Like the infamous Jason my character wears a hockey mask.

A group of teens are camping. they gather around telling ghost stories. I know this story is a bit cliche and a group of kids being killed while camping has been done millions of times but the story of the killer being told through a legend had only been done one other time. Annyways one is quick to tell his story."They say that in this area where we're camping a man in a hockey mask haunts the woods. They say he carries a scythe and lops off peoples heads." Another one interupts."Isn't it supposed to be a machete." Another one says."No. A chainsaw." The first one quiets them down."You are thinking of the movie killers. This guy is real." After telling of a kid who angered the hockey mask man and got killed everyone went to bed. That night one of the ones who made the jokes heard a clawing sound. He walked out of his cabin and didn't return. Then the other one who bunked with that one looked for him and didn't return. The next morning they saw the story teller sitting down staring at the decapitated bodies of the victims."I warned them. Their heads are now trophies for the killer. Why didn't they just listen?!"
Is this truly the ending? We still have no clue who really the killer is. Yet another story that will have a part 2. The killers identity.