Avatar's story (Please read!)

A beautiful young woman spending the night in a fancy hotel goes outside onto the porch deck. She admires the glittering stars in the night sky, and listens to the song of the bustling city below, comprised of various beeps and sirens. She lights up a cigarette, and it dangles from her fingers. Her only wish is that a man could keep her company tonight, as she's dressed in her loveliest night gown and has on her finest makeup. She blows a wisp of smoke that disappears into the sky.
Avatar's story (please read!)

A young girl readies to set out on the date of her life. She finally invited her crush to meet her at the waterfall in her favorite park. After putting on her cutest outfit and spending two hours with curling tools to make her hair absolutely perfect, she grabs her box of chocolates. The young lad thought they where just friends, but she decided she will confess to him today. In person. "Eek! It's almost 5:30 already!" she gasps. She races out the door to meet him. "Please, please, please may he like me back!"