<< by Dinlos Grazie! Cecilia Vargas - Sicily OC Full name: Cecilia Rosalia Vargas (She is named after TWO Italian Saints htat took part of sicily)
Eyecolor: Some sort of aqua-green
Haircolor: Brunette
Items she represents: -Sicilian Flag - Crown of Roses (or Roses) - A book - Skull - Cross (again: saints) - Musical Instruments - Vocals
( Art by Keyblade Master Aqua Grazie!) >
Personality: Cecilia is part of hte mafia but she hardly shows any emotions due to separation and loss of those who were close to her. She's used to solitude more than a crowd. ... According to history: Greece and France were her surpreriors until her independence. Hates France with passion but slowly(slower than a snail) gains feelings for him. She prefers if everyone is altogether than split apart.
Family: As a fan for the OC: She is the Vargas Brother's Younger sister. How Old am I?: Cecilia is in her early 20's. [[22 i'd say, she is four years younger than France but a year older than Malta]] What do I wear? Simply of close to Romano's what's different is the color and how she wears it. Her tanktop is black with the coat loose, the belt is black and still on to keep her coat from falling off. Her shoulder is bruised with a malicious scar from a previous surgery if you want to add. Her pants are the same color of her coat (a khaki-green color.) Her boots are knee-high and black..medium heels though. (You don't need to go from head to toe thoguh xD ) Alternative costumes (If it's too hard for you): -Dress her up in a tuxedo and her tie is red. A Sicilian ARMY uniform. -An old Sicilian Military Uniform - Victorian-Italian outfitts. - Gakuen Uniform - A long-sleeved sweater with skinny jeans. (This adds hte kawaii-ness) - a Vespri Siciliani rebel Uniform. Extras (Costumes) - The Moon Tarot costume - Dormouse costume - Hollowe'en = Devil costume
 <<<<By xXAziiXx Grazie!
Note: PM me for descriptions on any costume you want. I'll do my best to descrive it
Vespri Siciliani She is dressed as a boy with her hair tied in this, demanding the "Frenchmen" to pronnounce ciriri what htye never pronnounced properly. Her eyes in Vesper Sicilian are rather reddish pink, with a evil smile. Vespri Siciliani is her yendere side and the event where she fought France. Even now, she wodners if france could forgive her still. This was the most dreadful days in both, France and sicily for that over thousands of men and women, childrne even, died. Women who married a Frenchman were killed without hesitation.
My Hairstyle: Often up in a ponytail or let down loose, it is mid-length (To her shoudlers) and straight-and-wavy look. Her wild curl is also on her right side of her right bang. The curl is rarely touched by anyone although she allows a select few to play with it. This isn't her erogenous zone though. Her erogenous zones are her ears. Other info: .. She's not busty.. a C-cup rather... Don't make her busty! -shiver- ... Ukraine scares me that way... ; ^ ; Through the looking Glass- What I hide from everyone(Bruised?): She hides the face she's in the mafia, the only people who know about this is Romano(dealt with the mafia before) France (Scared shitless of this face) and Spain(No wonder they're rivals!)
If oyu wanth er injured: Her right shoulder is badly bruised, feel free to make it look like her gunshot wound. Her face should be empty, but alive still with her eyes watered, as if hurt or heartbroken. But her eyes tell a message: Revenge. She glares at you coldly with her empty eyes. The pose shoudl be modest such as up against a wall, or just on her knees. If you have no feeling for a deep, dark mood like this, feel free to put her in a happier position liek a triumph despite being shot after a "hard day's work" of takign down her rivals, bringing tears to her eyes of finally avenging a previous don or satisfied with her enemy's death. A smile shouldn't e too creepy but in a way it disturbs people... Other: Her various poses are her dominance from Isle of Man(Sicily) she carries no white flag despite Veniziano's attempts. She has pure love for Sicilian Oranges, or blood oranges. Her smile is believable to be rather soft, but her eyes will remain empty.
