--------------------.·´`·» It was a moment she had never felt before. A loss of memory with broken bones and scars that will permanently stay with her forever. She wasn't always so easily bruised when going out into missions; but this time was what brought her down to hell. As for now, Slayer doesn't know her past. She mainly knows her name and her age, but nothing beyond that, really. Well, she does know that she used to be a Dragon Slayer, but had no idea why or how she got to be into that kind of profession. She had many ideas and theories into thinking why, dragons should be taken care of, not going extinct. Merallious thought of many ways to try and remember her past. Where did she come from, where did she live, how was she like when she was a child, or who her parents are. But of course, nothing came into mind. So, as the years go by, she lived along in a journey that seems so mysterious and big that it was too much for her to figure out. She doesn't know what to say about the world, she has no idea on what to think about it. She may not know on how she used to be, so she decided that she doesn't want to believe in anything at all -- till she got her memory back. If she were to believe in something now that went against the things she used to believe before she lost her memory, she'd probably go insane. And would be wondering more on what else she may have thought of in her years of living in a journey. A journey for Dragon Slayers. She does carry on with theories, logical thinking on what she may have thought in the past, but she preferred not to think about it or speak of it as often. From what she remembers, she woke up in a beautiful grassland, completely silent except the music from the winds. The tall grass moved swiftly on where the wind blew, the light blue skies with pure white clouds floating above her head. the sun was glazing overhead; but not directly at her face. She was sitting under a tall, thick, decades-old oak tree. She didn't know how she got there, or how she was badly beaten. But she did realize that it was her time to go find some help to heal.
--------------------.·´`·» Merallious was only fifteen years old when she awoke from her slumber and found herself in a paradise. At the time she didn't even know her name, who she was, or how old she may have been. But she had a certain feeling that she had to do something that was extremely important. She didn't know what but she knew it was something that had to be done no matter what the cost. The only thing she could do was try to stand up and walk to the nearest civilization to get help. But even though her mind was set, she couldn't move a muscle. Her legs and face were swollen, and her arms were badly broken, well, one of them. The other she couldn't even find. But oddly enough, where her arm was supposed to be was neatly taken care of. Gently and neatly placed. Merallious thought a lot about it. Perhaps someone was looking after her while she was passed out? It wasn't till hours later that a young girl came and sat by her under the old oak tree. She immediately came for Merallious' rescue, but she didn't have much of a worried face. It seemed like she had seen her wounds before. The young girl started to talk to her, began to grow conversation with Merallious as she continued to treat her. Merallious couldn't speak at all, but she stared with a meaningful stare knowing that she was very appreciative and glad that she had someone to take care of her. Instead of dying. The young girl told her that Mera was sleeping for a couple of days, and that she had found Mera just a couple of days after. Her name was Annah, a twelve year old that specializes in medicine. Annah was always there to bring her some warmth and with someone to talk to. She also said that she wanted to take her to the village that was a couple of miles away, but she didn't want to disturb Merallious nor did any villagers believed her. So she brought in items and equipment for Mera so she wouldn't feel so cold at night. Annah once said that there were no harmful animals that would come and attack her, so she'd be fine staying there till she was better. It would never be so dark at night, either. The moon was her night light. After months of being treated, and Annah sometimes staying with Merallious overnight to see how she'd be, Mera finally grew enough strength of her own body, and to stand up perfectly and move on swiftly.
--------------------.·´`·» It was a couple of days after when Merallious was healed completely, she followed Annah to her hometown to give her some supplies to when she needed to be on her way. It was surprising on what the looks she was given by the townspeople; her arm was completely blasted off from her body. There were some that parted and got out of the way from her direction. Merallious stared at them, she was also curious about them as well. She didn't know what to think, it was as if it was the first time she had seen more than one person in a village. She did feel a little small and indifferent--just by the looks she had received by the townsfolk. Some gave her angry looks, and others were protecting their children, and even others left inside to their homes. Merallious looked down at Annah, seeing her with a smiling face as always, not caring on what other people were thinking about. If Annah was alright, then so was Mera. So she couldn't complain at all, really. But there were still some questions that Mera wanted to ask. How did she get to the grasslands? Is this is real home? Why are the people so afraid of her? So many questions that needed to be answered, but all will be through time. It was later on in the day that she was invited home to her family and treated her with kindness. Mera didn't know how to repay them, since she had met the most nicest people in her area. When she stayed here for a short amount of time, people got more along with her and softened towards her. She was known around the village she was in, and was happy that she was able to start anew with heartwarming people that lived around her. It was only weeks later that people from a higher being took her away for some testing. She tried escaping from their search, but it was too late. They took her in as their hostage and reported her back to the hospital. She didn't know what to do, but she knew it was going to be her last time in seeing her face. The only thing she could do was cry and beg for her to return, but they depleted from her wishes. It was then, when she first got in the hospital, things completely changed and wrapped her in a bed that she wouldn't move a muscle and operated her.