I just added a new friend to my list of JOKERS. Yup, his name is trapmobb rbc 3rd (sumthin r other) and i met him at d hollywoods. yea.... it wuz an akward situation. Diamond wuz in a fight (of words) wit some chic. I forgot her name. He wuz dere instigating while I wuz trying to break it up. NOTE TO ALL WHO READ DIS: there is only so much u can do in a virtual world. Anyway, i made him stop dat s**t then and there, but he wanted Diamond to apologize 2 dat gurl and she was constantly telling me no. soooooyyyyeah. O, and d other gurl wuz saying no too. so dat really didnt get us anywhere. oh, and when all was said and done, me and him were basically chatting. Diamond wuz all like, "r u 2 goin out?" and then we both said "NO!" so yeah.... i dont think he's my type. too loco, lol.

Fighter of Peace