
Only one day after it started too.
All thanks to [.N3!A.]
Who donated me an unwanted Demonic Pitchfork.
heart heart heart

Thanks so much girl!
I'll love it forever.
And recently, I finished my quest for a Kiki kitty as well!
Now my Coco isn't lonely
and he's had his name changed again for the third time.
Not going to go into that though...
And unless they come out with another donation item that I really like
I have nothing to quest for anymore.
So now I plan to help my friend, Ryou_Takara, get his Guitar of Angellus.
Because he helped me get my Kiki.
And then after that... I might start questing for avvie art.
I'm not sure.
Still cherishing the demonic pitchfork forever!
Only I moved it to one of my other accounts.
Lone Wolf_13
It matched that avvie a little better.