Mmk. So. I haven't posted a journal in a while.
Figured I might as well now that I've come across a new dream avatar.
I'm totally in love with this one, I designed it and got a mental boner. XD
4tehlulz, joking. But no, srsly. It's sexy. =3

Steel-plated Ninja Band
Ancient Katana
Long Drag
White Body Dye
Inari's Beads
Wed to Darkness x2
Reve Rouille
Keiongaku Style
Anesidora's Woe
Ninja Mood Bubble
Tragic Tower
Soo. Just wanted to say. That I LOVE you.
And you should totally donate to me. &3 =]
Meggy [[ </3 ]] ninja
Figured I might as well now that I've come across a new dream avatar.
I'm totally in love with this one, I designed it and got a mental boner. XD
4tehlulz, joking. But no, srsly. It's sexy. =3

Soo. Just wanted to say. That I LOVE you.
And you should totally donate to me. &3 =]
Meggy [[ </3 ]] ninja