Biography: Cecilia was given to Greece, she suffered from separatino anxiety from her family until then Greece's cats kept her from lonliness. She was never taught to swim, even in Gakuen. ater on when the Byzantine Empire fell, she was kicked to France. she never grew attatched to him but ironically her eyesight is bad when water gets in them: she once thoguht France was Greece thoguh there are NO similarities between the two men. She almost drowned when she first met france, whom he eventualyl saves her (she recieved a fever hours later.) Since Cecilia was raised around boys, like Hungary, the difference between her and Hungary is that she never considered herself as a woman due to taking baths with her brothers as a child (when she visits Spain.) She flees France one day and relied on Spain the next. from there she grew attatched to Romano and often rides on his back until she grew out of it. She became a masfia Don soon after she was in her teens and still in france. this gave her the advantage for independence proudly. Being taken back to france she nwever encoutnered her closest sibling again for ten years. Add another two and they re encoutner as family. She gets drunk easily but has a quick recovery sicne she cna hold her drink. She isn't crazy about Vodka though. She is still a virgin but when it does come to the point she loses her virginity, she doesn't tell to whom but she hints that is was a very "Close friend." what could be anyone.
Neko- and Nyo- Her cat is not part of Nekotalia, however she mentions it is female with kittens she gives away to some friends. It's name is "Naomi" although she is strongly called "Micily" (italian for Cat for her is "Micini" wink for the Nekotalia. the Nyotalia version if her is Cecil. He looks similar to Romano, but with blue eyes and a gruff nature and strict to protect the Nyotalia-version veniziano(Feliciana) and Lovino(Lovina/Romana/Ramona.) Her Nekotalia version is simply a Birman breed, what is a really fluffy siamese with white paws and tails, her ears are brown and her face is..well "siamese", with a messily tied ribbon around her neck, hence she acts like a kitten accordign to the breed. Her Nekotalia version acts curious and often sleeps on Cecilia's lap or plays with Itabby's tail, otherwise she chases moths arount playfully. She easily gets in and out of trouble due to being curious. Very active though.
Chibi~ Already up! Althoguh she sleeps alot and cleans without a problem. The only thing she failed as a child was to reach high places and cooking until later. Chibi looks like the ordinary dresses for "newborns" but she doesn't wear a hat like Chibi-Romano and Chibitalia, but she does wear a yellow ribbon. her hair is surprisingly short but "flippy" and "fuzzy" at the ends. She had bangs. Later on her hair is in a ponytail and she wears an ordinary maid dress fit for her. A blue dress with collars and cuffs and a white apron. She doesn't wear the ribbon at this point.
Odd soudns I make? VOI! - This is often used by Italian Gangsters. It's merely a sign of disrespect or some respect oyu never earnes. However, if over used: It's jus plain rude. Ugu~! - When Cecilia is abotu to cry (even as a child she did this) she tries to stifle it and hide it. But hwne it is uncontroleld and feels she must cry. She whimpers "Ugu~" and may quickly walk away, or run to a safe palce to cry. She prefers to be alone at this point. Bene~! - Like Feliciano's "Ve~ Ve~" Bene is the same meaning for "good" this is her sign of appreciantion. Kufufufu~~! - How She laughs... I took this off of Mukuro from KHR... it was just so cute ot use kufufu~
Nicknames: Ci-ci (after her size) -- She HATES this nickname since she knows they you're teasing or makign fun of her... she's sensitive. Cecille, Cecily, Ceci, Cecili, Rosa.
Vocals: Her voice is simply your imagination but I PREFER a Luka and Haku mix. Chrome's voice was mainly for Chibi-Sicily.
Fears Cecilia has been traumatized by deep lake,s oceans and pools since she was a child. She does not know how to swim. one time Veniziano pulled her into an underground aquarium hoping to help her get over her fear, Cecilia fainted at the sight of being surrounded by water tht Romano had to pull her out from under there.. The irony is she's an island but she goesn owhere near the water unless it's shallow... France often claims he'll teach her to swim, but she's rejected him often despite his sincerity. Perhaps learning to swim by France might be a better way to repay him or would it mean more? Malta an Romano know this, however, Veniziano is too naive to listen. So the best Cecilia can do is sit by a shallow edge and put her feet in it. She's just afraid of drowning, not water itself.
Relationships: Romano She thinsk highly of him and as a leader despite his cowardness. She may talk alot around him than anyone else. However, this annoys Romano slightly. She nicknames him "Roma" or "Lov" rarely as a sign of teasing. He calls her "Ci-Ci" because of her breast size making her self-aware and self-conscious of her body. Cecilia gets Romano's mafia gang to back off and cut ihm some slack when they push him around continuously. This shows she's the "Dominant Woman" of the household.
