[Demon form]

[After 3/4 Limbs Returned]


[Complete Form]

[Complete Demon Form]

[RP Appearance]
[Belial (Complete Form)]
Limbs of Aleetia
Left Arm-Cerotia-Violence

Right Arm-Lyleelia-Anger

Left Leg-Anosia-Lust

Right Leg-Onios-Heresy

Aleetia [Ah-Lee-Shuh]
Later on changes it to Belial [Beh-Lee-All]
In her complete form, her hair is back length/light brown
In her complete form, her eyes are hazel.
5'6; Weight unknown.
To be updated.
To be updated
Misc. Features:
Hell Spawn
•Loyal to her "father"
Ruler of the Ninth Circle of Hell
The Onyx Arcana
To be updated.
Spitfire-Anything that comes in contact with her saliva immediately goes up in flames until there is nothing left but the ashes.
Demonic Speed & Strength- As specified in its title. Having vast, inhumane speed and strength.
Burning Glare-When fully concentrating on a target, Aleetia can summon a hellfire to anything and anyone. However, if she blinks or her eyes leaves the target then it will not happen.
Teleportation-The movement from one area to another in a blink of an eye.
Purgatorio Dementia-Warping the world around herself and whoever around her into a "fake" purgatory where time stands still. For her, time flows normally and everything in her surroundings are changed into a negative effect, but to others it's as if nothing happened at all until they realized they have already been wounded or something is out of place. This attack is obtained after the left arm is returned to her body and the seal around Lucifer's heart starts to crack.
Star of Arcana-When in her demon form, a circle with Lucifer's star appears under her. It is the seal of the Onyx Arcana suppressing the heart of Lucifer within her. This circle however is no longer there after she achieves her true form and breaks the seal over Lucifer's heart.
True Form Abilities:
Boiling Pits- Opening gateways directly into the boiling pits of hell.
Flight-The ability to fly.
Devil's Strike-Hellfire manipulated into the form of a lightning strike. Belial can also use it as a way to temporarily stun her opponents.
Soul Screamer- Summoning the damned souls of hell and creating a large blast. Was once only an ability that Lucifer himself could do. When merged and released one can hear the painful screams of the souls damned to the infernal.
Serpent's Armor-The ability to create a second, tougher layer of skin to protect her when swimming through the "waterways" of hell. Occasionally, it is used in battle for more stronger opponents.
Shadow Lurker-The ability to hide in the shadows of others.
Apparition- The ability to project herself in another area. This leaves her physical body vulnerable.
Infernal Phoenix-Belial summons up a blast of raging hellfire that erupts in the shape of a large phoenix and consumes anything in its path. This technique does take a lot of energy and will leave her weakened. She has to hold her breath in order to keep the phoenix fire around. The longer she holds her breath, the more destruction she can cause. The very moment she releases her breath, the fiery bird will vanish.
Blade of Arcana- A double-bladed sword created by the Onyx Arcana for Aleetia to fight with in battle. Even though it was created by the Onyx Arcana, it holds no real power. Because of this, the sword is broken when Aleetia battles Cerotia.
Heart of Lucifer-Sealed away in Aleetia's body by the Onyx Arcana, it lies in a dormant state until the seal was cracked during Aleetia's battle with Cerotia. This awakens the heart and sends the powers of Lucifer throughout Aleetia's body, enhancing her abilities. However at the same time its gradually killing her.
Lucifer's Pitchfork- After regaining her body and breaking free from limbo, Aleetia makes her way back into the ninth circle where she steals Lucifer's Pitchfork for her own gain and enjoyment.
To the Onyx Arcana-"Isn't it obvious? They're a threat. Therefore they must be dealt with. If one found me the rest are surely looking and I wasn't born to turn tail and run."
To Cerotia-"A soul with my face? Violent doppelganger..Let your dead body fall. This place is your grave."
To Lyleelia-"Whatever anger you feel, you better hope it saves your a**."
To Anosia-"You're like a slimy cockroach, absence the c**k. Now are you going to die quietly or am I going to have to rip you a new one and do so give me a reason for plan B."
To Onios-"How dare you deny me my rightful power? You're nothing but a remnant of me! A broken off piece of my puzzle thriving off the damned and you would continue to be nothing but an insect unless you join me! I will not fail him because of you!"
To herself-"If I've never witnessed the pleasures of the light, there's no where else to go but further down."
To herself-"You're gonna regret giving me life, Lucifer. As long as I can stand and talk, I'm coming for you."
To the Master of Lust-"I hope that big mouth you got isn't compensating. 'Cause I'm looking for a good time."
To Lucifer-"It was never my goal to kill you. But you're not the boss of me anymore, you coward."
To Lucifer-"I'll accept my death as another one of your failures. That's just as better as watching you grovel for your life."
To Lucifer-"Dante is not my father. You are not my father. I'm just the outcome of both of your carelessness."
To her Followers-"All the more reason to flourish in my insanity. It saves your asses and gives me denied pleasure."
To her Followers-"There's no Paradiso waiting for me at the end of this journey. Just death and a traitor."
To Onyx Arcana- "Really now. Do I look like an Aleetia to you?"
The war in heaven. The great battle that lead to the fall of the bright, morning star. Forever, he was sealed into the infernal for all eternity by the almighty and all-knowing, never to be released. Opportunity then struck the fallen angel when an innocent soul wagered him her soul for her faith in her love, Dante. He won her soul and when the crusader general Dante ventured down through the nine circles of hell to free her, The fallen angel Lucifer, was liberated. Unfortunately in their great battle, Lucifer was once again bound back into his frozen prison for all eternity and it is there that he once again swore to reclaim his place in Paradiso.
