A n g e l a -- R a c e -- Angel/Angel imp. A g e -- Early twenties; 21 W e i g h t -- 100 lbs H e i g h t -- 180 cm
A p p e a r a n c e -- B o d y -- Has dark blonde, curly hair. Light blue eyes. Has the appearance of wearing makeup, but isn't. Golden halo that floats over the right (your right) side of her head. Skinny waist, average size hips and shoulders. Bust size ranges from C-D. Has a pair of very light silver or white bird/angel wings on her back. C l o t h i n g -- Pure white bikini top with a light/sky blue ribbon with frills in the middle. Pure white arm-length gloves with light/sky blue ribbons as bracelets, and at the ends of the gloves. Pure white bikini bottom with a bow in the right (your right) side. Thigh-high light/sky blue socks. Pure white, knee-high stilettos with light/sky blue bows at the ankles. P e r s o n a l i t y -- Nice. very angelic, if you will. Tends to smile a lot and sees the good in other people. Strongly dislikes her sister Devin, and tries convert her to the good side.
R e f e r e n c e s --FapJack
fapjack · Fri Apr 08, 2011 @ 05:30am · 0 Comments |