be harder to catch,
and that's one step up, from our last match..
~Magic ;]
Oscar mayer delifresh,
Oven roasted turkey breast.
+ Wiener
Oven roasted turkey breast.
+ Wiener
Alice, the broken sister
your beauty is like no other
you appear delicate yet are strong
you have returned but with a bird by your side
tell me, is he kind?
does he treat you like a princess and feed you pie?
in this war there may be only on final victory
and with your long white hair flowing about in the wind, sword held high and bird your side you say to your followers
&let them eat pie!&
I hope you enjoy the pies, you've earned them
your beauty is like no other
you appear delicate yet are strong
you have returned but with a bird by your side
tell me, is he kind?
does he treat you like a princess and feed you pie?
in this war there may be only on final victory
and with your long white hair flowing about in the wind, sword held high and bird your side you say to your followers
&let them eat pie!&
I hope you enjoy the pies, you've earned them
are you searching for a new look? because I would look great on you
Holding your breath, your pulse drumming loud inside your ears, you peel back the edges of the badly crumpled letter, bits of the paper tearing off wear something sticky had adhered to the surface on one edge. Holding the edges apart, the letter appears to be a mess of sketches of your sleeping face and etchy handwriting with no form or reason to it.
The small missive, what you can make out at any rate, reads as follows:
I know that lately you've been having your doubts about us, what with the troubled glances that you have been casting out of the window, searching for me. However, you must allow me to lay your troubles to rest. I am willing to try and am determined that I can persuade you to see past our differences. What we need is some time alone. I know this place in the woods I can take you. I sure your friends won't even know you're gone for at least a week. Plenty of time for us to spend together, uninterrupted.
Devotedly Yours,
Obsessive Phantasm
The small missive, what you can make out at any rate, reads as follows:
I know that lately you've been having your doubts about us, what with the troubled glances that you have been casting out of the window, searching for me. However, you must allow me to lay your troubles to rest. I am willing to try and am determined that I can persuade you to see past our differences. What we need is some time alone. I know this place in the woods I can take you. I sure your friends won't even know you're gone for at least a week. Plenty of time for us to spend together, uninterrupted.
Devotedly Yours,
Obsessive Phantasm
You find yourself in your favorite alley in the city. It's lined wall to wall with stores and apartment units, the people hustling and bustling about as friendly as one can be. The smells of food and drink are abundant today, and you see a table by the front of the window of your favorite restaurant. Sitting there is a woman not much younger-looking than 17, and stacked on her table are boxes all wrapped in white paper with red ribbons. As you get to the table, you notice that she has a mass of scars on her face and ribbed horns protruding from holes cut in her hat. Laying next to her chair is a walking stick that one uses if they're blind, but it's clear that she can see well, even if the pince nez on the bridge of her nose says otherwise.
She explains that she has a large surplus of wands and is giving away one to whoever asks. She goes on to add that most of the wands do nothing, but a few she packed into one of these boxes contain a real, working wand with great power stored in them; she would have kept them away, but in the rush of cleaning out her massive attic she didn't notice... and she doesn't care, either. Curious, you ask for a box and she gladly hands you one. Before you leave, you ask the woman about her horns. She explains they're a birth defect, but the procedure to get them surgically removed is too expensive. (You wonder about this statement since most of her clothes seem rather lavish and fine, especially that hat.) With the box in your hands, you leave on your way to wherever it is that you were going.
You have a good feeling about this box. But, really, what are the chances of receiving a real magic wand?
As you turn back, you can see even from here the devious grin of that horned girl.
She explains that she has a large surplus of wands and is giving away one to whoever asks. She goes on to add that most of the wands do nothing, but a few she packed into one of these boxes contain a real, working wand with great power stored in them; she would have kept them away, but in the rush of cleaning out her massive attic she didn't notice... and she doesn't care, either. Curious, you ask for a box and she gladly hands you one. Before you leave, you ask the woman about her horns. She explains they're a birth defect, but the procedure to get them surgically removed is too expensive. (You wonder about this statement since most of her clothes seem rather lavish and fine, especially that hat.) With the box in your hands, you leave on your way to wherever it is that you were going.
You have a good feeling about this box. But, really, what are the chances of receiving a real magic wand?
As you turn back, you can see even from here the devious grin of that horned girl.
So, so boring.
Is it ironic that whenever there's something to do around this dirthole it usually ends up with me dying?
Cuz that's what it seems like.
I guess it could be worse though.
Caboose hasn't set anything on fire lately and Tucker seems pretty busy with that abomination.
Who knew hell was this boring?
- Private L. L. church
Is it ironic that whenever there's something to do around this dirthole it usually ends up with me dying?
Cuz that's what it seems like.
I guess it could be worse though.
Caboose hasn't set anything on fire lately and Tucker seems pretty busy with that abomination.
Who knew hell was this boring?
- Private L. L. church
Adrenaline pumps through your veins as you sprint.
The man in pursuit.
At a slow, lazy stroll.
He had been following you.
You didn't know who he was.
Or why he was.
All you know.
Is that he was following you.
You turn several corners.
And see a different man walking along.
A doctors bag at his side.
You run up to him.
Begging for help.
You almost begin to cry.
He stares at you momentarily.
Then reaches into his doctors bag.
And pulls out a knife.
He grabs your hair.
Then stabs you in the gut.
You are Jack's Fifty Fifth.
~Jack the Ripper
The man in pursuit.
At a slow, lazy stroll.
He had been following you.
You didn't know who he was.
Or why he was.
All you know.
Is that he was following you.
You turn several corners.
And see a different man walking along.
A doctors bag at his side.
You run up to him.
Begging for help.
You almost begin to cry.
He stares at you momentarily.
Then reaches into his doctors bag.
And pulls out a knife.
He grabs your hair.
Then stabs you in the gut.
You are Jack's Fifty Fifth.
~Jack the Ripper
-You are walking to the store to get something, and it is starting to get dark out. Slightly fearfully, you walk a bit faster. As you pass a dark alleyway, you walk even faster still, but then, despite your best efforts, you scream as you trip as a hand is clutching your ankle. You lash out with that leg and make contact with something - hard - and hear a muffled groan of pain. you then get up and run a few feet away, then turn around to see a young man clutching his stomach in pain.- &Are you alright?& you ask. &yeah, i'm fine.& he says through gritted teeth &i suppose i deserved that. I wanted to give you this, and a message. -hands you a gift- the message is 'RUN', and I would take that advice if I were you.&
- Death's Messenger
- Death's Messenger

~ Yasuko
I hear that you are searching for creepers
I am not one, however, I thought that
Maybe just any old anon would do
So I wrote this at the drop of a hat!
xo The Anon's Anon
I am not one, however, I thought that
Maybe just any old anon would do
So I wrote this at the drop of a hat!
xo The Anon's Anon
Saw you were fishing..
Hook, line and sinker!
Hook, line and sinker!