Veniziano Cecilia feels no connection to Veniziano, although she relies on him as defense from Turkey. She nicknames him "Venizi" He AMAZINGLY can lift her up. He doesn't know why Romano calls her "Ci-Ci" but finds it as a cute nickname for her.
Greece Another person she relies on defense. She thinks Greece as a big brother and their bond is as close as a sibling can get. She watches his cats when he's away. She is full-on aware how sexually active he can be and however finds no interest in him.
Turkey Her peeve soudn is "VOI" what is a disrespect in Italian. Whenever around Turkey when he is masked, she runs from him. When he has no mask on, she gives him a cold shoudler, or just insults him. As a child, she always ran from him.
Spain They're friendly rivals... They criticize eachothers cooking often. She calls spain "babbo" since he raised her longer than France before she was sent to him.
Cuba In thep ast she dealed with smuggling goods weith him. It is rare htey talk today, but htey are still good friends. this is where she gets her men's cigars.
France Hates with a passion, but slowly gains feelings for him. She often teases him for playing the "Old Man" card. however, she has yet to repay her debt with him saving her from drowning. France would usually annoy her, sicne Sicily can actl ike England in a way. He even comments "The mroe uptight oyu are, the better you will be in bed" what to his surprise owudl always put Sicily in a moment to pin him to the wall roughly and tease him from there, with words that is. Often comes up behind her and grabbing her breasts blatantly, but not hoe Korea does it. Normally owuld comment on whether they grew or not.
Prussia Bud-buds! they mock eachother for the laughs.
Russia Poker buddieass and drinking buddies. she allows russia to visit her villas for the sunflower seasons. She visits him during the hottest times on the months or durign summer. Both however are yendere in several ways. He is not her ideal person, but can be an exception. She's not attracted to very tall peoplel ike Sweden and Russia due to bad experiences of being picked up.
Roman Empire Grandfather-granddaughter however when she was yougner, Roman Empire wouls always pick her up unexpectedly and carry her around. She doesn't like being picked up when she feels small.
Byzantine Empire (Ancient Greece) The closest thing she has to a mother. As a newborn, she always fell asleep next to her, or when sitting on her lap. When the tiem of the Byzantine being invaded, she was sent away crying and she kept asking where Greece was. She often called her "Mama Greece" like how Greece did as a child. But in her words, she always called her "Mama" or "Maman." Byzantine(Ancient Greece) is the one who gave her Naomi, her cat.
OC - Malta - latsochkaa's OC It is claimed they are like Brother and Sister. Malta's population originally came from Sicily in order for him to become a nation or territory. She relies on his irrigation and agriculture for his exports. Their relationship can mena Cecilia teases him when he's around Romano, but she's not cruel when doing so, jsut being playful and telling Malta what Romano likes and what he doesn't like (Such as "He HATES Cheese nad potatoes. And he won't eat foreign food outside of the Italian Territories".) She is more overprotective for Malta than for herself and claimed in fron of Romano and Malta she "Would die for him" indicating her relationship with Malta to be closer than Sicily and Greece's relationship.
Sicily would often get jealous if Malta was around someone other than her, this includes her brother. She owuld jsut snatch him away ang cry out: "MY MALTA!" And give such a frightening glare.
Corsica - OC She is pretty much a threat to Corsica... So Corsica hides behind Spain when she's around.
Notes: She's my first Hetalia OC though :X I have no previous arts of her except my sketchbook (-SOB SOB!-) and my scanner doesn't work... i'm bad at tablet So how is this so far, let me know if it's too much for you. Thank you for your time.
<<<This is the picture I commonly use for Cici because it closer to her appearance but not her eyes(they are aqua-green, don't make me go find oyu an M&M picture of the color), and another drawback is: her bangs are split slightly with more hair on her left side and her curl is lower right. Disclaimer: NO, I do NOT own this picture, and I do NOT know who the artist is... I just found this on Yahoo searches...
 ^^ by Puudi Grazie! ^^
This was Drawn by me. this is my version of sicily smile Yes, I am Eali-Fey on DA
iiGLaDOS · Sun May 29, 2011 @ 03:32am · 0 Comments |