Defeated and full of hate, he was not ready to give up completely. With his ability to project a ghostly shadow of himself throughout the circles, the fallen angel ventured into the first circle. Limbo. It is here that something was left behind by Dante and Beatrice. An unbaptized child ripped from its mother's womb. The son of Dante. After gathering the remains of the little soul, Lucifer found that it was too weak to be of any use to him.
Lucifer sought out the demonic cult of the ninth circle who called themselves The Onyx Arcana. His powers along with theirs could bring up a whole new generation of a warrior with the strength of a thousand armies. However, a turn of events struck and when the soul of the aborted fetus was infused with the powers of the cult, the small soul could not take it and died instantly, all four limbs falling from its body. Enraged by their failure, Lucifer demanded that they breathe life into this soul or perish with it. The group informed him that the soul needed some form of stability to maintain the power bestowed inside. The Fallen Angel offered his own mighty heart and threatened to destroy the cult if any harm would come to it. With that and the power of The Onyx Arcana, a powerful and unstoppable force had been created. To ensure the safety of Lucifer's heart, the Arcana placed a seal around it and suppressed its might inside of the body. Due to the mixing of the two forces, the gender of the soul changed from male to female. Aleetia was born and the power bestowed upon her created stronger new arms and legs for her. The tiny limbs touched with the cult's power were cast away to areas of hell unknown. Because Hell spawns were under the jurisdiction of the Eight Circle, Lucifer had no choice but to keep Aleetia a secret.
Centuries pass by and the once futile soul had become a feared, violent warrior of the ninth circle and it's icy domain. But also in the time the discarded limbs had reached different circles of hell where they absorbed countless amount of souls and became their own individual identities, but each sought their once complete form.
Cerotia (Ser-Oh-Shee-Ah), the left arm of Aleetia who absorbed the souls of Violence, made her way into the ninth circle to become one with Aleetia and take over the power of Lucifer's heart. Aleetia took it as a challenge and though she stood victorious, her arm was reluctantly returned to her. This caused a chain reaction in her body that cracked the seal around Lucifer's heart and his power began to leak through into her, strengthening her and threatening her very existence. This is when she first gain the ability to temporarily change into a more demonic form. It was this event that caused her existence to become exposed to the other circles.
The body had already rejected the Arcana's powers once and would surely do it again if she was to become whole. The Arcana became afraid that if she was to rejoin with the rest of her limbs, the pressure on their seal would completely shatter and crash down onto Lucifer's heart. However, Aleetia sought out the rest of her limbs against the cults and Lucifer's command and ascended through the circles to find and destroy them. Because of her stubborn ways, she failed at destroying Lyleelia (Ly-Lee-Lee-Ya), her right arm who absorbed the souls of Anger, and Anosia (Eh-No-Shee-Ah), her left leg who absorbed the souls of Lust and ended up absorbing them. This brought great harm to her body and the seal.
It wasn't until her battle with Anosia that she realized she was gaining new abilities with each limb she gathered despite the painful infusion. After absorbing him, her appearance started to change as well. Aleetia became addicted to the powers she was gaining and was going to seek out the final limb for her personal gain. For fear of what would happen to them if Lucifer should be destroyed, the masters of the nine circles determined her fate and bound Aleetia with the Icy Chains of Judecca into the first circle, Limbo, with no chance of being set free. Here, she would not cause harm in any circle and Lucifer's heart would not become damaged.
Aleetia vowed that she would break free and destroy each and every master for their betrayal against her, especially Lucifer. 500 Years later her final limb, Onios (Oh-Nee-Ohs), who absorbed the souls of Heresy, came to bound and unresponsive body of Aleetia. He felt the dormant powers waiting to be awakened and wanted to become apart of that. Because he had gone undetected by the masters and was full of heretic souls, he willingly gave himself back to her. As feared by the cult of the ninth circle, the seal around Lucifer's heart broke, but surprisingly did not effect the heart. However, Aleetia's body was harmed greatly and was slowly giving out from the inside. She ignored it.
Now in her complete form, Aleetia broke free from her bounds and killed the new master of Limbo. She figured as long as she had Lucifer's heart pumping in her body, it would hold out long enough for her to get her revenge. As she made her way down through the rest of the circles with some help, she destroyed those masters as well. Each one seem to compare to her a man named Dante before their deaths which made her curious. When she reached the ninth circle, her body had just enough stability for her to finish off Lucifer and then die like before. But when she made it to Lucifer's physical body in its frozen prison she was faced by the Onyx Arcana who tried to kill her. At that moment, she betrayed those who assisted her downward through the infernal and killed them along with the demonic cult in a large blast of her remaining power as well as the power overflowing her body from Lucifer's heart. Aleetia then perched herself in front of Lucifer's trapped body, claiming that she was tired and did not intend to kill him to begin with. Even though she wasn't crying, her eyes proceeded to flow bloody tears. Evidence that her body would cave any moment. Her only request was that he told her who was this "Dante" person the other masters kept comparing her to. After telling her the story of Dante and Beatrice, Aleetia grew angry all over again for reasons unknown and stole his most valuable Pitchfork for her own. She absorbed the powers to restore her beaten body. The hell spawn declared herself the new ruler of hell in his place. She no longer went by the name Aleetia because she felt that "she" was created by the cult and that she "died" once Onios was regrouped into her body and shattered all bindings to The Onyx Arcana. Now she goes by the name "Belial".